Part 31: Armageddon (Part 2) and Good Ending
Our story began in fire, and now it ends in bloodVideo- The Death Temple Intro

Watch the Scene

Soon, the curse will end your life. Lets die here, and stay together for all eternity

Video- The Death Temple

Watch the Battle
Our final map is The Death Temple, and its potentially a real drag. Its a lot like the second battle with Raiden in a lot of ways. The enemies are a mix of demons with Morningstars, Liches with daggers, Clerics with spears, a Magician with a book, and Salome herself. Lets take a look at the now much weaker Salome.

Salomes only level 85 now, and if youve not been putting as much effort as I have into being brutal her stats are probably still pretty scary. I strongly suggest that you dont use the strategy I use in the video, which is to brute force through everything so you can listen to the music. Throwing a facility upfield and comboing her down on turn one is the proper way to do this map. You might notice I use an exciting new facility, the Castle. This building provides a significant boost to the offense of those who have been in it, and its a really key late game to postgame facility because of this. If youre needing Mana for such a building, the Super Fortress in 3-4 is a great way to farm it. Id like to say theres a lot to this map but honestly there isnt. If youre crazy strong you can just beat everything up, if youre not you can toss a facility down and try to one-round her, and if you cant do that then you really need to level up. Its that simple.
Salome was mortally wounded.
Video- The Death Temple Outro

Watch the Tragedy Unfold

It wasnt death that I feared I was afraid that I would die without telling you
I wanted to die in the arms of my beloved. My wish was to die in your embrace

To wish to die Its not a wish Ive ever seen.

Thats just how much I love you.

Thats my Lord Zetta The invincible Overlord that I loved.

Fight the curse, my love. Please Live on, for me
And so Salome gave Zetta one last gift.

This is the last thing that I can do for you
She gave him the power it would take to withstand The Ones curse

This is the same feeling as when I became the strongest Overlord!

Zetta was actually seriously unhappy about things is what really interested me.
Video- Good Ending

Watch the Good Ending!

Pram was quite worried by the whole thing, especially since it was all her fault.

What the hell should I do now!?

(The same Lord Zetta who could have ruled the entire cosmos?)
(Has he really become so helpless?)
(How did my precious plaything become this weak?)
(This is my fault, isnt it ? Its because I rewrote the Sacred Tome.)
( I didnt know this would happen! This isnt what I wanted. What can I do?)

And if Pram was surprised at how much Zetta was relying on her

she was truly shocked at what he wanted her help with.

Theres something I need to ask her!

Ugh, you love her.

I just have to ask her something! Something really important!

(Ugh. But, I dont know how. I have no idea how to bring people back to life!)
(The only reason I could foresee the future is because I read ahead in the Sacred Tome )
(No, this isnt like me.)
(Im Pram, super genius Overlord. I can solve any problem there is, dammit!)
No matter how much shed disagree with such a statement, Pram is actually not such a bad person.

Salome is an Overlord. What kind of sacrifice is necessary to revive an Overlord-class being?
This is going to be costly

Im Pram the freakin Oracle! Theres nothing I cant do.
Pram made the wish

But to revive an Overlord is costly beyond reckoning.

Then again, failure isnt in Prams vocabulary.

(I took the Netherworld from my father when I was only two! I. Can. Do. This!!)
How dare the cosmos imply that my Mana power isnt strong enough!

Unfortunately, this had drawn some negative attention.

(Zetta Im sorry )
And Seedle wasnt finished yet.

If she had been mine, none of this would have happened.

No, only his grudge motivated him now.

Pathetic! When she realized it was making her ill, it was too late. Shes dying because of you, Zetta.
Salome loved a man who was too caught up in his own power to realize she was dying! What a tragic ending

The only reason youre the strongest Overlord is because youve been stealing Salomes power!
Seedle wouldnt get to finish his rant, though, because his earlier pursuer was still on his tail.

Finish him off!

YOURE the one interrupting MY fight with Zetta!
Heeeeeere I Cooooome!!
Take this! Vanishing bolt!!!
Despite his talk, Seedle was no match for the God of Destruction.

And once again, Zetta was alone. Well, almost.

Once I bring Salome back to life, shell be getting a stern talking to!
But, how? I cant write a wish in the Tome while I still AM the Tome
If I had my body back, thisd be a hell of a lot simpler.
So, is this how it ends?
Im just a stupid book that used to be a fake Overlord that a dead human woman created
Anyway, I decided Id had about enough of just watching this.

Well, time to change back. Youve done well, Lord Zetta.

That means you knew everything that was going to happen to me but you didnt warn me about it!?

Though it was fun, I actually had started to feel bad for him.

Thank you for giving me freedom.
It didnt last very long, but I did have a lot of fun.

I wanted to see what would happen if you lost it all

Zetta, Im going to return my soul to the Sacred Tome.

And thats how Lord Zetta got his body back.

Hmhm, theres no need to be embarrassed; I, I already know what youre going to write. Haha.

And with his body back, there was just one thing for Zetta to do.

Video- Credits

Featuring Royal Road
Pram gave up on reading, and now has a successful television show.

Alexanders exploits have become legend in the field of destroying things.

Seedle returned to the Underworld to lick his wounds and plot his revenge

A dramatization of his story has become a best seller on

King Drake and Corn have teamed up to grow their own Netherworld.

Dark Lord Valvoga is still working tirelessly to spread evil in his role as Last Boss.

Nobodys seen Overlord Babylon for a while.

Salome returned to life, just as Zetta had wished

And as for Zetta

Video- Epilogue

Watch the End
Five days later he was just fine. What were you expecting? I mean I planted that Corn.