Part 9: Bombs and Boys, Redux
Video- Jess 1

Watch the Explosion
As I headed in this morning I heard that same telltale sound.
Yeah, Jess blew it up again.

You messed up again

Dont say again!

Wow, it looks pretty bad this time

How should I cover this up

I say, just apologize to the teacher, honestly.

N-no, I cant do that! I can never ever tell a teacher, okay!?

Why not?

Uh, well, thats, um

Just tell him. Sooner or later, hes gonna find out.

Um, well, yeah, but
*sigh * I guess I can tell you.


You see, I came to this Academy by invitation.

Same as me.
It turned out the circumstances were
slightly different for her.

But someone at school caught me and

Before you enrolled
? Wait a minute.
Isnt it illegal for you to be practicing alchemy without a license?

Yeah. And so I was about to get caught. But people from the Academy came
And they told the cops that theyll put me in special education here.

Uhm, does that mean

If she gets kicked out, Jess is gonna go right back to prison.

Dont just say that all lightheartedly!

Isnt that pretty bad
? You shouldnt be doing these dangerous syntheses.

I know, but
Whenever I see the cauldron, I just cant help it

Cant help
*sigh * But if you get kicked out, youll lose everything

But I like it! Its too fun! I want to do more!


Having a selfish master is so troublesome. Seriously.

Well, it just means we really cant get caught this time.


Lets clean up quick. If the Vice Principal sees, well be in more trouble.

Okay! Thank you!
Luckily nothing was broken this time.

Really? Then can we just put it all back in place and itll be fine?

But its all black, and theres some strange melty stuff stuck all over

Itll be fine! Well just clean it with Polish Powder, kay?

Polish Powder huh
I wonder how much well need to use

Well make it together. Itll be quick.

No use in pondering it, I guess. Lets just do this.

We got together five batches of Polish Powder, turned out to be just enough.

Yep. Good work!

Uh, he real work starts next

thats right.

*sigh *
It took a lot of effort, but we got it done.

We finished faster than I thought

Im just glad its before everyone else came in.

And now
We have to go throw out this huge pile of garbage.

Arrr. Im so tired

Come on, this is it. And then well really be done.

Okay fine, Ill do it
Unfortunately, we attracted some attention with our big bag of trash.

*gasp * That voice is

V-vice principal

Whats with the fear? Do I look like a ghost to you?
Could it possibly be you two are guilty of hiding something from me?

N-no! Of course not, never ever, nothing like that, not at all!

U-um, was there something you wanted with us?

Yes. I hear theres been loud sounds coming from your workshop recently.
Almost like an explosion, they say


W-w-we havent heard anything. No, not us.

Is that so
Then thats fine, but I thought Id drop in a warning anyway.

Y-yes, maam. Well be careful.

W-well, were gonna get going now

Go on.

Excuse us.
Though I think we were worried over nothing.


Theres soot on your hand. Be a little more careful.

Huh? Wha? Whe?
Did she just, let us slide

I think so
Since shes going to keep doing this anyway, theres really only one thing I can do

Yup. Thank you so much for helping me!

Youre welcome.
Say, Jess.

Huh, yes?

Ive been thinking. You might want to stop doing the difficult syntheses.

I think about it, and I try not to too
But, alchemy is boring if you only get to make what they tell you to make

And its no problem to be locked up in a prison just because you were bored?


Then how about this?


When you feel like doing something reckless next time, Ill do it with you.
If we work on it together, I think therell be less a chance of it failing.

You mean
youd help me?

Your syntheses are
Dangerous, but fun to watch. And intrigiuing.

And the cleanup after the explosion will be quicker and easier, too.

Shh! You didnt have to say that!

So, how about it

Then, I think Ill take you up on the offer.

Okay, Ill be looking forward to it then.
There are some rumors going around campus about a ghost sighting.
Video- Intermission

A Ghost?
Nemu: Its true! Shes passed out in the Infirmary right now!

