Part 7: The Midterm
Well, we got our exam assignment today.
Video- The Exam

Learn About the Exam

Quiet down now.
The topic of this exam is, how quickly can you make a specific item. And now
System Message: You received the recipe for [Strong Fiber].
Item: Dietary Fiber can now be made.

Go make a Dietary Fiber. Its due tomorrow afternoon!
Jordan: Whaa!?
Elsa: Tomorrow!?
Sasha: Thats impossible!!

Aww, Im so delighted to see you all so happy.
Well, thats it. Youre free to go! Good luck, everyone!
Needless to say we were really freaking out.

What should we do?

Im going to the library to look it up. Vayne, go back to the workshop.

Okay, got it.
But when we got together, everything seemed like it would be pretty simple.

Ah, there you are.

Howd it go?

It doesnt seem too hard. If we have the materials, we can make it right now.

What kind of ingredients do we need?

Well, it said we need Spinacherb, Burdok Straight, and Clearwater.

Thats easy. And I was worried for nothing!

But if we use a Huffin instead of the Spinacherb, its much higher quality.


Yep. Theres this one tree in The Heights where we can get it

But, we dont have much time. I dont think we need to go that far.
And thats when everything fell apart.

Whaaa!? Out of nowhere again

Using whats at hand? Outrageous! An alchemist always aims for the best!

Err, I know what youre saying, but

Weaklings! I forbid you to use the cauldron until you bring me a Huffin!

But, thats not fair! I wanna make other stuff, too

If you want to use it, hurry up and go get the Huffin!

This is crazy
So we headed up for the Heights. Unfortunately, there were some other people who knew about the Huffin.


Looks like were here for the same thing.

Hey, thats no fair! Youre getting help from the Sophomores!

Of course! I cant help it if your Sophomore partner is mean.

I cant deny that

Lets go already. We dont have time to waste on these guys.

We should get going, too.

There was no way we could move faster than Sophomores.

Hey Roxis, buy us some time and stall those punks.

Stall them? How?

You hate em, right? Nows a great chance for you to hurt em a little.

My personal feelings aside, I cant disobey orders from my superiors.

Thats good enough for me. Just take care of em.

Wow, youre sounding pretty evil right now.

Shut up!
We didnt quite know what to expect when we found Roxis all alone in our path.
Video- Roxis

Watch the Showdown


I have to hurt you guys a little. Those are my orders.

What do you mean!?

You dont have to do this

I would like to see the extent of your powers, as well.

Stop it. We dont have enough time to waste any on you!

If you wont fight, so be it. That wont stop me from beating you all.

Our Mana will decide our fate.
I didnt really want to fight him, but I certainly wasnt going to just let him beat us.

Watch out. He looks serious.

So that is the power of your Mana
How pathetic!
Boss Battle: Roxis
Roxis is pretty easy even if youve not been as anal as I have about synthesizing everything. Hell cast an Ice Storm that puts damaging Time Cards up, use an attack called Purify Ring that Breaks a party member instantly, and can heal himself with Megaheal. Hes not much of a threat, though being real hes not intended to be
But defeating us wasnt really his goal.

It was three against one. Besides, I accomplished my task.

Oh yeah! Lets go get the ingredient quick.

Yeah, lets hurry.
He was just slowing us down.
Video- Tonys Gambit

Watch the Horror

Yeah, and now for the finishing touch

Wait a minute. Isnt that going a little too far?

Heh heh heh. I can already see their stupid teary-eyed faces
In the end we were too late.

Whats wrong, Nikki?

The wind feels hot
Maybe its just me.

Were almost there, guys. We can see it from
*gasp *
He burned it down.

This is terrible

Well, well, well. And after coming a~ll this way

Sorry. I tried to stop him.


Heh heh, welcome back. Thanks for buying us time. Heres your stuff.

You did this?

Look at their faces! Haha, man I feel so much better.

Did you really have to do this?

This is

Plants have lives, too! Ill never forgive you for this, this

Even I dont like this
Lets just get outta here.

Yeah, alright. Hey Roxis, you still gotta synthesize this when we get back.

How horrible
The tree didnt do anything wrong.

Those guysre the worst.

Indeed, that was vile. Theres nothing else I can say about that.
None of us even really care about the exam now. Not like we can finish it even if we want to, Flay wont let us use the cauldron

Yeah. Theres nothing we can do about it.

This is so messed up
Why did they have to go this far?

Helpless souls. Such is an alchemist

I dont think all alchemists are like that

All the alchemists I know are good-for-nothings.

is this tree dead?

Most likely. If I could, I would save it, but

If I could
Its like some kind of miracle. Jess and Nikki found me early in the morning, they were so excited they couldnt even tell me what had happened.
Video- Revival

See the Miracle

We finally found you! Geesh, youre so late!

Huh? Whats with you two?

You dont know yet? Um

Itll be faster just to show you! Come on, lets go!

Go? Go where?

The tree from yesterday. Cmon, hurry!
Somehow the tree was back!

The whole schools been talking about it all morning.


Who knows. Maybe one of the teachers secretly fixed it?

I didnt know that was possible.

Well, what are we waiting for? We better get our ingredients, too.

Yay! Looks like well make it in time to turn it in!
We collected our Huffin flowers, and it seems our concern for the tree yesterday had attracted some attention.
A weird little floating guy with an acorn on his back could only be a Mana.

Huh, whats wrong? You dont usually scare easily.

Is this
a Mana?


Whats it saying?

I dont know
He sounds really shy, though.

I think hes thanking us for fixing the tree.

Oh, can you understand what hes saying?

Umm, kinda.

we didnt fix it.

Yeah, so you dont have to worry about it.


Huh? I told you, its okay.

Whats he saying now?

He wants to come with us to show his gratitude.

With us

This should work out since Nikkis not bound to a Mana yet, right?

Huh? Me?

Yeah, Me and Vayne already have Mana, so

I see, umm
Are you okay with that?
It seemed the Mana was okay to work with Nikki.

Okay! Awesome!

System Message: Nikki has made a pact with a Mana.
Anyway, with the Huffin in hands Flay let us use the cauldron, meaning we could finish our exam.

Alright, its done!

Look at the time. We need to hurry

Lets take it to the teacher, quick!
We managed to get the assignment turned in on time, so I guess it all turned out okay.

Yep. He said the quality wasnt bad, either.

And I was so worried at one point.

Roxis had shown up.

What? Say something.

Did you finish the exam?

We just turned it in, thank you very much! Too bad for you, huh!

I didnt intend for that to happen yesterday. I didnt think they were

What!? Are you trying to tell us youre not a bad guy?

Nikki, calm down

I was in such a good mood cuz we passed, but now you ruined it! Lets go!

Roxis had something to tell me before I left, though.


I apologize for yesterday. Im sorry.

Um, dont apologize to me.

But, I have to make this clear. I hate you.
I wonder why
Did I do something to him?

Who knows? I dont understand how you humans think.
I just wish I knew why

And another thing
The tree that burned down
Urgh. Im too tired to think. Its been so hectic since I came here.
Starting next week, school is out. So I hope I get to have a little rest