Part 27: Life, Death, and Song
It always seems like theres more alchemy to do.
Roxis had a great idea while we were working.

Changing ingredients should be pretty easy in a synthesis like this.

Oh, is it?

In essence, its what you do with the magic you infuse into the stone.
By changing the core, you should be able to make something different.
Of course, theres the compatibility issue, so there are limitations.

Youre pretty smart.

Anyone could have come up with that.

Not really. Unless youve really studied, its pretty hard

In my case, I lack inspiration, so I try to compensate with reasoning.
Well. Lets get started with trying out all the possible ingredients.

By all, you mean

Yeah, gotta problem with that?

Oh, no. Ill help.
I should learn to be a hard worker like you
System Message: Item: Pentagle can now be made.
We had a class earlier that took us out to the dragons grave.
Video- Jess 4

Watch the Scene
Jess and I went together.
Everyone: Okay.

Youre free to roam, but there are monsters, so be very careful.
Alright, go! Make sure you come back in time.

Vayne, lets go together.

Oh, okay.

How about, over there.

Maybe I should ask her properly about it.
We gathered enough stuff for the class, with plenty of time to spare.


Are you unhappy about something?

No, its nothing
Kinda, well, sorta

What is it? Im curious

I wanted to ask you
About your illness

Why? I dont think its that interesting.

But I still wanted to ask. If youre okay with it, that is

I dont mind
So I got really sick for an unknown reason when I was small.
No doctors could fix it, so everyone thought I was just going to die.
But thats when a traveling alchemist came to our town.

A traveling alchemist?

Yeah. And he fixed my illness with alchemy.
And so I was cured, but something went wrong or something.
And because of it, I wont live so long.

So thats why youre okay with it? If you or other people, you know

I really dont know
Ever since I was young, they told me Id die soon.
So I just assumed, well, thats what its like
I really dont understand why Jess feels the way she does.

I dont think thats a good way of thinking.


I cant explain it well

I wouldnt know if youre unclear about it, either.
Anyway, Im going to die pretty soon.

Just, stop that. Dont keep saying youre going to die so easily

Why not!?

I said, I cant explain it!


Forget it! Im not going to talk to you anymore!

Shes gone
I didnt plan on this to happen
Jess ran off, angry.

I think youre the one whos straying from normal common sense.

Nuh uh! You dont even know common sense.

I know more than you. I mean, why are you so angry about it then?

I-Im not angry.

Right. Just go say sorry and make up already.

Why should I
? Urg

Uh, Jess? Hey

Hello? Jess!
Uh oh. This cant be good.
I started to get worried when she didnt rejoin the class later.

Hold on, please.

Hm? Whats wrong?

Shes not here

Hrm? Oh, youre right. Does anyone know?
Could this be
a big deal? Is it my lack of supervision!?

Im going to go find her!

Hey, no. Dont go by yourself!
Everyone, well split up and find her. Do not walk about alone.
I am going to be in so much trouble with the Vice Principal
Jess had collapsed!

That voice

Huh, whats this
? My body feels light
Oh, I, fainted again
Vayne, he was so mad
But I was mad, too
If I cant see him anymore, will he be mad at me forever
I dont
want that

Fortunately, she seemed mostly okay.

Can you wake up? Are you alright?

Jess!? Oh no. We have to take her quick

Geesh! Youre so late!

Sorry! But Ill save her.

You better! Go, hurry!

I carried her back to the infirmary.
Youre right
I feel so tired
was the childs destiny.
Such a cheap line.
Thats what I have to tell myself, or Ill go crazy.
I guess
If I think that
Yeah. If were prepared for it, when shes gone
It wont be a surprise. Itll just be a little earlier than normal
She eventually woke up.

Oh, shes awake!

Jess, are you alright?


Are you crying? Does it hurt?

Huh? Oh
Why am I crying? How strange

Dont cause us any more worry.

Hmph, I knew you would survive this.

Yeah, yeah. You were all panicky up until a minute ago.

But if Vayne didnt find you, who knows what could have happened


Its getting late. Well let you get your rest.

Yup. I know you just woke up, but

Im relieved now that youre awake. Well, good night.

If theres anything you need, just call us.

Well leave the rest to the teacher, okay
Jess still wanted to talk to me about something, though.

Hm? Whats wrong?