What are you guys talking about?
Riggs: Ahh, dont waste your time listening to her.
Nemu: Geez! Im telling you, its true!!

Now, now
So, what happened?
Nemu: Umm, you see
Last night
It, you know, appeared

What appeared?
Nemu: Theres only one thing that appears at night! A ghost!

A g-ghost? No way.
Nemu: How can you say that!? My friend actually saw it, and shes still passed out!!
Riggs: But you didnt see it, right?
So, how did your friend tell you she saw a ghost if shes still asleep?
Nemu: Uh, well you see
Riggs: Told you, its a waste of time.
Nemu: Arghhh! But its true!
I wish potential ghosts were our worst problem, but were not so lucky.
Video- Nikki 2

Watch us Make Things Worse!
I couldnt even get in to the workshop this morning thanks to a swarm of downtrodden looking guys.
Tom: P-please, just consider
Ricky: Please please please!

If you insist, heres a suggestion. Fight me!
Tom: B-but thats
Ricky: Unfair! Ill sue you!

Whats with this ruckus?
Who are those people?

Try outs for our workshop, supposedly.

That many? Wow
Uh, but then, were you just kicking them out?

They were just dumped by Nikki! They dont know when to give up

I see

They keep coming back, no matter how many times we tell them no.

Ahh, it sucks to be so popular with the boys, teehee!
Flay was less amused by the situation.

What am I supposed to do? I dont want to deal with guys like that, either.

Then dont flirt with them in the first place! Now stop complaining for else!

Fine, okay. But seriously, what should I do? Any good ideas?

I honestly dont know

Dont be so cold hearted. Think with me.

I wonder if theres any medicine that works for this kind of stuff?

Ooh! Theres a start!

But would there really be something that convenient?

Well, it doesnt hurt to look it up either way.
We headed down to the Resource Center to look for something.

Nothing here

Uhh. Well, heres a love potion

Thats the complete opposite!


Oh, wait a minute. We might be able to use that!

Use it
? How?

Well just use the opposite components.
That way, the medicine should make them hate you instead.

Woohoo! Youre on a roll today!

Can you really make it?

I think so

Well then, well just put all our trust into Jess.

That doesnt help

Lets do this!
System Message: You receive the recipe for Mystery Medicine.
Item: Loveless Potion can now be made.
Im not sure how it was supposed to work exactly, but we got the potion together.
It was pretty nasty stuff honestly.

How is it? Think itll work?

Uhm, we wont know until we actually try it

Wha-hey! Dont point it at me!
Luckily, before they could test it on me the guys from earlier returned.

Here I go

Are you sure its safe to use it on people?

Well, I mean, theres no poison in it

I guess

Tahh! Take this!
I dont know if it was an anti-love potion but it sure worked.
Ricky: Ew! It smells! And its kinda sticky, too
Hassan: What the hell do you think youre doing!? I demand compensation!

Tom: So? What?

Do you feel anything when you stare into my eyes?
Hassan: What are you talking about? Anyway, youll see my cleaning bill!
Ricky: Yeah! You better pay, you stupid, funky hair lady!
Hassan: Ill sue you for sure this time!

Wow! It worked perfectly!

Yay! Im so amazing!

Uh, but

It mighta been too strong
Tom: What the hell are you guys ranting about!?
Ricky: I never liked you, damn meowing furball! Take this!

Wha-owwww! Dont pull my tail!

We have to help her!

We eventually got everything sorted out, violence always being an option.

It was so horrible

You brought it upon yourself. And stop it with that cat cry.

But now, they wont come back right?

Yeah, thanks guys. You really helped me out.

Youre very welcome.

With that medicine, I can go flirt with however many guys I want again.

You never learn, do you, woman?

If I gave up at something like this, Id never find me a good hubby.

I would very much love to praise that aggressive attitude, but

Just remember, all things in moderation
At least were almost done our summer homework. Shame the break is so close to being over, though