The Let's Play Archive
Part 6: FAQ
Sideshow Charlie posted:
Mr. Swoon, I think you need to write some FAQs after this is all over. It's your civic duty.
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FAQ by Mr. Swoon (C) 2008
Don't steal my guide ok this is copyright me and can only be used freely
with my permission. Email me for permission to use on your site at
swoonygintheplace2be [AT]
First I want to thank my peeps in clan dark flamerz rockin tha
countryside in WoW. We're the real bro beans!!!!!!!!
D-PAD Pressing on one of the arrows moves your selection in that direction.
A Activates "A" button
B Activates "B" button
C Activates "C" button
START Pauses the game
You play editor guy and you have to make videos for people that ask them.
To win each video, you have to push the buttons to make the selected
clips match what the people ask for.
FAQ by Mr. Swoon (C) 2008, all rights reserved.