Can I just talk to you for a bit?

Me? Sure

Oh oh oh? Vayne and Jess sittin in aTeehee

Oh my? You two, alone?

Sorry Vayne, I cant allow any alone time with a weakened lady.

Oh, stop it with the stupid remarks. You can, too, so lets go.

What is it that you wanted to talk about?

Well, thanks
For rescuing me

Oh, its okay. It was my fault to begin with, for yelling at you

No, no. You didnt do anything bad.
I mean, yes I got lost and collapsed because I ran off, but


Uh, thats not what I meant. Either way, its not your fault.
I kind of understand how you feel, too. I think.
I still dont think she quite gets it.

I felt sad when I thought I wont see you anymore, but were still fighting.

Its probably the same.
I would be sad even if we hadnt fought, if I couldnt see you again

Really? Thats the one I dont really understand yet

Oh, okay

But, Im glad. Being able to make up with you.

If you think that way, then maybe we should keep fighting forever

What? Thats not good

Im just kidding. Im glad we made up, too.

Geez! Vayne!

Well, its time for you to get some rest. See you tomorrow.

Good night.
What is this
? It feels strange.
Im not sure how Id ever explain it, though
Video- Pamela 3

Watch the Scene
One thing thats for certain is that were never bored for long around here. Yesterday we had some really dull homework, and Pamela was kind of fuzzing out.

Yeah, we got a lot of homework and stuff

Youre not going out?

Not today. We need to get this out of the way

Vayne, I need some help!

Oh, okay.
*sigh * Its so boring

Huh!? Pamela is crying!?
But, why
? Is she fake crying again? But no ones looking
For Pamela to be crying
Something that sad? Or for a different reason

Hwaaah, Im sleepy. Im gonna go home and sleep.

Sorry we cant play with you today.

Its alright, see you tomorrow.

I got it!

W-whoa, that scared me
Whats going on?

I hope she didnt think something weird again
So, while our first sign of trouble really was Anna suddenly running out after being really quiet, we didnt know what was up until Pamela ran in today.


Whats going on here?

I-Im gonna be killed!

What!? Killed?

But youre a ghost.

*shudder * *shiver *

Shes seriously afraid

Are you okay

Not at all. Anna
Shes going to

Anna charged in carrying some kind of stick with a scroll hanging off of it, I can only assume her training also qualifies her to be an exorcist or something.

Y-you have to be kidding me! Please, help me!

Her usual assumption

We have to stop her

It wont be easy. Look at Annas eyes
Those are the eyes of a hunter!

You mean, shes serious?

Vayne, take Pamela and run.
The rest of us will stop Anna. Injuries are to be expected.

*sigh * Oh well.

Vayne, hurry, hurry!

Be careful, Flay!

Stop right there!

You stop right there!

If you plan to interfere, I will not go easy on you.

Why are you doing this?

It is all for the sake of Pamela!
We had to stop so I could catch my breath outside the classrooms.

Do you think we got far enough away

I wonder if everyone else is alright

I hope theyre fine

But why does Anna want to kill you

I dont know. She came to the Library and said she wanted to free me

Once she starts, its hard to stop her. Anyway, lets rest here for a bit

So this is where you were.

Ahhhhhhhh! Shes here!

If Anna is here
Did everyone else

Its no use in running. Just pass over

No! I dont want to die!

We got some support, luckily.


Sorry, she broke our circle.

Wheres everyone else

Jess and Nikki are
Grh! I wont last long either. Hurry and run!

But then youll

Thank you! Okay, lets get going.

What? But

Hes offering, so come on.


Somehow Im not satisfied with being left behind so easily

You realize you stand in front of me, and you wont escape unharmed?

I guess I should concentrate on this
We fled further on, to the faculty rooms.

By now, hes

Dont worry. Roxis is strong.

Quite the wishful thinking youve got there

That voice is
Flay! That wound

I must concede, I was swayed by emotion

Oh no. Even you

That is no longer Anna. She has transformed into Super Anna!


She will soon find you here
Run away! Every moment counts!

Im sorry, Flay!
We left Flay behind.


Too excited, shes lost her personality. But I am the Duke of Destruction.
If I have to die
at least Ill take you down with me!
In the end we had nowhere to run.

Stay with me, Pamela.

