Part 21: Chapter 7 Lead In
There is no power in all the universe that can stand against The One. Even the almighty Tyrant whose name will not be uttered cannot oppose it Legends of The OneThere was another quake earlier.
Video- Chapter 7 Intro

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Babylons still sure its The One.

Because of The One, there has not been a bad ending for millennia.
Nobody would dare to challenge The One.
In fact, anyone who defies the natural order is cursed, and The One buries them in darkness. There is no way to escape.
In fact, I wouldnt be exaggerating if I said that The One keeps the entire Universe running.
However, no one really knows what The One looks like, exactly
Babylon swears up and down that hes seen The One with his own eyes, but hes not exactly a spring chicken anymore.

I know The Ones power Ive seen it Ive FELT it.
I was still young then. Back then, I had so much Mana power that I could have taken all of you on.
I was invincible, and everyone knew it. Then The One came, and placed a curse on me.
They say that once cursed by The One, an Overlord has only three days to live.

I lived but Ill never be invincible like that again. You couldnt imagine the amount of power I lost
Whether you like it or not If you disturb the order of the Universe, youll be punished by The One.
Still, theres no point tempting fate.

(Because, that was )

I pride myself on being good and fair, so theres noooothing for me to worry about.

Now I see why Alex just gave up all of a sudden.
At least the curse scarell keep him quite for awhile, right?
Zetta is pretty much always wrong, and we all have to suffer for it this time.

So Ready to play nice? Haahahaha! This is gonna be fun!
Overlord Feinne on Makai Kingdom
And now we have our final Overlord option, Alex. Lets take a look at what he gives us.

I have no idea what Tricky means, but its probably something terrible like Officers and Berserkers or something.
We also of course have all of our prior options still, so here they are in case you want to vote for one.