Part 37: Extra Stage 4 (Overlord Laharl)
The Sacred Tome is the greatest power in all the universe, and with it the very walls between worlds can be breachedOverlord Feinne on Makai Kingdom:
Lets start with a roster update, weve got some new faces on the team and some people have become mega mas macho since last time.

Lets just start right on the mk5. Shes got a massive pool of bonus points tossed into ATK and thanks to that and an upgraded sword shes packing a massive punch. I pushed her through the tier 5 Carrot and Idol, which has given her EXP+80%, MANA+80%, MOVE+12, SP+5, RES+5. That SP+ is pretty nice honestly, since it lets her use katana skills basically all day and never run dry. Oh, and she could heal if she needed to, which is cool.

Dragonatrix is pretty badass now, shes got some serious power with her spells and is using one of the better books in the game. This is the last time well see her as an Occultess so say farewell.

This is why extra characters are broken. Castile is armed with a high-end rifle right now, a bazooka is probably best in the long-term though. What do I need to say besides with no extra work or reincarnation or anything shes the second strongest character I have?

Infel is really quite good and shes probably a candidate for reincarnation soon. Shes still armed with a Bazooka, and still rocks hard.

DOOM Senrath now has a Fan as requested and I even use it in this map, crazy talk right?

Bonus experience in the random dungeons have left Tengames pretty strong, he could probably even steal some things now. He could also use a reincarnation but its hard to get him the Mana.

Ive also switched Ayana to a Fan now, since shes better with TEC than ATK and knocking things around is sometimes amusing. Not like she attacks much anyways.

K.D is still a strong rifle-user. She could use a reincarnation soon, but I sort of want the top-tier Officer first and I just dont have the levels for it yet.

Heres one of our new characters, Ardeem. I made him just to unlock the high-tier Carrot Men, Ill probably reincarnate as something to take advantage of the experience boost skill hes got.

Prawns rocking an amazing new axe I got in the random dungeons and it means he can dish out some serious hits. He could probably use a better incarnation at some point too. Maybe a Berserker.

Wdarkk is the Ronin (M) I used to unlock Berserkers. Hes got some good passives from being an Ronin so maybe Ill reincarnate at some point.

Erhards got a book now, the magnets Ive gotten arent very good. She doesnt hit as hard as Dragonatrix but shes pretty powerful all the same.

Azzur could really use a reincarnation as well if she were going to be effective in a fight. Right now I use her to carry my Gency Tonic in the dungeons.

Another new character I created for unlocking a new class. Boxes arent good, sadly.

She has Braveheart, which is enough at this point.

I actually have some good uses for Azure despite not needing a third caster usually. I should really get him together because having backup characters stops me from being screwed if I have to End Turn in a dungeon for some reason.

You can take my land, but you can never take my attack buff!

What do I even say about these guys?

I have some backup characters from earlier in the game.

And its hard to keep them all up to date.

Mr. Champloos not one of them because hes got an awesome Fry Pan from the dungeons. I definitely need to get him a reincarnation soon. Anyway, thats the roster. Lets get to something actually interesting.

Laharls level requires a substantially higher level than Castiles did, and is much harder as well. You need to put some serious work into preparing for it. Getting one character seriously high backed up by a group thats reasonably strong is a good strategy for this.
Video- Overlord vs. Overlord Intro

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So, that obviously makes it hard for you to be the strongest Overlord

Video- Overlord vs Overlord

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Now the games got the gloves off, and were up against a real enemy. The other side has some terrible Prinnies that dont matter, but more importantly we are up against not one but three Extra Characters.

Etnas the same level she was the first time we fought her, but shes armed with a Drill this time. This is actually better for us, since it gives her less ability to engage a group. Well, it would if she was going to live to see a turn, which she isnt.

Flonnes higher level and now using a Cannon. Shes really resistant to elemental damage in this fight, and theres not much reason to mess with her unless certain factors force you to.

