Part 20: The Furthest Reach
It all started when the conversation turned to why people had come to Al-Revis.
Video- Theofratus

Watch us Learn Some Truth

I think its kinda fun. But, it can wear you down sometimes.

This is how it should be. You just slacked off way too much before.

Roxis is correct.

I mean, sure, I guess
But Flaya doesnt even show up anymore.
And, honestly, if I gotta do all this work just to become an alchemist

Oh yeah, I never really asked. So, why did everybody come here?

Thats a stupid question. I was pre-enrolled for as long as I can remember.

I aim for mastery in both academics and sports

I was recruited, so I just kinda came, I guess.

Hmm, it was so long ago, I cant remember.

What about you, Vayne?

Oh, uh, I
My dad was an alchemist
Or something. Maybe

Why so mysterious?

Actually, I cant remember much of my past
The earliest I remember was being in a workshop. I vaguely remember my dad.

Really? Do you even remember his name

No. Not at all
Sulpher, it seemed, did know his name. He just never felt like telling me before.

Theofratus? Thats my dads name?

What? Isnt Theofratus

That famous


You all know him?

Know him!? Hes like, the most famous alchemist of the past few years!

In just 10 years, he made a great discovery and alchemy theory.
I heard he passed away, suffering in his research in his later years.

Wow! So youre the son of Theofratus!

No wonder youre so skilled at things.

If you say so, I guess
I dont really understand it myself

Oh, Theofratus
Those were good times.

Youve met him before?

Oh yes! I played with him when he was a student.

So Theofratus was a student here, too?
I guess it makes sense. You cant be an alchemist until you graduate.
We decided to go ask the teachers if anyone knew him.

Why dont we go ask the teachers, then?

Sounds fun! Vayne, dont you want to learn about your dad, too? Lets go.

you knew about my dad?

Yes. He was my master.

Really? You never told me that before

You never asked.

Youre so mean

Get going, or youre gonna be left behind.

Oh, yeah
Miss Isoldes office is the first room we passed, but she wasnt in. So we talked to Mr. Zeppel first.

Hm? Whats going on? Whats with the crowd?

We came to ask you about Theofratus!

Theo-! Do you remember now!?

Um no, not quite

Oh, uh
thats too bad.

Hes Vaynes dad though, right?

Theres no proof, but I believe so. Thats why we recruited him.


But that merely got your foot in the door.
Seeing you now, I can proudly say it wasnt a mistake to bring you here.

So, what was Theofratus like?

Well, actually, we were classmates.

Really!? Wow.

Did you get to do research and stuff with him?

No. We were just in the same class. To me, he was way above the clouds.
I never understood his research
at all.

So he really was an amazing person.

Huh, but

Hm? Is something wrong?
Anna needs to work on her people skills a bit, and this is coming from me.

Youre old enough to have a kid as old as Vayne.

*gag *

sorry. Mr. Zeppel?

Hes frozen in shock

Lets get outta here before we get blamed for something.
We headed next door to Mr. Lorrs office.

Yes. We were wondering if you knew anything.

He had already graduated by the time I came here

Oh, I see
Thats too bad.

You should ask Zeppel and Isolde. Theyre about the same age as him.

While we waited for Miss. Isolde to return, we also decided to ask Mr. Dior.

Hm? Whats with the crowd?

Do you remember anything about Theofratus?

flat? Hmm, I think Ive heard of that

Theofratus the Alchemist, old-timer. Have you gone senile?

How rude! Im only 80.

Then tell us.

W-well. Okay
I had just turned 19. At the time, I was

This is gonna have nothing to do with it

Will this story be long?

If you would like, I can talk for hours.

Please excuse us, then. Nikki, you should stay and listen to his story.

What? Me?

Everyone else, lets go.


Wait a minute! You cold-hearted meanies!
When we were done there, we returned to Miss. Isoldes office and found her in this time.

Umm, can we ask you about Theofratus?


Hes Vaynes dad, right?

So Ive heard, though I have my doubts.

Um, well
what kind of person was he?

His skills were unrivaled. Thats probably why he had so many enemies.

Enemies? Like who?

He was the target of envy. There were times
Oh, I remember one story.

Ooh, what, what!?

There is but one place that has always been off limits to students.
It is guarded by a monster called the Great Beast.

Ooh. Sounds like an adventure story.

I dont remember any dangerous places like that, do I?

Its not dangerous if you steer clear. Im not surprised its not known.
But he
Theofratus, defeated that beast and entered that place.
When he returned, he said it was nothing special. Just beautiful scenery.

Scenery that only my dad has seen
I guess Flay was following us the whole time, because he came out of nowhere and insisted we go there.

Eep! Flaya!?

When did you get here?

If only one man has reached that land, then I must go there, too!

