Part 11: Good News
Video- Chapter 4 Intro
Watch the Intro
Woman: Like hell this is a coincidence. I came out here to meet you.
You never even sent me a single letter
Man: It would never reach you, even if I had. Those guys would just rip it up.
Woman: Thats true
Oh, is he yours?
Man: Hes my traveling companion. Being alones not all fun and games.
Woman: Is that so? Youve so changed.
Man: Care to join me?
Woman: Are you kidding? I have things to take care of
Classes started back up, and we got some exciting news today.

Okay, okay. Quiet down. Now, about this terms courses
Oh, and dont forget, we have the School Festival coming up this term.
I know youre excited, but make sure you finish all your Assignments first.
Leo: Whats gonna be at the Festival?

As usual, well have food stands, presentations
And then, a big event.
I think this year its a duo-tag-team battle arena.
The winners get prizes. So if youre interested, I suggest you sign up.
Well, thats all for today!
Nikki wanted to enter the battle arena with me, but it seemed I was already spoken for.

I dont really want to

Me neither. It sounds so barbaric.

Well, I wanna do it. Hey Vayne, lets enter together!

Huh? Me?

Sorry, but Vaynes already booked.

Booked? What do you mean?

I already submitted our entry form. Its gonna be you and me, Vayne.

Whaaa!? You didnt even ask me

Aww, too bad. I guess Ill just watch this time.

But, isnt it strange for Flay to participate in a school event?

Heh heh heh
It took a while, but Ive finally obtained my goal. Take a look at this!
It seems that all that time and those injuries were all from trying to convince that huge Mana to make a pact with him, and he finally succeeded.

Wow! Whend you get that?

Gotta say, its pretty cool looking.

Theyre giving me a headache. Dont call me out unless you need me.

He seems pretty grumpy

Anyway, now I can train you better. And to kick it off

Wh-what are you planni--?

First up, Vayne! Lets go train. Were in it to win it!

Wait a minute, hold oAhh, help me!
System Message: Flay has joined your party.

Good luck, you two.

Ill bring you some snacks later.

Well, now that the loud ones gone, lets do some Assignments.
Flay wasnt done for the day, though, when we got back in he had something new to shout about.

Whats wrong, Flay?

Im the one asking, whats going on here!

About what?

No ones written in the schedule chart!

Schedule? We have such a thing

Geez. I step aside for a bit and look at you. How disappointing.

What? Its your fault for not explaining about the workshop to us.

Is that so? I thought I already explained it
Fine. Ill explain it to you again, so listen up and be thankful.
Professor Feinnes Alchemy 101: Task Sharing
Task Sharing is a pretty cool little feature. The basic idea of it is that were giving the rest of the party stuff to do in their free time. We have three options with this. We can have people go Search in an area, which will award them with some AP. We can also send them to Gather in an area, which will provide us with some materials endemic to said area (including often some rare and useful ingredients if we have the right person in the right area). Our third option is to have them Synthesize, which allows them to create anything weve made before. The rate produced depends on what were asking for and whos supposed to make it, generally anything worthwhile is produced one/week or one/two weeks. Most of what well be creating with this are annoying things that are also common raw materials like some accessories or some of the very complicated normal items.
Flay was on a roll, and decided to go into some more explanations.

Yeah, I think so

That was a pretty good explanation for you.

Hwahaha! Dont praise me.
Alright. Im feeling pretty good today.
So Ill teach you about splitting roles in battles while Im at it.
Professor Feinnes Alchemy 101: Formations
So, now that we have more than three party members, we cant have everyone out at once in battle. There are three possible positions in our Formation: Vanguard, Support, and Standby. Our Vanguard are out on the battlefield, and whoever we set as Vanguard on the Formation screen defaults as out. Support characters are in the backfield. They can switch with our Vanguard by command, but its much better to use them in a Support action instead. Supporting lets us switch them in either after an ally attacks or before an enemy attacks, and later in the game will have substantial benefits. Even better, characters who are currently in the Support role will regain SP in battle, which will allow us to use skills a lot more. Standby characters dont take part in battle or get AP, but do recover HP and SP over time.
We were all quite worried about him, honestly...

Uh huh

Hey. Are you really Flaya?
To be able to explain all that normally

Yeah. Its hard to believe

How rude. Im a man who does what he must when the time is right.

Maybe hes sick or has some sort of fever
Wait here! I was just making this one medicine!

Huh, Jess medicine

Mmhm. Itll make you feel very energetic!
For just 3 days.

What happens after three days? Im not even sick to begin with.

Oh, give it up. Vayne, hold him down over there!


Nrg, let me go! Vayne, how could you?
Nikki, you know whats going on! You think this is funny, dont you!?

Oh I dunneow. Watcha talking aboutiewho?

Here, Flay. Open wide. Ahh!

Stop it. Dont come any closer
We havent gotten our first Assignment yet, so were doing a bit of alchemy to get warmed up. Flay seems to have a real intuition for this stuff.

Nikki, whats wrong?

I want to break this root and boil it down but
its so hard

Can I see? Oh wow it really is hard

What are you doing?

Oh Flaya, break this for me, will you?

Why break it? Just boil it whole. Here.

Hey, no! I had everything measured!

A tidy synthesis is not my style. Just put in more of the other ingredients!

Ahhh, this is terrible

Well, its complete

I wonder if its okay

You worrisome buggers. Let me. *gulp * *gulp * Yum! Delicious!

