Part 23: The Fallen Star
Well, we managed to get our research done today.
Video- Research Topic

Watch the Video

Anyone have any ideas?

Me me! Lets make a lotta medicine! Like one that turns you green and

What do you plan to do with that medicine

So, do you know how to make it?

Nope. But itll be fine. We can all work on it together!


Boo. Then whats your bright idea, Roxis?

Ive put together a few essays. I was planning to just turn those in.

Then Ill just be all your work!

If you have a better idea, please, go on.

Huh? Uh
Why dont we just make a robot out of cardboard or something?

Kids dont even make those these days.

I think we should all put on a play together.

Thats more like a talent show than independent research

*sigh * So random
Flay actually had a good idea on what we could do for the research.

Oh yeah!? Then whats your brilliant plan?

Now, it wont take very long, and depending on our results
We may get a good grade. I think its time for us to excavate a ruin!

A ruin?

Deep in the Mana Ruins lie the remains of ancient alchemy. Well dig there!

Oh yeah, if we find anything, well finish really fast

But isnt that place restricted to Seniors only?

What do you think youre looking at?

I thought you flunked!

Aww, thats too bad. I just assumed youd never graduate.

Stop talking about my grade! Now hurry up and get ready to go!

Did we even decide on doing the excavation?

I dont think well find anything that easily

We can try it out. If we dont find anything, well think of something else.

Okay, lets do that.
We headed down to the Mana Ruins to search.
Everyone: Yeah!
Professor Feinnes Alchemy 101: The Interior Heights
This is actually a really interesting dungeon. Its filled with chests, most of which have either a Chrome Crystal, Carbon Boulder, or Pendelook. Some of them, though have enemies inside. When you defeat the enemies, you get an X Heal, so its actually pretty worthwhile. The enemies here all take a decent amount of time to defeat and you can easily end up taking quite a long time to get to the event area of this. Id suggest waiting the night out, the enemies here are really brutal then. Especially be careful of opening chests at night, you can get massacred by the time effect unleashed by one of the chest monsters then.
We found what seemed like a decent place to dig around deep inside.
Video- The Find

Watch Us Do Archaeology

I was just thinking
Is this really okay? I mean, its school property

It should be fine. If they dont want us here, they should do more to stop us.

Well, never mind that for now.
And in the back I found a really strange metal thing.

What? You found something?

Hold on, huy-ah
What is this? An egg?

Yeah. A metallic egg

We need to examine it with the Flayputer!

Ive never seen this kind of material before.

Lets take it back. Maybe if we warm it up, something will hatch!
???: Stop! Leave that
thing right there!!
It turned out we were followed out here.

Who the hell are you calling a mook!?

Flay, who are these people?

Just some losers. Its not even worth mentioning their names.

YouRrrghOf all the things to say
Anyway! Were taking that egg!

Sorry guys. Its like his whole life is dedicated to annoying you.

Youre involved in this, too!

Im not as wiling this time. We werent even ordered to do this.

Fine, Ill do this myself! You can go home!

Aww, youre all pouty. How precious.

D-dont say that!

Cant you practice your couples comedy show somewhere else?

Wh-what couple!? Gahh, this conversation is getting us nowhere
Anyway, were taking that, by force if necessary!
I really wish hed stop hassling us.
Video- Tony and Renee

Watch the Hardest Battle Yet
Boss Battle: Tony and Renee
This fight is seriously quite nasty and you can easily get dropped like a rock. Lets start on Renee. Shell start by summoning her Azureflame Mana, just like last time. Im not in the business of making this easier on myself but if you are having trouble with the fight Sealing her before she can summon it does make things a lot simpler. Renee uses more powerful versions of her Girl Attack, Big Orange Bomb, and Full Power Blade, and the Azureflame Mana has higher stats but the same basic moves. Tony will use the Twisted Flare and Hyphen attacks he used in the Battle Arena, and also has a powerful group attacked called Break Stomp. Hell also eventually use a skill called Path of Evil that summons his own Mana. Tonys Evil Mana changes the animations of all of his attacks and adds an extra hit to everything, making his Twisted Flare a LOT more dangerous. Focus on the Azureflame Mana if its up, then Renee, then Tony. There is a lot of damage going around in this fight, so make sure you have a lot of healing and revival ability. Its also helpful if you build up a full Finishing Burst meter on trash and just save it for the boss. Defeating them gets you two new recipes, one for the male-only Estevan Guard and one for the female-only Feathery Flow.
Somehow we managed to prevail, though.
Video- The Metal Egg

The Truth Is Out There

Why arent you angrier!? Damn it, youll pay for this!!

