Part 1: Kris Kross Video 1: Jump
Kris Kross Video 1: Jump

First up: Kris Kross. You may remember this being listed by Seanbaby as one of the 20 Worst Games of All Time. It definitely earns its place.

Our host for this game is the top pop of hip-hop, BOYYYYYYYYYD PACKER! (Richie Mac) He's a DJ or something, and you're his video editor. People call in and request you edit a Kris Kross video to some insane specifications. But first, let's go meet Boyd.
Dailymotion Viddler Youtube

Onto the game itself. Here, you get to choose from a stock list of "callers" along with what video they're going to request. I'm gonna start with...

Jerome. A 9 year old who raps us his request. As far as I can make out, he wants to see a lot of bouncing cars and no females. Fair enough, I guess. Let's get to it.

Here is where the magic happens. The video in the middle is your current product. You have to edit everything as the video plays. Hitting A, B or C flips the video to whatever's showing in the A/B/C box. It's either the actual video or some compiled stock clips. Those boxes to the left are the extra effects you can add with the D pad. Like flipping the image, or making everything blue. That takes some serious blast processing.
Once you've finished mashing buttons until the video's over, you get to watch it all happen again. Then you get vaguely rated by the caller, and the credits roll. Seriously, that's it. So now that you know how it all works, let's see it in action! I've cut out the second playthrough for obvious reasons.
Jerome's Jump:
Dailymotion Viddler Youtube
So how did I do, Boyd?

Aww. Maybe I'll do better next time.