And theres nothing we can do to stop you

Well just have to tag along

Thank you, Ms. Isolde.

Im sorry I havent introduced myself

Hurry up and go. You shouldnt make your friends wait.

Yes maam
Excuse me.

This may not prove anything, but its worth a try
We headed through the Dragons Grave, and at its highest reaches we discovered Heavens Road.

Yeah. A place only my dad was able to reach

I can hardly wait. Come on, lets go.

I saw them earlier. They were asking about Theofratus.
And how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me by name.

I see
I found some stuff from back then, and I wanted to show them
Oh well. Ill just do it some other time.
We realized far too late how dangerous this undertaking was.
Video- The Great Beast

Watch the Epic Showdown

I dont see anything. Maybe she tricked us?

No way

Theres another path over there. Maybe its a little further in.
It seemed the Great Beast was still very much alive.

Great Beast: My home lies beyond
It is not a place for humans to enter

So youre the Great Beast or whatever, huh?

Oh, come on. Just let us through. You let Vaynes dad go in, didnt you?
Great Beast: Dad? So, you are his son

Great Beast: The son of the only human who scarred my pride

Oops. I think I mighta stepped on a landmine.

Vayne is his child. The rest of us have nothing to do with him.

Whoa, Pamela! Youre evil!
Great Beast: I wont take your life
But I will make you wish I had!
The Great Beast attacked us!
Boss Battle: Grandwing Drake
The Grandwing Drake will take one damage from anything that isnt a critical hit. Fight it for a while, and eventually the battle will end.
There was just nothing we could do to harm it, it seemed.

It doesnt look like were even hurting him
Great Beast: Insolent humans
You will regret ever stepping into my land

Great Beast: The mans son? You wish to take on everyones pain? Very well

Vayne! Watch out!

Back off, idiot!

I cant let anyone else get hurt because of me

Ive never seen you so determined.


But I do want to see this place that he saw
Show me what youve got.

Great Beast: This

His powers are weaker?


Okay. Can you all lend me another hand?

Sure thing!

I wont let you take all the credit!
I dont know what he did, but Sulpher gave us a fighting chance.
Professor Feinnes Alchemy 101: Variable Strike and Finishing Burst
Now weve got two all-new battle mechanics available to us. The first is the almighty Variable Strike. This is a special attack available to Vayne. We trigger it by using him as the last of three Support Attacks, and it is a brutally powerful team up attack with the two people who are still out. It does tons of hits and is a great way to charge up the Burst Meter. Speaking of the Burst Meter, we have an all-new reason to want to charge it up: Finishing Burst.
When we enter Burst Mode from now on, itll pop up some sort of goal. Whenever we do whatever its asking, our Finishing Burst meter will fill. When it fills up, we can unleash a Finishing Burst with any of our characters who are not Roxis before he gets his Mana. This will end Burst Mode with a bang, doing massive damage to the target. Finishing Bursts meter remains at its charge level, by the way, so we can take advantage of charge built up in earlier battles. I should be able to show all of the Finishing Bursts off by the end, I did Vaynes and Jesss this time. If it really comes down to it Ill just refight Grandwing Drake a few times to show off Flays, Annas, Pamelas and Nikkis.
Boss Battle: Grandwing Drake
Okay, so this time his defense is low enough that we can actually hurt him. We start out in Burst Mode, and all of our Bursts in this fight are Attack Consecutively, which is incredibly easy to fill. Variable Strike is enough to fill it up, and Id suggest using Vaynes Einzelkampf for the first one just for styles sake. Grandwing Drake still has a massive pool of health, and youll likely see a second Burst Mode. Just charge up the Finishing Burst again and blow him up. He does a decent amount of damage, but this is definitely a gimmick fight to show off the mechanic. Oh, and you get the ability to create Flame Rings as a result, useful resistance items.
And in the end we defeated the dragon.

We won
Great Beast: I do not fare well with your kin
I must

The voice disappeared

I guess hes gone then.

I was really worried for a moment there.

Wow Vayne, you were amazing!

It wasnt me
Its all thanks to Sulpher.

Well talk later. Now, we must go onward!
And that let us push ahead, to the place only my dad had been.
Video- The Furthest Reach

Watch the Chapters End


No wonder that monster really likes this place.

Its so pretty

Hmph. Not bad, I must say.

I didnt know this school had such a beautiful place

Arent you glad, Vayne?

Hellllloooo! Vayne?


Oh, sorry.
I stood for a while at that place, trying to imagine what he might have felt as he stood there

Thats something else he didnt deserve.

my dad
A place only he had reached.
I would never have been able to get there without everyones help.
But Dad
He got here on his own. And defeated that monster
I wonder what kind of man he was. If only I could remember something