Part 1: Pages of Tragedy (Part 1
And remember: Always burn the books. unknownVideo- Opening

Hear the Situation
Alright, this story needs a bit of set-up I suppose.

However, thats about as important as a speck of dust in this pluralistic cosmos.
Well, here in the Netherworld, things work the same way.
I wanted to tell him that, but he had problems with my prophecy, already.

Zetta had traveled to the Forbidden Library, where the Sacred Tome was kept.
Video- Raiden

Screenshots Dont Do This Justice

Argh! I shouldnt be wasting my time! If I dont hurry up, my Netherworld will disappear like that damn prophecy said
Im pretty sure Zetta never really grasped how this whole prophecy thing works, by the way. Anyway, he pushed deeper into the library.

Hyaaha ha ha ha! Im a freakin Overlord, you idiot! The strongest one in the entire cosmos.
Are you really the best warrior that prophecy could send? Ill crush you like a grape!
And Zetta, master of jumping to conclusions, proceeded to do just that.

Overlord Feinne on Makai Kingdom: The Basics
Heres a link to the combat tutorial video, which will explain what Im about to but with pretty flashing lights and amusing cartoon skeletons when someone gets hit by lightning.
Video- Combat Tutorial

Experience the Power of Zetta
Anyway, the basics of combat in Makai Kingdom are sort of a hybrid of Phantom Brave and Disgaea. We alternate turns with the enemy, but every character has the ability to freely move rather than being stuck moving in set squares. When weve got a character selected, we can see their movement radius as a red circle.

We can queue up an attack either by selecting Attack from the menu or using the triangle button when moving. A blue wireframe will show the area of the attack we want to use. Just as in Disgaea, attacks only go off if we end our turn or Execute them from the menu, and multiple consecutive attacks on the same target will cause the later attacks to become increasingly powerful (as well as some other effects that well talk about when we get to a real map). Once were done with our actions, we End Turn and the enemy gets to go. Its just that simple. The tutorial map is of course a guaranteed win, as Zetta is level 2000 and can easily tear Raiden apart.
One of the few things about Zetta that cant be faulted is his strength, though, and Raiden never stood a chance. This just left him to check the Sacred Tome
Video- A Poor Decision

Zetta Makes a Bad Call

Hyaaha ha ha ha! Im one bad-ass freakin Overlord. Hahaha.
Ahh... The Sacred Tome. Its about damn time.
Everything pertaining to my netherworld should be recorded in this book.
Lets take a look-see if things have improved since I trashed that Raiden guy.
What the--!?

Well Ill be a son of a
Stupid, am I?
My foolishness doomed the Netherworld? Really?
How dare you read to me like that! Im a freakin Overlord!
What is this!? Sacred Tome? HA! More like Sucky Dumb thing !
And then he lit the Sacred Tome on fire.

Not the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes.

What the hells going on!?
Wait ! If the Sacred Tome is
Ahh, crap! My netherworlds gonna be destroyed!
Grr What the hell can I do?
Aha! Ill bind my soul to the damn book!

I must admit I didnt see the rest of this coming.

But I figured when he called me what must have happened. Not one for social calls, Zetta
Video- Zettas Friends

Loses a Lot as Screens Honestly

I lost everything My netherworld, my castle, my brothers Even my own body its all gone.

Who the hellre you? What are you doing here?
Only beings of demon class or higher are allowed in my space. Howd a little girl get in!?

What the hell was that about?
Aha! A strong manas coming this wayI can feel it! Who could it be?
Hmph. It better not be Salome!
Anyway, Zetta was in a foul mood as usual when I arrived.

It does make sense hed call me, not like Zettas got a lot of friends.

Still, her exceptional mana power is also making them nervous.
Pram is the Oracle who foretold my netherworlds demise.
Hes lucky I had a plan for this.

And that at least one person was worried about him, though I cant understand why.

When I heard you were in trouble, I rushed right over.

The lower body is a dragon named Dryzen.
That face on its stomach is Ophelia, the fallen angel.
The upper body is Micky, who supposedly makes the decisions
But, the other two tend to bully him. Theyre basically calling the shots.
For a demon general, hes pretty spineless.
Theres more than one world in the universe, so of course there are many netherworlds.
I have mine, but its not the only one. Of course, with all these netherworlds floating around, Overlords try to conquer other nearby netherworlds.
In fact, they pounce on any chance to do so.
Nobody attacked me before because of my Mana power, but now
Zetta can never miss out on an opportunity to talk about how badass he is, which was pretty funny when he was an immobile book Ive got to say.

Mana power isnt worth much if you cant even move around.
Youre awfully helpless for a bad-ass freaking Overlord.

Seriously, whats the plan? Can I really get my netherworld back again?

You became the Sacred Tome, right? Well, just write your wish in the book; the Netherworld will return.

Write something about a castle. I need an Overlords Castle!

Hey, I know! How about this!
I had the perfect castle in mind for Zettas current situation

Of course, Zetta was still in a bit of bind, what with being an inanimate object.

Now go create custom characters by confining lost souls to objects found within the kingdom.
Depending on what you confine the souls to, character status will change. For example, rocks will increase (DEF), while flowers will increase (INT). I will create the first character, so you do the rest.
That item over there looks useful.

Overlord Feinne on Makai Kingdom: Character Creation
Alright, so to create characters in the Kingdom all we need is foliage and (for stronger tiers of a class) a bit of Mana power. As Zetta said, what items we use will impact the base stats of a character. We want to avoid using items that will negatively impact the valuable stats of the character, of course. Lets look at one of the classes we start with really quickly to show off the basics.

So, on the left we see the name of the character type, the mana cost of this tier, and then a list of that classes signature skills. The first four will always be weapon skills, and these are the only weapons that class can normally gain skill with. We also see Healing and Passive Skills for the Healer, as she is a magic user. Then we see SP+1 and RES+1. These skills provide the Healer with extra bonus stats in those areas above and beyond everything else, and the more powerful versions that appear at higher tiers and levels can make characters exponentially more powerful. At the bottom middle and right you can see the item were using and how it will impact the stats of the resulting character.

I always use the first tier of Warrior (F) for my first character because its half of the requirement for one of my very favorite classes. It also gives us one very solid character no matter what. We get a few bonus points to spend on stats, I push those into Attack because hitting things harder is the only thing that matters in Makai Kingdom, as Ill discuss at length later on. Anyway, now Zetta wants us to create some more characters, so mosey on down to the recruitment post below this and see how you too can join in the noble effort to restore Zettas Netherworld!