Part 6
Before we leave, we need to make sure to nab this. the Iron Spear is awesome.
So awesome, in fact, that none of my current suits can equip it!
I use one of my SOS flares to escape the dungeon since I didn't want to walk back through it.
The constable gives us a nice reward for pirate hunting, but this is nothing compared to the REAL reward!
These two merchants are now open!
The parts merchant doesn't have very much of interest. I could have bought one of the Vulcan guns for the left arm, though.
In hindsight, though, I probably should have also gotten a Z'Gok Claw L. Since it's a left arm part, it wouldn't have stopped Katz from using melee weapons, and I don't intend for him to use ranged weapons very much.
The other merchant is a Data merchant.
Data is a weird thing in the game. In order to create new Mobile Suits, you need two things. A (L) Ecap, and 50 units of data for a mobile suit. As you can see in the picture, I'm going to get 50 units of Zaku II special data. But what would happen if I bought more?
Well, for every extra 10 units of data, you get an extra upgrade in Durability, Attack, and Mobility upon creation. You can get a max of 15 extra upgrades.
Now, what I want to say is that buying 99 units of data is cheaper than buying 50 and upgrading the suits separately... but due to some recent math I did to make sure I was right, I found out that it's somewhat random on whether it will save you money or not!
as an experiment, I loaded up an old save, and bought the data for a Zaku-I, a mid game suit, and a late game suit. and compared the costs. Here are the results I came to.
My horrible late-night math posted:
Mech 1 (Late game)
99 (19800)
50 (10000) + 15 upgrades (13800) = 23800
Mech 2 (Mid game)
99 (13860)
50 (7000) + 15 upgrades {4830) = 11830
Zaku 1
99 (1485)
50 (750) + 15 upgrades (690) = 1440
Now, it's possible that I got my math very wrong, but these are the results I came to.
Since I have virtually unlimited funds, I'm still going to buy 99 units of Data for every suit I can just for convenience, but when you're actually playing through, it's best to just buy 50 units of data and then upgrade whenever you feel like you need to.
Enough math talk, back to Eisengrad!
...Casval, I think I love you.
You can only create Mobile Suits at G Systems like the one we were in at the beginning of the game (which got busted from the battle between Katz and the grunt in a Zaku I)
Katz does a little happy dance, and we're off to the G System.
...but first, let's stop by the Moon Ark, since there was a door that was locked by a Card key there, and I want to open it.
I use one of my Stealth Systems in here, since I did not want to waste my time fighting tanks.
...And behind door number one is...
...God damn it.
The next door is locked by another Card Key which we won't be seeing for a LONG time. the prize is worth it though, if I remember correctly.
NOW let's go to the G-System.
The two chests to my left contain an HP parts II (100 HP increase) and an Extra Propellent part. The Extra Propellent sacrifices your speed for an extra bar of EN at the start of a battle. pretty nice.
I both love and loath this place. I love it because we'll be getting many, many new suits from this place.
I hate it because it's just three long hallways filled with enemies, and whenever we want a new suit, we'll have to walk through the same three rooms and fight the same weak enemies.
The game is just outright taunting me now. It'll be even worse, because in the next town there is some MORE Zaku II special data in a treasure chest.
I am concerned at this development!
A Dom! for me? Oh, G System 02, I will never say another bad thing about you again!
Oh, you worry too much! The is obviously just a present that the G System made just for m-
Well then you shouldn't have Gundamjacked my Dom! It's Go Time!
Oh no, you're not going anywhere!
Screw you, and your favors! Give me that Dom!
Of course, he leaves anyway. Jerk.
Time to make those new suits!
Lovely, aren't they?
We can use these green points to mess with our new suits, and change their pilots.
Katz gets the Gouf, Aeon gets the Zaku II (Char flavor), and Fritz get's Katz' old GM.
I then strip the old suits of all their parts. You never know when they might come in handy!
Since Fritz doesn't need those spikes on him, I put the Zaku Shields on him instead.
As awesome as a Gouf with a claw for a hand would be, I instead opt for his default Heat Rod arm.
Instead, I get rid of his Handgun arm and replace it with a Zaku II arm (at first, but I later replace it with a GM arm) as well as...
Give it the Dom legs! Domgouf will never die!
I throw the Gouf's Handgun on to the GM, and then later put the Gouf legs on him as well.
Aeon's new Zaku is pretty fine on it's own, although I take off the spikes for something with more armor.
I love the description for it's legs, though.
The best part of the Dom legs is that instead of walking, the mobile suit will just glide around.
Everyone is newly equipped, and we head back to Eisengrad.
These guys don't stand a chance.
These guys are extremely annoying, because they have stupidly high armor. Luckily they have rather low HP.
I upgrade the Gouf and GM up to level 15 to match the Zaku II special, and we're ready to go!