Heres the big man himself. Hes way more brutal than anything weve seen so far, frankly. Hes got a Sword and between that and his Overlords Wrath skill he can massacre multiple targets with ease from a shocking range. If you let him take a turn youll regret it, a lot. Hes got a lot more DEF than RES, so magical attacks are better if youve got them. Still, a solid single target physical attacker will work just as well anchoring a big combo as long as they have enough attack.
Now lets talk turkey here. How the hell do we deal with such an increase in enemy power? Plan one is just to become more badass ourselves, and get swole enough to actually drop Laharl. This is the ideal solution, because there are plenty of maps that require us to hit even harder than this. But what if youre lazy, too lazy to get a character up to the power levels needed to drop the brat? Well theres actually a way to slip in the backdoor and win this map. See, Etna and Flonne are also worth points on this map (though not as many as Laharl). If youre smart about how you set up your Combos, you can get enough points to win the map just off of them. Youll still need to be strong, but it should be possible a lot closer to the level you first unlock the map. Both strategies start basically the same way, toss a Castle towards him, pile out, and murder the hell out of things. You should be using a Castle from this point on no question, the attack boost is equal to a massive amount of levels you dont need to grind.
Video- Overlord vs Overlord Outro

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Alright Its a deal. Hmhmhm

Now lets talk about our veritable swarm of new extra characters.

Weapon Skills: Staff, Book, Cannon, Remote
Magic: Recovery/Passive
Stat Boosts: HP+4, SP+8!, INT+8!, RES+8!, TEC+6
Mobility: Low
Slots: 5
Unique Skill: Metamorph (INT)- Hits a large circular area directly in front of her with massive magical damage.
Flonne is the best healer in the game, that simple. Shes got a massive amount of RES and is tougher than a normal healing class would be. As far as offense goes, you definitely need to give her something that works off of her INT. Books are a good choice if you take some time and get her some of the skills, while Staves also work to improve her RES stat. Remotes are an interesting choice as well if you can get a good one, since they do improve INT despite being a TEC weapon. Toss a good Orb on her, because she will get massive SP and RES benefits from it and pretty much be able to toss around the good shit all day. Metamorph hits much harder than youd expect. If there was a way to get Flonne offensive magic, shed be one of the best characters in the game. Still, being the best support character is good enough.

Weapon Skills: Swords, Morningstars, Gatling Guns, Drills
Magic: None
Stat Boosts: HP+6, SP+6, ATK+8!, TEC+8!, MOVE+5, JUMP+5
Mobility: High
Slots: 5
Unique Skill: Prinny Raid (TEC)- Hits a medium-sized sphere with a barrage of prinnies for massive damage.
Etna is a weird character. Shes got very competitive ATK and TEC stats and is able to use a mix of weapon types. Swords are tempting because Swords are a great choice in this game, but actually Id suggest Gatling Guns for her. It gives her range and area effects on her normal attacks while also improving her devastating Prinny Raid skill. Make sure you give her some shoes to make up for the slowdown the Gatling will cause. If you take the time to get her set up right and keep her leveled up Etna has potential to be a real player on your team and a massive help in the random dungeons, so dont neglect her. You wont regret it when you can roll her out and Prinny Raid groups into the ground.

Weapon Skills: Swords, Beam Sabers, Spears, Axes
Magic: None
Stat Boosts: HP+8!, SP+4, ATK+8!, DEF+8!, MOVE+10, JUMP+10
Mobility: Medium
Slots: 5
Unique Skill: Overlords Wrath (ATK)- Hits a large area at a fixed distance from Laharl for extreme damage.
Laharl is very simply one of the best characters in the game. Hes not got quite the raw stats of some of those better than him, but hes close enough and we can get him a hell of a lot earlier than them. Swords are the obvious choice for him, though if youve got a better Spear or Axe than your best Sword you could use them instead. If you have a Beam Saber good enough start skilling it up, because youll want it for the final battle. Laharl just gets stronger and stronger as he levels up, and hes amazing for just tearing through whole formations of enemies like theyre paper. If you dont already have a real physical attacker, hes a massive boost to your efforts to proceed in the postgame. Hes still very worthwhile if you do, though, because hes strong enough to hang with even a character youve put hours of work into right out of the box.