Really? Let me try
Oh, youre right.

Wow, it really turned into a healing potion

Of course, I made it.

How could such a rough synthesis work out well

I guess in a good sense, you can say its manly.

Ive heard of mans cooking, but I guess this is mans synthesis
Also, this might be the day Nikki stops eating in the Workshop.

Whats wrong?

I cant find the mushroom I harvested yesterday
Have you seen it?

Not me

Hreh, fai fafnt feen it.


*gulp * I said I really dont know!

*sigh * I have to go get another one, then
Next time, tell me if youre hungry. Ill give you real food.

I said, its not me.

Its okay, forget it. But more importantly, did you cook it thoroughly?

Eh? Its a mushroom. Raw is fine, isnt it?

But that mushroom was pretty poisonous

Seriously!? Urgh! My body
is tingly

Nikki! Oh no. Hurry, we need the antidote

Leave her alone for a while, as punishment for stealing and eating.


Shell be fine. Its not a lethal poison.

Ib zorry
I bont bo it adain zo bwease delp
Anyway we got on with our syntheses while Nikki was trying to shake off the poison mushroom.
I think I know why Jess wanted the mushroom, though its not reassuring at all.

Huh? What is it?

Why is it that when we use this medicine, it cures poisons and paralysis?

Uh, well
itll heal on its own, but this just makes it faster

I think its no fun if you just cure it.
Actually, itd be even more fun if we can keep poisons and stuff forever.

I dont quite understand this fun you see in it

I think I can make it if I tweak this medicine a bit. Maybe Ill try it out.

I like your idea, but I dont think thats the right way to use it.
System Message: Item: Preservative can now be made.
I also made a terrible mistake earlier.
For future reference dont make references to age around ghosts.

What makes you say that?

Youre blatantly making flammable liquids at school.

Its not like Im going to burn it, though. Its used for medicine.

Oh, is that so?
Speaking of which, paint thinner can clean more than just paint.

Oh, interesting.

It has stronger solvent power than water, so it gets dirt off easily.

You know a lot.

Oh, its nothing. Hehe.

What is it called again?
Oh yeah! Grandmas words of wisdom.

*glare * Whats that supposed to mean?
Are you calling me a grandma?

What? No
I just wanted to compliment you for how knowledgeable you are.

I know Ive been a ghost for a long time, but I still look very young.

Sorry, I really didnt mean it like that

we really need to talk, one-on-one. Hehehehehe!

Wha! Dont pull on me! Im sorry! Ill never say it again!

Im not going to let you sleep tonight
System Message: Item: Black Liquid can now be made.
Pamela got bored eventually, fortunately, and Im hoping shell forget to continue haunting me later.
Of course I traded that immediately for Flay so Im not sure I really gained anything.

Whatd I do wrong? You dont look pleased.

I dont like the color.

Really? Maybe I made a mistake with the synthesis

Its not a matter of failing the synthesis.
Say, Vayne, what is your favorite color?

Uh, black and white, I guess.

Fool! A defender of justice is always red!
Black and blue are for sidekicks. Dont even get me started on white!

What are you talking about?

It doesnt matter. Just make red colored steel! Thats an order!

Y-yes, sir
System Message: Item: Red Steel can now be made.
We rolled out a lot of new items that wed been working on.
I even spent a whole bunch of time on a really detailed robe.
By this point Nikki could move again, and was apparently still hungry.

Hm? Whats wrong?

Dont you think its wrong to be sewing each and every little stitch?

Why? Its kinda fun

I think it should be more alchemic and like, bam! Instantly done.

But were using cloth, so we have to be careful. Theres sizes, too.

Then lets forget cloth. Make it with candy!

Thats impossible

Doing normal stuff isnt gonna make you a great alchemist, you know?
These unexpected opinions are where new discoveries are made

Nikki, youre starting to sound like Flay

Wh-what did you say!? Thats the one thing you should never ever say!

S-sorry. That was mean

Ill never forgive you! As punishment, you must make a robe out of candy!

So its merely just a game of punishment now, huh

Did you say something!?

No, nothing at all
System Message: Item: Chocolate Robe can now be made.
Pamela saw one of those tangerine caps and had an idea for a similar one based on it

Um, well its not bad, but
it could use a few more decorations.

Decorations? Hmm
what kind do you think would look nice?

Lets see
How about a Lando fruit?

Lando? You mean with those thorny spikes?

Mhhm. Thorny spikes all over the hat. Dont you think itd be cute?

I guess itll work
But that means Ill have to start all over

Aww, its no good? And here I thought it was a good idea

Oh, no, Im sure its good
Ill just make another one. A Lando hat, okay?

Really? Im so excited!

*sigh * I know shes faking, but I always end up getting tricked
System Message: Item: Lando Cap can now be made.
I really never learn.

Hm? What is it?

How long have you been at this school?

I dont really remember.
Oh, but I met Bernards grandpa when he was a student.

The Principals grandpa

Then like a hundred years? Maybe even more?

So you stayed here the whole time? Have you ever gone outside?

Now that you mention it, no I havent.

If we didnt mention it

Oh, no. I think I remember trying to get outside once, but I couldnt

Oh? Why?

I forget. It was a long time ago. But why are you curious about that?
*gasp * Are you trying to kick me out!?

N-no! I was just kind of curious.

Thats it. Im going home already.

Wait, Pamela!

Uh oh. You made her mad.

But I still wonder. Why cant she leave the school