Part 22

Alright, that's enough playing around with the Drill Lance.

As you go up in the rankings, the NPC's at the Coliseum will have different dialog. Nothing really important, but it's a nice bit of detail.

Anyway, it's time to take on the forts, starting with Fort Arid.

Damnit Aeon...

The enemies this time are Death suit variants with weapons built into their arms.

None of them are particularly threatening, although the Death Drill's attack can debuff your armor.

There are quite a few different suits around here as well.

If you don't mind, I'm just gonna skip over all of the fights and get to the boss. The only thing really worth mentioning is that Aeon learned Funnel.

This could be bad...

Holy shit, she's alive!
but what's with all of that wierd metal stuff on her?

Meet the Walter Gundam. He's actually kind of a push-over.

His attacks aren't all that damaging, even before I hit him with a System Hack.
There is one thing to note, though. Remember how the Mobile Armor bosses were unable to counter attack against Melee attacks?

These guys can, so be careful.

Fun Fact, most of the Walter Gundam's Boost attacks are Melee.

Vargas is so awesome

I didn't have enough EN to stop the second one, though. So I had to defend against it.

Funnel-type techniques are actually kind of useful against bosses, and will usually do more damage than your weapons will so don't hesitate to use them.

Eventually I just get tired of looking at this guy, and drop the hammer.

I just completely destroyed the boss before it could go into the second part of the fight.

I also just killed Rezner, one of the best characters in the game. Well shit

I am completely shocked by this development!

That's bad.

That's very, VERY bad.

That's very, very, VERY bad.

Robot Roll Call
Walter Gundam

First appearance: Mobile Fighter G Gundam
One of the Devil Gundam's Four Heavenly Kings. It can transform into several different modes. A High-Speed ball form, an "open ball" form with two arm beam guns, and a three legged mobile fighter form.