Part 27: The Curse (Part 2)
It is a common understanding among Overlords that displaying feelings is a sign of weakness. However, it is also a common understanding among everyone else that most Overlords are huge idiots.Video- Babylons Dwelling

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This is a very cool map that you have to be properly prepared for to see the best benefit from. So, you start on an island with a Berserker worth a hundred points, which is conveniently what you need to clear the map. However, if you look around youll see there is a nearby area you could throw a facility to.

Two more enemies worth a hundred are here, as is a yellow Carrot who is a Key to some extension we can see nearby. That extension is a big block of crap that will prevent you throwing through it. Lets look at what its going to block off:

Thats right, its a Box. So, what we need to do in order to get the Box is throw a Facility to the middle area, across it, and to the platform here. Then we can just pick it up and its ours. We also do want to make sure that whoever we leave behind is strong enough to kill one of those demons and let us End Action. I suppose you could just kill both of them and then youd have as much time as you want, but why do that when we can end in one turn? Oh, and you only get one chance at the Box, the map just becomes a normal random map after this.

The map has boss music but no boss, and isnt terribly difficult or interesting. In protest Im going to just act like it doesnt exist at all and move on to the much more cool final map of the Chapter.
Video- Babylons Fiery Hell Intro

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But its time we ended this!
Are you ready!?

(You cant waste time fighting with children.)
Video- Babylons Fiery Hell

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So yeah, this is an interesting map. Weve got Lady Salome on our side here, so lets take a look at her.

Yeah, shes level 1200 with crazy stats and skills. You can see the fullness of them in the video. And why do we need such a ridiculous character on our side?

Oh, yeah, because Alex is also far too strong for us to do anything to. So, the strategy here is that we need to pull out whatever we can and spread out as much as possible to give Alex targets to splat while Salome beats him to death. Its pretty simple, really. In second runs this map is how you trigger one of the extra maps, well see how maybe later on.
Video- Babylons Fiery Hell Outro

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Tell me How it felt to become the strongest in the Universe