Part 2: Pages of Tragedy (Part 2)
Adventure? Excitement? An Overlord craves not these things. Overlord YodellOverlord Feinne on Makai Kingdom: New Recruits and More
Weve picked up six new characters in our first wave of recruitment.

Once we go talk to Zetta again, hell summon a Store. This Store actually offers a 10% discount relative to our Merchant, but has limited inventory. We dont want to use this Store because buying from our Merchant gives her experience points which in turn opens up new items. We need to go get everyone a weapon now. Feinne gets a Rapier, a close combat weapon with a lot of flexibility. Prawn gets an Axe, a hard-hitting close weapon. Azzur gets Nunchuks, which are pretty solid and balanced. Tengames gets a UFO, a special weapon just for thieves that has stealing skills as well as some offense. The casters all get Books, which have a free INT based attack thatll be very helpful. I buy a little light armor for Feinne as well, armors not that useful in this game but it doesnt hurt.
Zetta took a while to settle in before we got started on this whole plan to restore the netherworld.
Video- A New World

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Anyway it seems like we might want to get some more help for this soon, takes a lot of power to create a netherworld.

Something huge like rebuilding a netherworld would probably erase a basic demon.

How will you compensate us for the trouble weve gone through to help? Hmhmhmhm

Okay, Zetta You can go to the new netherworld, now.

Youre not a bad guy, Micky. But, thats why youll never be a great Overlord.
Zetta summoned one of those gate thingies and headed to his new world.

At first I was concerned this had been made way too easy on Zetta.
Video- Meet Micky Intro

Watch the Intro

The only people who get to bully Micky are myself and

But not all of him is a stick in the mud I guess.

Text: p.s. Please enjoy the thrills and adventure. Micky

Well, if I gotta take this world by force, then so be it Its ass-kicking time.
Listen up, you punks! The names Zetta, and Im gonna Overlord your faces off!
Video- Meet Micky

Watch the Battle
Overlord Feinne on Makai Kingdom: Battle Basics
This battle introduces some of the basics of actual Makai Kingdom maps. Lord Zetta is always the only character we have out to start with. Hes still level 2000 but as a book, hes not able to move on his own or attack. What he can do, though, is Invite our other characters to the battle within a certain radius of him. Lets look at a screen that has some of the important information we need to talk about on it.

Okay, so in the upper right-hand corner you see a POP number. This tells us how many characters we have out and how many we can have in total. If a character is defeated, the maximum POP will decrease and if it reaches zero we lose. Below that, there is a Score counter. Thats one of the big differences of this game. Everything in the world, both enemies and items, is worth points. By defeating enemies and destroying or picking up items we can score these points, and once weve got enough we can win the map no matter what the situation is. The Area Info in the upper left tells us how many points are in an area, but thats somewhat deceptive because killing an enemy with a Combo will amplify their point value. Getting more than the basic number of points gets us more rewards after the battle, so its always a good thing.
This map is very straightforward, there are three melee enemies and we have crazy things like casters and a healer that they do not. For winning it, we get a Hospital building.

We can heal characters at the Hospital, but we should use our Healer because it gets her experience. I was originally going to break the update here, but what the hell lets keep going. We see a bit more of how this all works in the second map of the chapter, Mickys Celebration.
Video- Mickys Celebration

Watch the Battle
So, as youd expect for one of these games we can lift and throw things. I suppose that means we should talk about how items work in general. Until weve attacked we can freely mess around with a characters inventory, swapping stuff between their hands and their other slots. This is important because we cant lift anything without free hands (or lift someone with something in their hands). You can take any item from the ground and add it directly to an open slot in a characters inventory, fortunately. This is how we get new items from a map in this game. It should also be noted that we can lift and throw Zetta around, which does let us invite to exciting new areas. If we throw something off the map, normally it will go O.B. and be destroyed. However

If you see something like this off the map, that means there is an Extension. There are two ways to open up an Extension, either you throw an item into it or use the Key. Keys can be either enemies or items, and we use them by DESTROYING THEM (or stealing them with a Thief, I suppose). Keys look like this:

This is basically the same map as last time, except that we get three new unarmed pumpkin-men from the other map. Theyre just as pathetic as the enemies on the first map. Make sure you pick up some topiary, though, so you can create new characters.
Mickys getting all worried about how mad Zettas going to be.
Video- Mickys Celebration Outro

Watch the Scene

Now Zetta will be angry How dare you do this to me!

Youre practically shaking at the through of Lord Zetta!

Mana power is all that matters. I can show you, if you want

Video- Mickys Anthem

Watch the Battle
Mickys Anthem is a single weak enemy worth 300 points and thats all Ill say about it.
Video- Mickys Blessing

Watch the Rather Long Battle

The final map of this chapter has two extensions, the last of which introduces another feature of Makai Kingdom, buildings on the battlefield. For now lets just note that buildings can be on the battlefield that provide benefits to characters that were in them. Well see how we can make use of buildings later on.
Everythings going pretty well so far.
Video- Mickys Blessing Outro

Watch the Scene

Ill just have you fight my battles for me! Hyaaha ha ha ha!

But, there isnt time to relax. I can no longer read the Netherworlds future Tee hee