Part 10: Ghost Stories
So, tonight was seriously strange.
Video- The Ghost Tour

Watch the Spooktacular Tour

Good job.

Oh gawd, I wanna play outside so bad

Not just yet.

Huh!? But, were done with homework and have nothing else to do.

We can make medicine! I want one thatll magnify cavity pain 10 times!

What the hell do you plan to do with that?

You guys have too much free time on your hands.

Oh, hey Flaya. You came in through the door today. How rare

You look pretty happy. Whats going on?

Im here to save you all. Ive prepared some entertainment for you.

It all started with Flays idea.

Yeah. One of our classmates was talking about it.

Oh, dont tell me you want us to go catch it

Dont be silly. Ive planned a horror night for you!

A horror night? Sounds like fun.

There are scary stories about places on campus. You will go to each one.

Ive never done anything like this. Is it really that fun?

I love scary stories.

I guess itll kill time. Though, Flaya set it up, so who knows.

It cant be that bad

Here are the stories that go with each place. Read them as you walk around.
Heh heh heh. The rest should go as planned
The first story was at the Old Schoolhouse, but it wasnt really scary for the right reasons.

but very scary story-ish.

So, what kinda rumor do we have here? I bet its a ghost.

Hold on. Um
There are rotten planks here that collapse just from stepping on them.

Thats not the kind of scary I was expecting.

Oh, theres more to it. Once, a student fell through and got hurt.

Did he die and now his spirit haunts this place?

Nope. It was only a minor scrape.

This is stupid

But one week later, the wound began to swell and his ankle puffed up.

Im not sure I like where this storys heading

The nurse at the time saw it was bad, and cut open the wound. And then
A wave of termite larvae came spilling out!



They say the eggs probably got in through the wound and hatched inside.
And ever since then, the Old Schoolhouse has been shut down

Its scary, but not the kind of scary story I was expecting.


Its completely wrong! Lets just get out of here! Im gonna be sick.

Oh, and be careful where you walk

Were all relatively sure that whole termite thing cant happen, so we continued on to the Infirmary. At least I think we did. I dont remember much of what happened.

Theres a rumor about this place?

Lets see
it says the story is called The Bloody Infirmary.
One night, a student walked in and found a pool of blood on the floor.


A made-up story, you think?

Of course it is. If it were true, itd be a huge problem

What happened?

It felt like
I just stepped in some sort of liquid

No way

You too

S-someone just spilled water on the floor, right?

Y-yeah. Thats gotta be the trick!

W-well, Im gonna turn on the lights, okay?
Everyone: Ahhhhhh!!!

Oh, its you three

Miss Melanie
Please dont scare us like that

What are you doing here at this time of night?

Umm, we were just telling each other scary stories and walking around

Scary stories? Ah, I see.

Oh but you should know, I think someone spilled water on the floor.

Dont worry, well clean it up before we leave. Ill turn the lights on.



Before you turn the lights on, will you smell my perfume?

We can smell it later
Eh, hr?

Nikki? Whats wron
*yawn *

Im so
Im not sure how we fell asleep in the infirmary, but luckily I dont think we were in there for long before Miss Melanie arrived.


*yawn *

Ahh, my heads all spinny

Rise and shine. Did you sleep well?

Huh? This is

The infirmary. I found you three sleeping here. I was quite confused.

Sleeping? Why would we

We were having a horror night, and then, umm

You shouldnt wander around so late just because its summer break.

Im sorry

If you go back now, I wont report you to your teachers, okay?

Then, excuse us.
How did anyone know about this? I need to be more careful from now on
The next story was in the music room.

So do the instruments start playing on their own?

Nope. It says, the eyes on the composers portrait on the wall start glowing.

Oh that? I already know the trick.


See, I knew it. Theres a tack stuck in each eye.

Oh, I get it now

Therere always pranksters who do this kinda stuff.

Its kinda boring when we figure it out so quickly.

