Part 33: Extra Stage 1 (Fallen Angel Flonne)
Justice is blind. Which explains the fashion choices of most who call themselves heroes.Overlord Feinne on Makai Kingdom:
The majority of the extra stages are simple Wishes whose only requirements are for the wisher to have a high enough level, enough Mana, and to be in a certain range of Chapters. The first few well do can be done at any time.

Video- Defender of Justice Intro

Watch the Scene

Video- Defender of Justice

Watch the Battle
Flonnes map is really a great preview of how pretty much all the extra maps work. You start on an island with enemies that are absolutely no threat whatsoever, low level Prinnies. There is a gap where an extension would be if you destroyed the Key, one of the Prinnies. You shouldnt really need to do this, though, because you shouldnt be walking to Flonne anyway. Put all of your characters who are worthwhile into a facility like a Castle that boosts their attack and throw it across the gap to Flonne, then jump the thrower back into another facility. Speaking of Flonne lets look at her a bit.

So yeah, Flonne is level 250 and has pretty impressive stats thanks to her awesome equipment and hilariously unfair extra character stat passives. Even worse, shes got maxed skill with the Staff shes equipped with and of course her signature move:

Needless to say you do NOT want to get hit by Metamorph, it will likely kill any character in the target area instantly with Flonnes stats. So lets quickly talk about our thought process here. Flonne has a pretty decent amount of health, so its going to take a pretty solid combo to bring her down. Flonne has nearly twice as much RES as DEF and solid elemental resistances, so elemental magic in particular and INT based attacks in general are going to be pretty ineffective against her. Our strategy here then is to use our magical stuff early in the combo where we dont really expect to be getting much damage done, letting our physical attackers be that much more powerful. If youve kept everyones level and gear reasonably up to date this shouldnt be terribly hard. Unfortunately, though, we do not get Flonne on our side quite yet.
Video- Defender of Justice Outro

Watch the Scene

Haha, Ive got another trick up my cute puffy sleeves!

Flonne, the hero of love, will grow in power and rise like a cuddly phoenix from the ashes!
Ahaha, take care until then, kay?