Part 39: Extra Stagestravagnza! (Pram, Super Robo Suit, Valvoga, Babylon, Seedle)
Dont be a dick. -proverbOverlord Feinne on Makai Kingdom:
Our first extra stage of the day will also end our first cycle (Ive been playing in Chapter 9 of cycle 1 this whole time). Step one is to cold-bloodedly murder 60 of our allies. You can actually do this in the base, you have the ability to just punch things and kill them. Its tedious but you only have to do this once at least. Then all we need to do is head back to the Death Temple. Everything goes exactly the same until that little scene where Trenia and Pram are looking at a TV, at which point things start to diverge a bit.
Video- Pram Intro

Watch the Scene

I cant rest until I regain my netherworld, my body, and kick this curses ass.

I thought youd be above all that crap, but I guess I was wrong.

You know what, Im getting tired of this. Its time for you to die!
Ill show you the power of a REAL Overlord! I am the strongest Overlord in the cosmos!
Video- Pram

Watch the Battle
Yeah, so if you fuck up and get the Bad Ending, you have to fight level 1100 Pram. And if you cant beat her, you just get a straight Game Over. Its doable on a first round (I mean thats what Im doing) but its a hard thing to get ready for. You need to be substantially stronger than you were for Laharl to take down Pram. Shes got a lot more RES than DEF, so lean on physical attacks more than magic. The same strategy as on every other extra stage holds here, ignore all the shit thats not worth points and blitz down Pram because if you dont youll die when you End Action.
Video- Bad Ending

Watch the Ending

Hm, Just as it is written in the Sacred Tome, youre a very stupid Overlord.

How dare you! I dont have to deal with this You go squish now!

That sucks

Some say that he closed off his netherworld and lamented the body he lost forever.
Others believe he lost consciousness and became an ordinary book.
There used to be many rumors about Zettas fate, but as time passed, his name vanished from peoples memories
In the end, Lord Zetta left no mark on the pages of history

When we start our next cycle, we have Pram!

Weapon Skills: Box, Book, Syringe, Dagger
Magic: Offensive
Stat Boosts: HP+4, SP+8!, DEF+8!, INT+8!, RES+8!
Mobility: Low
Slots: 5
Unique Skill: White Rage (INT)- Hits a circular area at a decent range for substantial damage.
Pram is pretty awesome, honestly. She gets magic the same way as a Magician, so you need to reincarnate her a few times if you want all of the elements. She can use all of the best caster weapons and has the stats to rock with any of them that are INT based as well as her magic. Her only downside is that shes a bit slow (though comparable to any other caster). Her biggest advantage over other casters is that shes got a lot more health and defense than any normal caster could ever hope to.
Our next extra stage can be done at any time as long as were past the first cycle.

Ive just got the whole thing in one video because its short and awesome. Watch it.
Video- Go, Oversized Robo!

Watch the Showdown!

So yeah, were up against the Super Robo Suit, driven by a Prinny God and full of loser Prinnies wholl never even get a turn to act. Lets look at the SRS.

Its an awesome vehicle that can dish out brutal attacks and if you feel like using a vehicle the Robo Suit is a good choice. Im not going to give it a detailed discussion here because theres not much to say about it besides its a big awesome vehicle. It is rather poorly equipped in this map, so its not even going to be much trouble to kill. If you just killed Zetta and Pram thisll be like rolling off a log, which is why I dont even use a full buff cycle on it. Oh, and Flonne fans should watch the video because I use Metamorph. Anyway lets fight someone whos less of a chump.

This map is available any time Micky is around, so from Chapters 1-8. Dont let the availability fool you, this is second only to Zetta and Prinny Baal in difficulty.
Video- Battle with Valvoga Intro

Watch the Scene

Agh, you may be the strongest Overlord, but dont you think youre underestimating me?

Alright, then Bring it on. Defeat me, and youll be the strongest Overlord in the cosmos.

Why does everyone make fun of me!? I can be scary when I have to

Im done listening to you two! I-I can make my own decisions!

Im Dark Lord Valvoga, dammit! You two do what *I * say!

Now Show him the true power of Dark Lord Valvoga!!!

Video- Battle with Valvoga

Watch the Battle
So, were up against Valvogas true form this time around. Lets see what hes got.

Valvoga is nearly as strong as Baal was, and armed with some serious equipment. Hes also able to use magic, though its a lot less terrifying than getting hit with that damn beam saber. If youve already beaten Baal hes easily beaten just the same way, otherwise hes a good preview for you youll do against the big guy. I wouldnt suggest trying to kill the facilities to his side, if you cant kill him in one turn you cant really kill him at all.
Video- Battle with Valvoga Outro

Watch the Scene

None of this would have happened if you hadnt asked me to fight.
Heres a gift Please accept it!
System Message: Mickys phantom double agreed to help.

