Part 22: The Sword, The Light, and The Mask
Video- Anna 2

Watch Us Practice!
Theyve come up with some extra classes for us during summer, its pretty bad. I got up a bit early this morning and was bored, so I headed down to the grounds.

Looks like theres no one here. Well I guess thats only normal.

What should I do? I still have time before class starts

Personally, I wanted to sleep a little longer.

Huh, isnt that
It turns out Anna trains this early every morning, I have no idea how she does it.

Good morning. What are you doing up so early?

Practicing my sword. I must train everyday or else Ill lose my edge.

This early
? Everyday?

Everyday, at this time. Other than now, I am too busy studying Alchemy.

thats impressive.

Oh, not really.
I mean, youre up this early, too. Arent you in some kind of training?

No, I just happened to wake up really early today

Is that so
? Which means
Anna went a bit quiet for a second, she does that every so often.

You handle everything skillfully, but youre kind of weak and gloomy
At this rate, he may turn dissolute
And what if he cant graduate
Even if he does graduate, without vitality
Hell end up in
Ahhhh! Oh no, I must do something to save him!

Well, Im gonna go now

Vayne! Let us train together. I have been looking for a partner.

What? But I dont know anything about swords

I will train you from scratch Let us go to, say, the Dragons Grave.

I dont mind, but

Then, off we go! Right now, right this moment!

Hey, dont rush me
We headed up to Heavens Road, Im absolutely amazed she does this every morning.

Ready for what?

Sword fight training, of course. I always fight seriously, so be prepared.

W-wait! If you fight seriously, Ill die!

I see. Very true

Yeah. So like, can we do something more basic

But that wont be any sort of practice for me.

Oh, yeah, I guess

Then how about this? You can learn my moves through real battles.
Luckily, there are many monsters in this area.

Oh, thats fine
But with just the two of us?

Yes. Usually, I do this alone anyway. It shouldnt be a problem.
Try to defeat them wit only the power of your sword, if you can.

Ill try my best
We defeated a few enemies, and I was already getting a bit tired so we took a break.

Would you like to take a break?

That would be nice
So you do this everyday?

Yes. This and other basic moves, and swings

So professional.

I learned from my father. I will eventually have to take over his dojo.

Oh, I see
Then, why did you come to this school?

I was in doubt.
Ever since I was born, I swung my sword. Its not that I dont like it
But I didnt know if I should simply accept this path without a choice.
Thats when I happened to get an invitation form the academy.

My father was very upset with me. But I forced my enrollment anyway.

Which do you like now? Swords or alchemy

I am not quite sure, yet. I think I still like swords better right now.

I see

But its my school life, so Ill think about it until I graduate.
Three years will go by fast
Anyway, lets continue with practice.

Were still gonna do this, huh?

Of course. Now, lets go!
Shes certainly good with her sword, she kept us at a pretty crazy pace until the area was cleared.


Oh, yes. Right. Good work.

Whats wrong? Daydreaming?

Well, honestly, I didnt think you would be able to continue to the end
Are you sure you dont train everyday?

Yes Im sure. I barely made it
To think I still have classes

To be able to keep up with my practice without doing any sort of training
With such a dainty body
Does he have some sort of special talent?
Then if hes properly trained, he may become an amazing swordsman
Ah! How could I
To want a disciple when I myself am still in training
With my very own hands, the ultimate swordsman could be born
And he will call me master
Ahh, what do to

Well, should we head back now?
I think Anna fuzzed out a bit again thinking about something.

Wh-what? That was loud

If its okay with you, would you like to come practice with me again?

What? Umm
as long as its not everyday


Y-yeah. But wont I be in your way?

In my way? Never! So its a promise. If you break it

Dont worry, Ill remember.

Good! Then, lets go.

Whats with her high spirits
I have a bad feeling about this
I just hope she doesnt want to train too often, this is tiring
Video- Roxis 2

Watch Us Apologize!
Roxis was still mad at me from a while ago when I interrupted him talking with that Mana.

Well, he left.

I wonder if hes still mad.

Did you do something to make him mad?

I think I mightve, but Im not sure

Sounds like weve got a situation. Come on, you can tell us everything.

You see
I explained everything, and they all insisted on heading to the Millenium Tree to investigate.

Just as Vayne said.

Hahaa! This means, we have to cooperate as well.

Hell get mad

If we cooperate, hell get mad?