But its better than having to be scared

Lets take them o

Ahhhh! What!?

I took the tacks out and then
it cried tears of blood! Nooooooooooooo!!!

Tears of blood
? Shes right!

This isnt blood
Its just rusty water.

Oh, I see. A flask was hidden back there and the tacks punctured it.

Nikki, its alright
I think shes gone.

What should we do about this?

wanna just wipe it down and clean it up?

its kinda sad to lose this scary story.

Then lets just leave it like this. Lets keep it a secret from Nikki, too.

Good idea.
We tracked Nikki back down and headed for the last place, the resource center.

the skeleton sings at night.




A person, on the floor

What? Where?
We hadnt seen anything scary, but it seems Roxis certainly had.

Hey, you better not be dead.

It looks like he just fainted
Hes foaming at the mouth.

Why is he lying here?

Maybe he saw a ghost and got scared!

Hahaha, no way.

Lets just take him to the infirmary for now.

We could just leave him here.

No we cant. He might get sick from sleeping here too long.

*sigh * Youre too kind.
Anyway, after we got Roxis to the infirmary we headed out to the grounds to check the list again.
Video- Trouble at the Library

Watch the Dungeon and some Extras

Yep. We went to all the places on Flays memo.

But, it wasnt really all that scary.

Well, it was okay for killing time.
Scream: Ahhhhhhhhh
The scream had some from nearby, and it turned out we werent the only people on the grounds.

What was that?

Finally gotcha! I was getting tired of waiting. Huh?
You! Uh
what are you doing here!?

Uhh, we just finished your list of scary stories

More importantly, did you just hear that scream?

Indeed. I just assumed it was one of you. Whats going on?

how the hell are we supposed to know? Lets go find out!

Thats odd
Did she scare the wrong person?
The scream had some from the resource center.
Nemu: Ahhh
I dont know what to do
It came out of nowhere, and took him

Calm down. Tell us what happened
from the very beginning.
Nemu: Um, okay
You see, I invited Riggs to come test his courage with me.
So we were wandering around, looking for the ghost.
But then, all of a sudden, a monster appeared and dragged Riggs away

Dragged hi--
And you just watched?
Nemu: Uh

What about Riggs? Where did it take him!?
Nemu: Deep inside the Resource Center

Well, I guess it is cruel to make a girl go after him alone.

Well go look for him.

Alright, lets hurry.

Most unexpected. At least its more interesting this way.
It turns out the depths of the resource center are full of monsters.
Professor Feinnes Alchemy 101: The Resource Center
There are actually some important notes on this place, because its a source of a lot of difficult to find materials throughout the game. The first thing is that off a bit to one side (and therefore a bit out of the way for this first trip) there is a hidden store. They sell all sorts of useful materials here and some recipes, so make heading here a priority in Chapter 4. The second thing is that the ground has a lot of rare items like Brownie Masks and Crimson Feathers, which you should keep in mind. The most enduringly valuable thing in here, though are the Big Monsters. The Power and Marquis that come in these will drop Angels Slips and Devils Panties, which are used in a lot of high end armors and accessories. Anyway, back to the show with a scene we trigger halfway into the dungeon.
Elsewhere, later.

Flay, how much longer do I have to wait?

Ah, perfect timing. I was just about to go find you.

Im so tired of waiting. I was so bored, I scared some boy in glasses.

Sorry about that. Something unexpected came up. You see

Oh my. Why does everything have to be so difficult?

If something happens, well never hear the end of it. I need your help.

But Im sleepy from waiting so long
Can it wait till tomorrow?

Negative. This requires immediate action.

Okay, fine
You know, lack of sleep is bad for the skin
Nemu: So there really are
We managed to find the monster and Riggs, fortunately.
Video- Ghosts of Al-Revis

Meet the Ghost with the Most

I see him!
Monster: Bwaaahhh!!


It looks rather excited.

What should we do? We cant leave him here.

