Part 4: Marky Mark Video 2: I Need Money
Marky Mark Video 2: I Need Money
Boy's friends, The Guys, are in a band. No idea what kind, but let's just assume it's not very good. The point is, they're musicians. They should be able to figure out just what kind of stock footage clips will really make a Marky Mark video shine. Let's meet the band:

First up is Keanu Reeve's younger, retarded brother that nobody in the family likes to talk about.

Next up is the drummer. That's about all I've got.

And finally we have TV's Seth Green, who is famous for being that guy I confuse with Jamie Kennedy.
These guys want to see I Need Money, done with a lot of shots of Vegas and a lot of filthy hobos. However! None of those hobos should be begging. That just bums them out. Ha ha ha. That's a pun. Get it? I said bum as a synonym for depress, and it's also a term for homeless people. It's clever.
Right. Anyway. The video.
The Guyses' I Need Money:
Dailymotion Viddler Youtube
How did I do, guys?

That's the reaction everyone gets when they see this game, so it's hard to tell if they liked the video or not. Let's just assume they did.