Part 15: Salome the Traitor (Part 1)
The value systems of demons are confusing indeed. While they are quite capable of feeling many of the same things humans do, expect them never to admit such things. Observations of Demons, anonymous
The first map of Chapter Five is quite long and painful. The start is definitely the hard part, were up against a drill vehicle and two facilities with enemies in them. One has Bombheads with heavy weapons and the other has Shades, who are casters. I would definitely suggest invading the facility to kill the Shades rather than letting them get out and cast. Be careful about the drill vehicle if youve got a facility, because they can do a lot of damage to it. You might need to OB an item or character to unlock an extension if you want deep bonus rewards here, there wont be a Key for half of it.
Video- Jet-Black Seedle Outro

Watch the Drama

I cared so much for you, but all you cared about was become stronger, so I

No wonder youre so weak, now.

A totally random map, youll have the six hundred points you need in the first area so if you dont like your extensions just be done once youve got it and move on. We do get an incredible scene though once were done.
Video- Seedles Grave Outro

Watch the Madness

Video- Seedle the Ghoulish

Watch the Battle
This is a harsh map. There is a factory up on top of a huge pillar with most of the enemies in it, so we cant alpha strike them. Theyll go hard at any facility you deploy, your best bet is to throw a bunch of people out and accept that a few will probably get taken out. They have several vehicles, so make sure youve got some anti-mech weapons to take them out fast. Dont be afraid to just end the map if you dont need any of the additional bonus stuff once youve got enough to win. The video is short so give it a watch.