Ha, even his threat is idle and lackluster.

I wonder what they actually came here for

We wasted precious time. Lets go back to the workshop now.

Wasted time
Haha, pretty harsh words there, Anna
We took the thing back to the workshop to try and figure out what it was.

I wonder what this is

A pot, I guess
Though it seems to be metal.

I think we should prepare a normal research paper

Dont worry. No matter how you cut the pie, this is a super ancient artifact.

I guess it kinda looks like one but

Even if we turn it in like this, its still only a pot of some kind.

You guys are too picky. Here, give it to me.

Wh-what are you doing!?

These things always start up after you give them a little shock! Tah, rah!

St-stop it. If it breaks, then well really have nothing to turn in.

If it breaks, well go get another one.

No way! Thats too much work.

Huh? I thought I just saw it move

Ooh, really?

Yeah, it shook a bit
2000 Space Years since I landed on this planet, trapped, unable to move
But finally
Finally the time has come
The thing let out the strangest noise
And something came out!



Wh-what is this



It ran away! Catch it!

Y-yes, sir!
We cornered it in the back of the workshop.

Dont bully it!

I dont think this is the time to say that

This? Is cute? Jess, youre really strange.

Just hurry up and catch it!

Mu mu!
(Whats going on!? This isnt a rescue party from the mother ship!?)
(And Ive interacted with these aliens
Im bound for capital punishment.)
(If I must
Ill just have to destroy these things

Intent to kill!

I knew it, hes dangerous!

(Heh heh, panic, inferior organisms
But its too late. Take this!)
Huh? I-its broken!? N-no it cant be. Most of my weapons are

If its an enemy, dont go easy. Even if it is our independent research!

(Im in trouble
O-oh, right, the translator
Language pack
And then it talked!


It spoke

You understand us?

I know. I, Muppy. You, my friend.

Such cheesiness.

What now?

Step 1: Observation
Vayne, try to make contact with it.

Huh? Uh okay


!? Umm
Muppy, right?
Who are you?

(What should I say? I must play this off
Foreign student.

Wow, really!? Then you get to study with us from now on!

Jess! Dont be fooled! Its obviously not even human!

Look like my mother.

What a unique mother!

Id wish to see her one day
Im not really sure what Nikkis problem was.

(Alchemy, they said
Lets see, according to the database
(Ah hah, this is
If I learn alchemy, I can fix my spaceship

Are you really a student? You dont look

Blast, look. I had some congenital birth defects, but Im 17 years old.

Oh, then were the same age.

Dont fall for this stupid story!

Oh come on, Nikki. Lets hear him out.

Im the bad one? Roxis, Pamela, say something!

Its not cute, so I dont care.

Sorry, but I wont partake in possible discrimination against the disabled

someone be on my side!

Alright! Then you shall become a member of this workshop starting today!


Aww, the conversations moved on!

Oh, have you completed all the enrollment papers?


I didnt think so

Well just threaten the supreme ruler and itll be over with.


Okay, lets go!
Nikki didnt come with us to the Principals office, no idea why.

Even I know this cant be good
He was kind of iffy about actually letting Muppy in, though.

Thats right. Give us the approval, now.

Well, you see. Theres a strict entry exam and interviews and

Aww, Muppy cant join us? Thats horrible!

Well uh
If he has some sort of identification

Its on my head.


A red ball is proof of royalty. Only we are allowed to wear it.

R-royalty!? Is that so? Where do you come from?

(I need a random place

Waiiha? Is there such a kingdom by that name

You dont know! And you call yourself a principal?

No, no. I just forgot
Yes, Waiiha. I went there a lot when I was young.
Things got sorta weird here.

Shh! How should I know? Just play along!


Is that right? Then I dont have to tell you how beautiful it is there.

Y-yeah. The summers are cool and the winters are warm

Yeah, uh huh. And the food there is so good.

Ah, you guys have been there, too? Its a nice place, Waiiha.

(It worked

If youre royalty of Waiiha, its no problem. Alright, youre admitted.

Yay! Thats wonderful, isnt it Muppy?

Mu! Now I dont have to kill you.

Heh heh heh, such an easy man to handle.

Was that really okay? For him to enroll like that

Alls well that ends well.
System Message: Muppy has joined your party.
I guess that turned out well overall.

Even though, he was supposed to be turned in as our research project
There are many kinds of people in my workshop, but, how can I say this
I think he is beyond unique in my mind.
Who is he, and where did he come from?
At that time, we had no idea