Part 30: Armageddon (Part 1)
Mana is not merely power in the land of demons, it is the very life of the land and its inhabitants. A world without Mana is a world of death, doomed to collapse Zetta had no choice but to enter Salomes Netherworld to search for her.
Video- Salomes Intention

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I cant feel any Mana energy Its a netherworld without Mana.
No wonder Salome is dying.

Video- Salomes Intention

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The first map of Chapter 9 is a straight simple thousand points on a single area. There is a group of Clerics, a pair of Big Eyes in Dark Gear vehicles, and a Berserker with a sword. Their levels are in the mid to high sixties, you should be fine if you handled Chapter Eight. The level gradient here in Nine is substantial, so dont feel bad about replaying things a few times for the experience.
Video- Salome the Temptress

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Another thousand point set piece map. There are two Big Eyes with Makai Cannons (you could try to steal them but honestly its not worth it) and four Raider Huts with enemies in them. Id suggest trying to kill as many buildings as you can once the Big Eyes are down to minimize the number of enemies youll have to deal with. You could also try to steal from them, there are some Syringes here as well.
Pram figured out that it was all a trick almost too late, I was concerned she wasnt even going to make it back in time for her part in the story.
Video- Salome the Temptress Outro

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What are you watching?

This is a random map. Youll need to clear some extensions to get your points here, but if youve gotten through the fixed maps you should be fine.
Video- Salomes Battle

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Another thousand point fixed map. There are a group of the big scary demons out on the field and two facilities. One is an Academy (remember that enemies in an Academy level up every turn) and the other is a Factory, which will make the Justice Gears inside regenerate health. Destroying the facilities before the enemies come out would be very helpful, especially the Factory because you really dont want to have to fight those Justice Gears.
Of course, Zetta and Salome are hardly the only players in this little drama.
Video- Salomes Battle Outro

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Really, becoming a demon was just a lateral move for Seedle.

Salome was one of them She was always gentle and kind.
But, she wouldnt submit to my desires And, she stabbed me to death!
Can you imagine the shame of a samurai killed by a pathetic woman!?

He was a monster long before he became an Overlord.

But, that wasnt enough! I wont be avenged until I tear her apart with my own hands!
Fortunately, Zetta and Seedle werent the only people hanging around.

I wanted to see why that woman felt your relationship was more important than the battle between us.

If anyone should be pissed, its me!!

Zetta took that opportunity to move on.

Another non-fixed map. The random maps arent that bad this chapter, and probably arent worth your time repeating when you are trying to grind versus the fixed ones.
Video- Salomes Psyche

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A very nasty map. There are four Professors in Hopster vehicles, and an Officer in a Skydiver. Youre not going to be able to kill everything in one turn, the vehicles are tough and you cant even touch the pilots while theyre alive. Try to stay spread out and Id strongly suggest killing the Skydiver on the first turn, its the most devastating vehicle there. This map could be a real roadblock, go back and level up a bit if youre not feeling confident going into it.

Remember that time there was a random map and it was boring and easy after a really hard fixed map? I do because its called Fearless Salome. Its also the very last random map in the story (though youll be seeing plenty of random maps if you do the postgame because of random dungeons).
Video- Salomes Soiree

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An interesting fixed map here. There are a pair of Big Eyes out on the field, and then three facilities. Two are Clock Towers (which provide no special bonus) with relatively weak but quite numerous enemies you probably dont want to deal with. The last is a Lighthouse (which increases movement) with a level eighty Demon in it. The facilities are reasonably low leveled so killing them is the best bet. Youll have a much better leveling map available soon so theres no reason to bother trying to farm out more experience by letting the demon see the field.
Video- Determined Salome

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And were finally here, the very last repeatable map of the game. There are several groups of enemies ranging from the high sixties to the low eighties here. The enemies are a mix of Slimes and Clerics. For their levels theyre not very tough, you should be able to kill whole groups of them with Omega magic and other powerful group attacks. Because the enemies are so well grouped up this is a great place to level up for the early postgame when the real best method is hard to pull off well. If you have any problems with this map at all repeat it a few times at the minimum, because its the final boss next. Well see that next time.