Yeah, thats what happened last time

So difficult.

Its the complicated heart of a man.

What should we do? Leave him alone?

Even if we did, I doubt Roxis would be able to make that pact alone.

Youre pretty harsh

For now, I think Vayne should go talk to him one more time.

Yeah, I should apologize, too

Well go talk to the Mana.

Good luck, Vayne.
Roxis left, and I followed him while they stayed behind.

Yes. Um

Its about the contract yada yada, right? Geez, youre so persistent

Why dont you just do it? You dont lose anything.

But you see
Messing around with him is my current joy in life

Ah, I understand that feeling all too well.
But, if you were to pact with him, you can mess with him at any time.

Ah, that is a good point.


Wait, wait. While were at it, theres one more thing
I caught up with him at the library.

You, again

Hold on, I just wanted to apologize to you for the other day

Apologize? Why?

Well because
You were mad

Thats it
? You dont even know why you angered me and youre apologizing?

I have no idea

Well, to start with, I hate everything about you.


Born the son of a talented alchemist, got into school with no difficulty
Of course youre going to be hated.

But youre from a line of famous alchemists, too

Well yes, were famous. Many skilled alchemists came from us in the past.
But in the past century, not one talented alchemist has been born.
And now their one and only son is a dimwit who cant even pact with a Mana.
Im a failure who cant even get into this school without difficulty!


Do you get it now? Stop trying to talk to me.
Roxis knew as little about me as I did about him, though.

Whats not to know

I dont even know my dads face, nor have I ever talked to him.
Before I came here, people hated me because no one knew where I was from.
I lived quietly in the mountains, alone with Sulpher

But you still have a Mana and skills.
People dont have high expectations of you.

You have a family, and a place to go home to. And yet youre so


Oh, I finally found you.
Pamela just cant come through a damn door.

Stop appearing before us in that senseless manner!

You dont have to be that surprised
Anyway, I came for you, Roxis.


The Mana agreed to pact with you. Hurry before he changes his mind.

R-really? Ill be right there!

But he has some conditions
And hes gone.

Im surprised the Mana agreed to make the pact.

Well you see
oh, right. You need to go there, too.


Come, come, hurry, hurry!
The others were waiting at the Millenium Tree with the Mana.

*pant * *pant * P-pact
with me
R-really?... Finally

Oh hoh hoh. So rushed, so cute. Looks like your friends are here, too.
Well, lets see it.

See? What

Oh, you havent heard?

You just ran off, Roxis. Youre so impatient.

So, what did you request to see

Its simple. Be friendly with your friend there, and Ill pact with you.
Lets see. For now, I guess a handshake and a smile would do.


Excuse me?

You cant look unwilling when you shake hands. You have to have a big smile.

C-cant it be something else

No. I wont budge on this.

Give me some time to think about it.

Go ahead. Think all you want.
We seriously stood around for an hour as he sat there thinking it over.

Hey, are you ready yet?

Hes been thinking for such a long time now

I like the tortured look, but its getting boring. Maybe Ill go home

Wait! Please, wait! Dammit, Vayne!


Give me your hand

Roxis? Your eyes are scary.

Dont say anything! Hurry up and do it!
He practically grabbed my hand, he pretty clearly wanted to get this over with.

H-heh, heh heh

Ah, hahaha

Is that
good enough?

What are you talking about?


Im just kidding. Come, get closer.
System Message: Roxis has made a pact with a Mana!

This is
a Manas

Feels better than I thought. Well, Ill be living here for a while.

Congrats, Roxis!

You may notice hair where there was none before.



Oh, I almost forgot.


You and that boy are now friends. So no fighting.
If you ever get into any sort of quarrel, Ill leave immediately.

Wh-what!? Thats just


Er, Vayne

Itll be fun.
Roxis wasnt enthusiastic, but the Mana wasnt giving him much of a choice...


O-of course! Im looking forward to it!

How wonderful. Now theyre good friends.

Kinda iffy, but

That Mana has quite the personality. Heh heh, thisll be interesting.
Professor Feinnes Alchemy 101: Roxis Mana
Now that Roxis has a Mana, he can learn all the skills that were previously unavailable. He still wont do a Co-op Synthesis with Vayne, though.
Video- Flay 2

Watch Justice!
Flays been quite busy it seems.

Oh, Vayne, good morning.

