Part 18: Prediction (Part 1)
It is said there is but one being all Overlords fear: the dreaded arbiter of order in this universe, The One - anonymousAlex was back again.
Video- Salome in Anguish Intro

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I feel bad for you It must be tough trying to fight while youre just a stupid book.

And there was no way this was a coincidence, not happening again.

The first time could have been coincidence but not after this!

So how could Alexander possibly know what the future holds?
Still I cant believe whos behind it.

You really helped Alex, didnt you?

How could you lead Alexander to a netherworld wed just created!?

In fact Id really rather just act like none of today happened.

The worst part is she slipped away while everyone was laughing at me.

Still not sure where she got off to.

Oh yeah, and I guess Alex is going to try and kill Zetta again. Or something. Wasnt paying much attention.

The first map of Chapter 6 starts with a set area. We are faced with five Catsabers with morningstars and a command center with a robot in it. Killing the Catsabers first is probably a good idea, they are a real threat to OB people with their attacks. Then if youve got people consider trying to assault the facility. You wont get enough points here to clear the map, so just keep going. Salomes enemy mix is actually much stranger than I remembered, she has casters but she also has Makai Chefs (yes theyre the precursors of Mr. Champloo), Archers (hybrid TEC and RES characters who could actually be pretty great healers if you got them the spells through reincarnation), and Prinnies. Still, once you get past the first map its pretty straightforward.
Video- Salomes Confession

Watch for Your Last View of Feinne mk2
Im not sure this map isnt totally random. Watch for enemy Invites and watch for scary things like casters, both can really ruin your day. Id suggest just ending when you can unless theres a bonus item youre really coveting.
As if things werent already terrible, there was a huge quake.
Video- Salomes Confession Outro


Its Its just like that time
It certainly freaked Babylon out, and now hes convinced the One is coming. I really hope not, thatd be just what we need.

Remember that map a ways back where a hugely powerful samurai was in our way, and we had to advance all the way up a map to the only other source of points? Well, this is a much trickier version of that. There is a huge drag with enemies that, while not more powerful than normal, are both numerous and worth absolutely nothing. Our only points come from a quite nasty vehicle, its driver, two archers, and a class weve not seen yet but which you might recognize as the berserkers from disgaea 3. These are all at the very dead end of the map. If youve got a strong enough character to solo them all you could consider the same strategy but honestly you should probably just slug your way down there and hope for the best. If youre having troubles, just wait for next update where I tell you how to stop having trouble with anything in the normal game ever again!