Part 9: Power Factory Video 1: Gonna Make You Sweat
Power Factory Video 1: Gonna Make You Sweat

Every so often, you encounter a game that defies all belief and leaves you in a permanent vegetative state as your brain tries to comprehend what you have just witnessed. This is one such a game. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Power Factory.
Dailymotion Viddler Youtube

Thumbs up indeed. If you're like me, and didn't understand one bit of what was going on, I will break it down for you. In this Orwellian nightmare, C+C has a literal music factory, where two sweaty men toil endlessly to make C+C Music Factory music videos following random requests. There are also some slavedriving bosses who may or may not be holograms.
You, the player, are their savior. You must help them make the videos and free the slaves by sneaking into one of the three party rooms that match each C+C Music Factory song available. How do you do that? Well, it goes a little something like this:
Gonna Make You Sweat:
Dailymotion Viddler Youtube
Did I win? No. There are no winners in the Power Factory. Only survivors. And by God, I survived...