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MS Saga: A New Dawn

by Tobias Grant

Part 19

Well, now that we've got some new suits, our business here is done.



There are now a ton of mandatory battles that we have to fight through in order to leave the G-System.

Most of them consist of enemies we've encountered before.

Although there is the occasional new face.

Asshimar's can charge themselves, but I ended up killing them before they could do anything else.

There's also a few Marasais. They can charge themselves like the Asshimars, but also like the Asshimars, I didn't give them much of a chance to do anything.

While that would be nice, the rest of the encounters is mostly just more of the same.

Managed to loot a nice new beam rifle, though. This thing is pretty big, but powerful.

The Hizack Kai's only action was to Overheat Bazuli. He was then swiftly destroyed.

Let's just skip to the last one.

This time, an Asshimar managed to live long enough to actually do something.

After the battle, Aeon learned this incredibly useful Boost. it debuffs an enemy's armor, speed, and attack at once.

son of a bitch.

Suddenly, explosions!

Wait... is that another Gundam!?

Fuck yeah!

Time for the boss!

This fight can be rather nasty.

For one, the Psychic Zakus can terrorize your entire party, as well as use Bits.

the Qubeley can also use Funnels, which is a more powerful version of Bits.

Get rid of the Psychic Zaku's first. You don't want them to be using their Bits.

While we're at it, let's take a look at Fritz. he's gotten much stronger since we last saw him, with a bunch more Boosts. As useful as Over-boost looks, though. It's usually better just to use either a power/speed/armor kit or a buff technique instead of wasting 10 EN for a large general boost. save the EN for Gatling Fire.

Fritz ended up getting the kill in the end.

For our reward, we get the Qubeley's ass. the Funnel Pod will increase the damage of Bit and Funnel type techniques.


Good question...

Good to see you back, Fritz

How did he get a Gundam, anyway? It's never really explained.

You know what this Gundam needs? More gun.

Wait, that wasn't there before...

Sup' Vargas.

Bazuli and Vargas also know each other.

Well said.

There's a shop right next to Vargas that carries some very nice stuff.

6 Double Beam Guns (15 AMR, 120 ATK, 1 EN)
2 Large Beam Cannons (230 ATK, 4 EN)
5 Enhanced Machine Guns (88 ATK, 1 EN)
3 Giant Bazooka Kais (168 ATK, 2EN)
3 Gundam Saber II (160 ATK, 1EN)

So now we've got Vargas back. And with this, I now have my main party all together now. Hell yeah.

There's a bunch of treasure hidden around the place

There's also an ECAP (S), a Smoke Bomb, and a restorative drink DX to be found.

Now it's time to head for the Unicorn HQ!

God Damnit.

Welp. this is gonna be a long trip. Diggins Rock is somewhere in the area of what would have been New York City if it was still around.

The only thing of interest during the entire trip was this encounter. Full armor Zakus are (I think) immune to everything.

Well, everything except Techniques, so use Bits and Bomb techniques to take them down.

Finally, Diggins Rock is now in sight.

Diggins Rock is a pretty awesome place, and will more or less act as your main hub town during the second act of the game.

Fuck these escalators.

If you missed out on any of the MS data in the Unicorn HQ, you can grab them here.

As per usual, time to loot everything that's in a chest.

In here was a Hacking Tool, 10 Bawoo Data, and an ECAP (S)

Some more hacking tools on these broken stairs.

The girl in question.

Here is some stuff that I didn't know about until now. This game just absolutely loves to hide its treasure

So I was kinda disappointed that there was nothing here.

Fuck these escalators.

That poor GM...

Another shop with some nice stuff.

2 Gundam Shield II (45 AMR, -12 SPD)
2 Mega Cannon Shields (135 ATK, 2 EN, 40 AMR, -15 SPD)
2 Gatling Cannons (210 ATK, 3 EN)
2 Beam Cannons (190 ATK, 3 EN)
3 Gundam Rifle II (150 ATK, 2 EN)
1 Heat Naginata (6AMR, 175 ATK, 1 EN)

I also took this opportunity to put Vargas in the Marasai. This is a bad idea, but I intend to use every mobile suit at least once damnit!

the Marasai is then turned into a pseudo-Kaempfer

I also upgraded all of my suits up to max.

The Full Armor Gundam is given new shoulders.

new weapon loadouts.

At this point, I sold off most of the junk parts that I was still carrying around since I was tired of scrolling through all the outdated parts and weapons.

Another locked door. It contained 2 restorative drinks, a Mind Barrier (prevents status effects like Terror, Stun, and Daze), and an attack upgrade kit.

With that done, let's go see Astona.


I like to imagine that we're going off to find the Hyaku Shiki's left index finger, and everyone's OCD DEMANDS that we find every bit of data we can in order to make a complete suit.

While we're gone, Astona is going to be fixing up the Gaw.


Robot Roll Call

NRX-044 Asshimar

First Appearance: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam

A transformable mobile suit capable of flying in the atmosphere under it's own power. It's thick armor, speed, and aerial capabilities made it a highly effective suit.

FA-78-1 Gundam Full Armor Type

First Appearance: MSV (Mobile Suit Variations)

A variation of the RX-78-2 Gundam which added extra armor and firepower.

AMX-004 Qubeley

First Appearance: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam

A mobile suit which made use of Funnels, small remote weapons that were controlled by a newtype's mind.