Oh my, whats all the commotion about?
When youre facing down a huge monster it really puts a ghost in perspective.

Shes, floating in thin air? Is she

Hahaha dont worry. Shes not an enemy.

she is a ghost, right?

Indeed. I asked her to helm me to try to scare you guys, but

Naughty boy, you know this isnt allowed.
Monster: Bwahhh

I know how you feel, but you cant go around kidnapping students.
Monster: Bwahhh

What are they talking about?

That monster seems to be in love with that ghost.
He hadnt seen her in a while, and became insanely jealous.

I see

Well, were gonna take him home now, okay?
Monster: Bwaaahhh!!

Oh no. I cant let you do that.
Monster: Bwahhh
Unfortunately, it seemed there wasnt going to be a peaceful resolution to this.

Are you sure?

Mhmhm. Hes being so selfish right now. Oh, and take this boy home.

I dont really like carrying guys around

I cant do it by myself.

Hmm, then it cant be helped
Vayne. Take care of the monster!

What? But
Monster: Bwahh!! Bwaaaahhhh!!

Ahh! Stop yelling at me!

Looks like were outta time to talk it over.

Boss Battle: Fallen Lover
Fallen Lover isnt too bad if you are well prepared. His big gimmick is an attack that does damage to SP instead of HP. Vayne and Nikki will probably be dry pretty quick, and even Jess will run out if the fight goes too long. Luckily, his normal attacks arent terribly powerful. The story bosses will be getting tougher, but this guy isnt it quite yet. We get the recipe for the Cure Jar from this, which is always good.
The monster ran off, crying.
And I have to say ghosts are not like I expected.

Of course they are. I expect much out of them.

But was that really okay? Wasnt that monster your friend?

Oh, dont worry. Naughty boys need to be punished.


Hahaha! Being popular is a tough job, isnt it?

Thats not funny! Ughh!

Uh, Flaya, care to introduce little miss ghost lady here?

Oh, I completely forgot. Its kinda long, so lets go back to the workshop.
We all headed back together so they could explain what was going on.
Video- Pamela

Watch Our Workshop Get Haunted!

Of course it is. I havent even used it once all year.

Um, I dont think thats something to be proud of.

Flaya, hurry up and introduce her.

Oh, right. This lady here is Pamela, a ghost whos lived here for years.

Hehehe. Nice to meet you.

you really are a ghost?

Years? Weve been here for 6 months already. How come we

Yeah. I never noticed

Pamelas like our summer feature.
Its a tradition to hide her from the Freshmen until summer.
And then we scare the new kids during summer break.

I just couldnt wait this year. I scared a few people early.

Thats not very nice

Flay, wont you introduce these children to me, too?

The pink hair is Jess. The furry animal is Nikki. The guy is Vayne.

Pink hair

Furry animal
I think if all ghosts looked like Pamela, people would be a lot less afraid of them.

Y-yes, Miss Pamela

Oh dear, dont call me Miss. Thats so formal. Just call me Pamela.

Oh, okay.

Hehehe. Youre very interesting. Youre one of my new favorites.

Oh ho, raising Pamelas interest so quickly is quite impressive.

Ive decided. Im gonna join your workshop.



But, youre a ghost!!

I am now, but back when I was alive. I was a student here, too.
Or, do you just not want me to join?

Well, its not that
I just dont think the school would allow it

Oh, dont worry. Im good friends with Bernard. Im sure he can work it out.

Where have I heard that name before?

He is the most influential man at this school.

Oh! The principal!

He was such a handsome boy back then. Now hes just a boring old man

To gain Pamela
thats a great achievement on your part, Vayne!

I guess

Well, once again, its nice to meet you all. Thisll be so much fun.

I hope so. Well, welcome
System Message: Pamela has joined your party.

Pamela, the ghost. I used to think ghosts were scary, but seeing her
I mean, its fun with more people
but then again, she is a ghost