Part 3: The Beast in the Ruins
When we got together earlier, things werent looking so good.
Video- Flay Helps

Watch the Story Unfold

I have no idea.

I tried looking into it, but theres still one ingredient I dont know

Its due tomorrow
What should we do?

Rrr! Where the hell is Flaya when we need him!?



Where were you!?

How is it going, chums? You all seem so excited.

This isnt the time to joke around!

Hmm, so you havent done it yet? What a pity.

I mean, its impossible. We just started learning alchemy.
It seemed Flay did know how to make a Nicro Cloth, he just had no intention of doing so.

You know, were doing this for you in the first place

Jess, you said there was one ingredient you didnt know.
Do you, perhaps, mean a Tuft?

Yes! Thats right!

Hahaa! That should drop off the Lorebeast at the Old Schoolhouse.

Uh, are you making us go defeat that monster?

Yes. As an alchemist, you must gather each and every ingredient yourself.
If you cant fight, youll never be a true alchemist.

Lets just go. We dont really have much time, anyway.

So, I assume youre not coming with us, Flay?

Indeed. I am a busy man. I leave the fate of this workshop to you!
System Message: You receive the recipe for [Generic Cloth].
Item: Nicro Cloth can now be made.

Wheres he going? What could be more important than this workshop?

Who knows
Wed found some recipes in the stores and at the Winds Corridor, so we took a moment to prepare before we headed out. Also I think Nikki will eat anything.
Professor Feinnes Alchemy 101: Synthesis Again
Synthesizing new items doesnt just get you new items, it can also get you new recipes. The most obvious way is of course to just substitute some of the strange things you see in the ingredient lists in, at which point it will switch to another recipe and give you a ?????? in the recipe list. Youll know you have a recipe like that available if you see a little lightbulb symbol next to a known recipe. Somewhat less obvious, though is that some of your party members will suggest variations on items after you make them. Generally this is either for equipment related to them or items that relate to their themes, such as bombs for Jess or food for Nikki. Lets see this in action.
I mean she tried to eat some flour, and sure knows a lot about synthesizing food.

Hmmmmmm, hummmmm.


Just a little taste. *lick *

What!? You cant lick that! Its not supposed to be edible yet!

It just, kinda looked like itd be tasty
Besides, its your fault! Make a powder thats edible at least!

Thats impossible

Sugars good, but its hard to make. So how about salt? Ill teach you how!

If youre willing to teach me, Ill try to make it

You better make sure it tastes good.
System Message: Item: Salt can now be made.
We also made some paper, which let us improve Jess bag the same way we had Sulphers collar earlier. I still dont know how she fits so many bombs in it.
Once wed prepared, we headed down to the Old Schoolhouse.
Video- The Old Schoolhouse

Watch the Dungeon Run

Were looking for the Lorebeast, right?

Yup, lets hurry up and find it.
Just as Flay had suggested, there was a great shaggy beast deep within the ruins there.
Video- The Lorebeast

Watch the Boss Battle
I would have liked to take a moment to make sure we were ready but Nikki got a bit

Do you think well be able to beat it?

No problem! Come on!

Wait a minute! I dont feel ready yet

Bring it bring it bring it bring it!!

Heyyy, Nikki!
Boss Battle: Lorebeast
The Lorebeast is the first boss, and he can be pretty rough if youre not prepared. Hes got a pretty fair amount of health and his attacks hit pretty hard. Jess will likely fall in two hits, with Vayne or Nikki being only a bit more durable. Between Healing Echo Alpha and healing items you should be fine, though. The Lorebeast is vulnerable to Ice attacks if youve got Ice Storm on anyones gear. Just keep it together and hell fall eventually. For defeating him, you get the recipe for the Flame bomb.
Still, we managed to beat it and get the Tuft we needed.

Total victory!!

We won

See? That was easy, right?

I thought it was pretty tough

Geez, youre depressing. Oh, were you able to get the item?

Yep, perfect. Now to synthesize it.

Then lets go back to our workshop. I hope we dont fail

Dont jinx it!

I dont know what Flay was up to while we were away but he was in worse shape than us.
Video- The Nicro Cloth

Watch Our Triumph!

Flay, are you okay?

Its an honorable battle scar. Looks like you guys did it.

Yup, its perfect!

It better be. I dont need wimps who cant even beat weak enemies!

Come on, lets make it already!

Oh yeah, lets do it.

If you fail, youre going to have to get all the ingredients again.

Oh, I hope not

Dont worry! Trust me, kay?
Jess said she could handle the synthesis, so we all got together around the cauldron to help out.

It is? Hmm
Vayne, can you turn it down a bit?

Okay, Ill try.

Thanks. Now I put this in

Uh, shouldnt you measure it before dumping it in?

Itll be fine! This stuff is all about intuition.


All we gotta do now is wait. Hmm, maybe I should add a secret spice.

Ooh, sounds like fun!

Shouldnt we just keep it normal

Hmm, shes right. We cant settle for normal. Do it, Jess!

Yes sir! Lets kick it up with my special secret powder!

Are you sure? Will it really be okay?

Its almost done. Hehehe!
Whatever it was Jess added turned out to work out just fine.

Its finished!

It worked? Woohoo!

This is
pretty good quality. I approve.

Hehe. Its so rare when it actually turns out well.


Uh, oh, never mind. Youre hearing things, silly.

Well, Im really glad.
And just in time.

Ah Madame, youre right on time.

I told you not to call meAhem, well. Do you remember your promise?

Hahaha. Jess, show her!

Vice Principal, heres the Nicro Cloth we made.

Oh, you made it!? Lets see
Did you really make this yourselves?

Of course they did. And, I didnt even help them.

If you had, Im sure it would have turned out much worse.

Oh please, stop. Youre making me blush.

Is not a compliment.


Do not let this success go to your head. Continue to work hard on your studies.
Maybe having a bad example as your leader is not so bad

So then, are we allowed to use this place?
The Vice Principal might not be very nice, but shes true to her word.


Phew! We did it, Vayne!

Y-yeah. Its all thanks to you and Nikki

Well done, guy and girls! Lets celebrate!

Oh ho! Flayas treating us?

Indeed. Youve done well, so you deserve a reward!

Yay! Youre so generous!

I was pretty worried about all of this at first, but everything turned out okay.

Flay, Jess, Nikki, and me
So much has happened that I forgot all about my initial worries
It was really fun
I wonder if itll be like this every day.