My school life was so happy until yesterday
And suddenly its this

Its okay
Im sure Annas pretty tired by now.
Maybe well have a chance to convince her

Are you sure about that?


No! Get away from me!

I had partially lost my conscience, but Flays strike woke me up
And now, to fulfill the true goal at hand!

Why are you after me?

You want this. You mourn your fate as a ghost, and hope to go to heaven

I never wanted that!

Then why did you shed that tear!?

? Me? When?

Yesterday at the workshop, I saw it. A single tear, rolling down your cheek

Is that true, Pamela
Yeah, so this was once again all a terrible misunderstanding.


Mmhm. Like, hwaaah


Anna, did you

Fine. For the sake of argument, lets assume I had the wrong idea.

But theres no argument here. Its 100% your misunderstanding

Horrible! So horrible! You went way too far!

But, Pamela, are you really okay like this?

Uh, what do you mean?

Youve lived a few hundred years as a ghost now
And you will be forever.


Those you befriend will leave this world, one after another

It turned out that Anna really did think she was helping Pamela out.

? My happy

I will sheathe my sword for today. But you should thank about it.
For your bliss, I will always be there for you

Thank you!
Youre a good girl
Youre really worried for me


Im going to think hard about it. About myself and other stuff, too

Yeah, I think thatll be good

Wh-what? Whats wrong?

We wrapped things up nicely, but
we need to go help everyone else!

Oh, wait. Im coming, too!
Alls well that ends well, I guess
Video- Nikki 3

Watch the Scene
This school is such a strange place.
???: Not looking too well. Those three are far too close to each other
Damn them
Just because they belong to the same workshop!
It cant be helped. We must rain down divine punishment.
Agreed. If not us, then who!
Isnt it too early?
It is meant to happen eventually
Alright. Then we must move our plans to action.
Everyone: All for Miss Nikki!
Were always getting attacked for no reason.


Whats wrong?

Youre being watched
Be careful.

Today it was a bunch of students.
Fan A: For our ambitions, you must die!

W-wait a minute!
I took them down, but that was just the start of them.

No idea. But itd be wise to get away from here. We dont know their goals.

Okay. Ill hurry back to the workshop
Fan B: There! There he is!
Fan C: Our comrades been defeated!? Damn. We will avenge him!

Another one!?

Theres too many
Lets get out of here.

I ran into Roxis and Flay, whod also been attacked.

Flay! And Roxis

By the looks of it, you too?

Yeah. They just came out and attacked me. Im still confused

Each one is weak, but they are trained. At this rate, itll only get worse.

So what was all that about? Those guys

I should be the one asking.

Either way, well move as a group. The others will be at the workshop.

Youre unreliable, but better than having nobody, I guess.

Ouch, thats mean

Ready!? Were going to force our way through. Dont fall behind!
We managed to get back to the workshop, where Nikki and Jess seemed perfectly fine.

I never knew the workshop was so far

You guys are all late. Getting lazy arent we?

Hm, you guys are alright?

Alright with what?

We were being chased by strange guys. We assumed you would be, too

Strange guys? You need to make a better excuse than that for being late.
They ran in after us, but quickly stopped.

Fan Club: Crap. Its Miss Nikki
Everyone, run!

Those guys?

Yeah. We were chased the entire time, and I really dont know why

Ah, those guys, huh

Hm? You seem to know something about them.

Wha? Oh no, I know nothing. You know me.


Very suspicious

If you tell us now, I wont have to force it out of you

Force!? What are you going to do

Jess, make any medicine your heart desires. A unique, original one.

Anything? However I want? Yay!

Wahh! Wait! Not that! Okay, okay, Ill tell you.

Sorry Jess, she gave up.

Aww, how boring.

So, who were those guys?
It turns out Nikkis popularity is just as much of a problem as her earlier unpopularity

Fan club?

Theyre the ones who always come listen to me sing.

And why would your fan club be attacking us?


What a nuisance.

To be able to craze that many men
Im such a sinful woman, teehee.

Not a hint of remorse.

Ive changed my mind. Jess, go ahead with the

Wait! Ill tell them I have no interest in any guys here, whatsoever!

Slightly rude, but fine.

As long as we dont get attacked

Okay then, Ill go now.

But to realize how much charisma Nikki has
Of all people, how could I have underestimated her.

I hope nothing worse happens

Dont jinx it, please