Part 26: The Curse (Part 1)
The Ones Curse is the most terrible weapon it can bring to bear, all the more deadly because there is no way of knowing when or how it is levied against you. legends of The OneLooks like Alex is losing it what with Zetta being cursed and all.
Video- Heatwave Babylon Intro

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How could you let The One curse you? How DARE you ! *sniff *
Im supposed to kill you!

Were fighting, right here, right now! Ill kill you before that stupid curse does!
This is it, Lord Zetta A final battle no one will ever forget!
Video- Heatwave Babylon

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The first two maps of Chapter 8 are set groups with a thousand points and no extensions. This one has us up against five Shadows with Rifles and two Lighthouses with three Catsabers each in them. So, our ideal plan of attack is as follows: Blast the Shadows down with magic, then destroy the Lighthouses. Giga magic can comfortably hit two of the Shadows at a time, and if youve managed to reach level 50 Omega magic will definitely hit three. If their weaknesses dont cooperate you may have a few up after your casters work. In that case, prioritize getting enough points to end the map because theres no point letting the Catsabers get to jump out and do whatever they want. You should be able to do this map in one turn without THAT much trouble, and that makes it a pretty good farming map actually.
Anyway Trenias making me all paranoid now, because she knows all sorts of things she shouldnt.
Video- Babylons Breath Intro

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I mean how the hell? Was she there watching or something?

(Trenias not just a child Im actually a little worried.)
( She acts like a real Oracle.)

Of course, that wont happen! Lord Zetta will never be defeated in battle!
Once I rule this place, my netherworld will be restored, and Ill get my body back!
Then I can beat this curse, no problem!
Get ready, men Prepare to enter into legend!
This is the second thousand point setpiece and you can actually sort of see what its all about in the scene because all the enemies are right there. Its three groups totaling six Catsabers with Morningstars, six Bombheads with Flamethrowers, three Helldam vehicles, and three Officers with Bazookas driving them. Obviously you want to try to hit the closely packed groups with some magic at the start, because if youre lucky on the resistances they generate with you might be able to take out a whole group. If youre not lucky, then things get more exciting. Having a Sword or Spear user would be really helpful here, because both have really strong AoE attacks. If youre me and youve been relying on magic for AoE and otherwise have a lot of really strong single target attackers, this is going to be very exciting. Just kill as much as you can and spread people out as much as possible to minimize the damage done by the Flamethrowers. Fortunately, if you drop a building the Catsabers will go right for it thanks to the coding of characters with anti-building weapons. It doesnt really matter if a building gets destroyed in battle for the most part (though itll of course be bad for the people who were still in it). Killing the vehicles on the first turn as a priority is a good plan, since vehicles are often very damaging and the AI rarely has to worry about their drawbacks unlike you. The good side is that if you get past this youve practically won the Chapter already!
Video- Rampaging Babylon

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A pretty easy map, theres 700 in the first area and thats what you need. If the bonus meter is worthwhile, go for more. Otherwise dont. Not much else to say. Oh, and Babylons extensions in this chapter? Berserkers, Officers, and Thunder Gods. Yeah. Thanks.