You know, that Defender of Justice guy that everyones talking about.

of Justice?

So, you dont know? Youre so out of the loop.

Lately, there have been various attacks on the school delinquents.

The entire school is talking about this rumor.

Oh, I see
I didnt know.

Its just that
the person spreading the rumor is



It seems to be Flay.

And at tremendous force, to anyone and anywhere.

But, why would he?

Who knows
? Maybe you should ask him when he comes in.

Speak of the devil

Hahaa, everyones here. Just as I expected.
Jess tried to ask Flay about the rumor, but Nikki stopped her partway through.



You call that play fighting?

Oh, no. Play fighting is more vicious. Hahahaha.

Well, whatever. I have things to do, so I just dropped in to say hi.
Dont slack off. Study hard!

That was close.

Nikki? Jess is kinda turning purple.

What? Oh! Sorry!

Youre mean! What was that about!?

Just listen to me. About that rumor thing

I was just about to ask him about it

Tsk, tsk, tsk
I already came up with a vague suspicion.
I bet you the Defender of Justice is


Situation-wise, that is quite plausible.

They did have a very good point.

Right!? So listen, Im pretty sure he wont be honest, even if we ask
So, I say, we go find some evidence!

But, its not like hes doing something wrong

And how do you plan to obtain this evidence?

We follow and catch him red-handed. He just said he had some stuff to do.

Sounds interesting. Count me in.

Im just worried Flay might cause more havoc.

But, hes the Defender of Justice, right? Thats not a bad thing

Then its decided! Lets get going!
We tried to follow him, but quickly lost him. We did end up in the Campus Grounds, though, where the rumors started.

Blindly searching has its limits, too.

Oh wait, but isnt this place

This is where the rumor started yesterday.

Alright, lets go gather up some info!

We dont have to go that far, do we?

What!? Youre such a party pooper. Arent you worried about Flay at all!?
He might be in some really deep, sort of dangerous trouble!

I doubt that

Okay, then its decided! Vayne, go ask around!

What? Okay, fine then
We asked around about the Defender of Justice.
Cat: Mew mew mew!
There was really only one reasonable conclusion.

Summing up those stories we just heard

Theres no mistake.

I knew it.

Hmm, now we just need to catch him in action.
Scream: Aaarrrhhhh

A scream!?

That was a deep voice

Could it be
Hes out? Lets go!
The Defender of Justice was indeed at work.
Gomory: Were no match

Learn your lesson here, never do evil
Hmm, I feel their presence. Tah!

He got away!

After him!

Somehow, I dont think were doing this right

Um, uh, ahh

Are you guys alright?
Higgs: Err
Sorry, girls
We caught up to him again for a moment.

He sure is fast



Nikki? Roxis!?
Flay had created some sort of pit trap, I still cant believe it.

Such a primitive trap

A pit hole

Such a large hole in such a short time
I knew he was no ordinary man.

You need to train a million years to catch me!

Hold it! Revenge for Nikki and Roxis!

But theyre both alive

Hey! Get us outta here first!
I lost sight of Anna in the hallway outside our workshop for just an instant, and he got her too.


That voice
Oh no!
Anna! Please be okay

I, regret


Heh heh heh
Amateurs, worthlessssss!!

I chased him alone to the dungeons where they keep dangerous monsters.

As I though, the last to survive, is you

What were you thinking, Flay!?

So, you figured out who I am
I see.

Of course. Why are you doing this!?

Im not sure how to answer that question. I was just destroying evil.
It was your choice to chase me down. You asked for it yourself.

Huh, a reasonable argument from Flay
Well, why did you hide your identity?

How do you know this isnt my true identity?


Perhaps I invented this Flay persona to infiltrate the academy
And with the secrets of alchemy, I have become the Mystery Justice Alchemist!


I often wondered why there was no Defender of Justice in this world
And since there isnt one, my only option was to become the first!

I get it. I wont stop you, so good luck.


Flay wasnt satisfied yet, though.

D-dont tell me

You have 2 choices, now that you know the truth behind this mystery
I either eliminate you now
Or you become my ally.

So thats what you were planning all along

The best heroes always work in pairs. Ill be #1 and youll be #2.

No one said I was going to do anything yet

Oh? So, you dont want to ever see the light of day again?


Heh heh heh, haaahahaha! Welcome aboard, partner!

I was framed
I just hope he doesnt go even more overboard on this