Lets talk about the awesome extra character we just got.

Weapon Skills: Beam Saber, Morningstar, Book, Drill
Magic: Offensive
Stat Boosts: HP+6, SP+6, ATK+6, DEF+6, INT+6, RES+6, TEC+6
Mobility: Average
Slots: 5
Unique Skill: Dynamic V (ATK)- A short range attack that hits a decent area for serious damage.
Valvoga is the second best character in the game. Hes actually got the stats and aptitudes to be pretty close to Zetta, but his passives arent quite as good and his weapon skills are less than ideal. Books are obviously the choice if you want him to cast, Beam Sabers make him a powerful anti-vehicle attacker, and Drills and Morningstars anti-facility. He basically does anything almost as good as the best person in the game in that role, and sounds hilarious doing it. Id suggest Beam Sabers because if you can get a Divine Light like his youll be in great shape for the final fight.
Now lets take it down a little bit here and fight Babylon.

As you can see, we dont need as high a level for Babylons fight. We can access this again as long as Babylon is here, so from Chapters 2-8. Lets get it on.
Video- Battle with Babylon Intro

Watch the Scene

Hes so old, though I cant imagine him being stronger than me.
Ill go back in time to check the facts, myself.

Past, future Ill control it all. Even the strongest warriors will bow at my feet and beg for mercy.

(His Mana power is he The One !?)
Video- Battle with Babylon

Watch the Battle
So lets take a look at what were up against with Babylon. Theres a reason he required a lot lower level than Valvoga.

Hes almost the same level as Valvoga was and hes got good aptitudes but hes got just awful equipment here and it leads to him having entirely unimpressive stats for an Extra Boss his level. If youre at the point of seriously being able to do Extra Stages you should just roll over him, frankly. I wont dignify this insulting display any further, Im pretty sure my current level 900ish mk5 could kill him in one shot with no Combo.
Video- Battle with Babylon Outro

Watch the Scene

System Message: Babylons phantom double agreed to help!

Nah Couldnt be.
You know the score by now.

Weapon Skills: Sword, Morningstar, Spear, Axe
Magic: None
Stat Boosts: HP+8!, SP+8!, ATK+8!, DEF+4, RES+4, MOVE+10, JUMP+10
Mobility: Medium
Slots: 5
Unique Skill: Absolute Zero (ATK)- A powerful Ice skill that hits a good range and area. Sort of like Ice Psycho Burgundy really.
Babylon is the third best character overall. Hes sort of like a slightly weaker version of Zetta in a lot of ways. Hes got similar weapon proficiencies but lower stats. Axes are probably a good choice for him, though Swords are always fun. Basically go with whatever youve got that gives him the most ATK. Hes got a massive HP aptitude, so Morningstars are an interesting choice. Make sure you give him some shoes to make up for the speed you lose from most of his weapons.
After all this tough stuff, lets get a refreshingly easy fight.

That level is just ahead of what we needed for Laharl, and thats a good measure of what this is going to be like. We can do this any time Seedle is around, so from 3-8.
Video- Battle with Seedle Intro

Watch the Scene

Ha ha ha Youre just an imposter, Zetta. A big, fat, fake Overlord.
Perhaps my sword can open your mind! Ha ha ha Die!
Video- Battle with Seedle

Watch the Battle
Seedles got a whole lot of Warriors you should ignore because seriously, theres no point in bothering with them. Instead you should go push his smug asshole face in.

If you beat Laharl then Seedle aint shit. Sure hes got a lot of attack (since hes amusingly much better equipped than Babylon was) but hes just not that powerful overall. Just blow him up, for all his bluster hes a joke.
Video- Battle with Seedle Outro

Watch the Scene

Then youll know how stupid you really are. Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
System Message: Oh goody, Seedles spirits agreed to help.
And, you used them to create Seedles phantom double.

What the hell does he know?

Weapon Skills: Katana, Spear, Cannon, Fishing Pole
Magic: None
Stat Boosts: HP+6, SP+4, ATK+8, DEF+4, RES+4, REC+4
Mobility: Medium-High
Slots: 5
Unique Skill: Dark Revenge (ATK)- An extremely powerful single target attack.
Seedle is very similar to Laharl in stats but has a different mix of weapon skills. Dont bother with Fishing Poles or Cannons, just give him a Katana or Spear and let him go to work. Hes available pretty early and thats when hed be useful, hes decent but not really able to hang with the big boys.