Part 29: Illness
Video- Chapter 8 Intro
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???: Not doing, even when you can. Not being able to because you cant.
Even if all hope is lost in this world, no one can waste ones life
Like youd understand what Im saying anyway. Now, I have one final task
Well be seniors soon.

Well be Seniors!

And Flay is graduating. It should get much quieter around here.

No need to panic. If you cry and beg, I dont mind staying an extra year.

We respectfully decline.

Are you depressed again?

Huh? You look kinda pale.

Im just not feeling good right now. Eh, but Ill get better soon enough.

Oh, okay

Is Sulpher feeling sick?

But he said hell be okay.

Speak up if youre in pain, okay? You seem like the stubborn type

I hope Sulphers feeling better soon. Anyway its been a crazy week so far. I got in to the workshop earlier than normal, and was surprised that someone else was there.

Vayne! Well, youre the only one who showed up for me.

Showed up for
? Was there something special going on today?

I said were going to have a workshop cleaning day!

What? I didnt hear

Really? I asked Nikki to relay the message

Nikki, huh
I wonder if she forgot to tell everyone or

She didnt tell on purpose, Im sure.

Thats what I thought

Well, it cant be helped. Well just do it with the two of us.

You mean
All of it with just us two?

It will be alright. I will teach you the secret art of cleaning up.


First, start cleaning from upper areas! Lights and top shelves are priority!


When wiping windows, do not use too much soap!


Useless items shall be tossed! Momentum is key!

Ill try my best!
It took a while, but we managed to get everything cleaned up.

Good job.

I guess just two people can do it
Even though most of it was you.
Do you always do serious cleaning like this?

A big one like this would only be about once a month through.

Once a month? Wow. Now I get why youre so mad when the workshop is dirty.

Try to always keep in mind to use the workshop cleanly from now on.
Flay was looking for Muppy later.

No, not me

He said something strange like he was going to feel the winds of the hill.

Hmm, I see. Its troublesome just to go get him

Oh, then, hold on just a second.
*shuffle *

What are you doing with your hand in the bag
Dont tell me
So, Jess reached into her bag and pulled Muppy out. I really dont know how else to put it.



Here you go, Flay.

Oh, there you are Muppy.

He came out of Jess bag

Mu!? Mumoo!?

What happened, Muppy?

Im not sure. A hand came from the void and before I realized it, I was here

What kind of gibberish are you talking about. Im in a hurry. Come on.

Wait! This is a big problem

Jess, your bag is

Hm? What?

Never mind.
I feel like its too dangerous to get too deeply involved
I heard Pamela talking from the empty workshop near ours, though I never saw what it was she was talking to.

Please, you dont have to. Youre so good.

Pamela, who are you talking to?

Hey! Now hes scared because you came out so suddenly!

Huh? Sorry
But it looks like theres no one here

Oh, you cant see him, Vayne?

Hm? Sulpher, what are you doing staring at the wall?


That pause makes me so curious

Youre lucky you didnt see
You still want to hear about it?

I kinda get it, so its okay
I was walking by the classrooms when I heard a familiar voice from one of them.

Oh? This is Muppys class. I wonder if theyre still doing lecture
I have no idea what Muppy was talking about. Well, moreso than usual.
Students: Oooohh!

But this requires a great amount of energy, and in order to produce it

Muppys teaching the class!?
And it sounds super complicated, too

Alright, thats it for todays class. Remember to review your notes.

Oh, hes done.

Hm? Vayne, were you listening?

It sounded really complicated.

They begged me to teach it.

Are you allowed to teach that stuff?

Ah!? Transmittance of info to another planet is punishable by death

Death!? Isnt that like, really bad then

IF it must come down to it, I will have to erase everyones memory


Nothing. Going to the workshop.

I thought he said something scary
I better be careful.
I came down from my room earlier and found Flay, Roxis, and their Manas sitting around.

*sigh *

Whats wrong? Youre both sighing

That over there.


I remember you had a young man that time, as well.

Hoh hoh hoh. Its one of my few hobbies, you see. Speaking of which, you

The Mana are chatting.

Theyve been friends for hundreds of years.

Theyve been at it for at least three hours.

So, thats why youre both here, too?

Quite unwillingly.

If we split up, those two cant talk to each other, or something

I see

Hrm, Roxis my boy, my teas cold. Pour me a new one.

If I may get one as well.

You havent even taken a sip.

Of course. Im a Mana. Have you forgotten?

This is about mood, you see.
Im glad Sulpher never does stuff like this.

If you think so, then do something about it.

What do you mean
? Why dont you two talk to each other then

No way in hell would a conversation with this guy last more than an hour!

I believe you have that backwards.

Shut up! Be quiet!


I think I should get going now

Planning to escape this alone!?

Have you no heart!?

B-but what am I

You dont have to do anything. But you have to stay here with us.

Yeah. It feels wrong for you to go about freely.


Its mental training. Last through the pain! Go!
Oh, and Nikki keeps being weird.

Yeah, sure.

Yay! Hehehe.

Whats wrong, Anna?

Nothing. I just didnt expect it.
Since I heard that the tail was any beastmans weakness.

Huh? It is?

It used to be a weakness before.


After rough training, I overcame it. I had to, living in the forest

Sounds like a painful past

I respect you.

*squeeze *
Nikki at that point immediately lost that respect.

Huh? Wha?

W-what is wrong with you? Why did you have to hold it so strong!

But you said you overcame your weakness

Even then, doing it with full strength hurts!

Im sorry

I take back what I said earlier

In the end, if thats your capacity
Im disappointed

Dont come out of nowhere and end it with such a bossy comment!
We found some amazing new recipes, and were able to get a lot done.
Anna kind of got freaked out by one of them, though.

Huh? Is something wrong?

No. Its just that it reminds me of an unpleasant memory

What happened?

Back in my country, there is a boogey monster called the Kappa.
It had nasty green scales and when I was a child, I was almost kidnapped

I see
Im glad youre safe here.

Even now, whenever I think about it, I feel mortal fear.

Green scales, huh
Itd be funny if I made clothes like that.

P-please Vayne! Dont even speak of such horrors!

But, well
if you get used to looking at it, maybe youll be okay.

Well, yes, that may be true, but
I should not have told you my stupid story.
System Message: Item: Fishscale Garb can now be made.
Professor Feinnes Alchemy 300: Advanced Alchemy
Okay, two things. First of all, when we make the Pentagle we want to make sure we dont get the Ether Level too high, because past 90 it loses the Fatal Blow property, which lets weapons that incorporate one instantly kill normal enemies sometimes. I dont think I need to explain how awesome that is. Now lets talk about the very complicated set of syntheses we need to unlock the Scale Gauntlet. First we need to create a Dragonscale Garb, which lets us create Fishscale Garb.
We have to then make a Fishscale Garb. Once weve made one, we get the Scale Gauntlet recipe from making either Puppy Paw Gloves, a Thorn Gauntlet, or Gloves of Artorius.
I was sure she was going to cut me.

Whats wrong? Why do you keep staring at my gauntlet?

Oh, um, I thought itd be funny to cover this with scales, too

Vayne, remember when I told you that story about the Kappa?

Yeah, I remember

Do you feel insatiable hatred towards me?

No, thats not it
Im sorry. I wont do it.

Not so fast there, chum!

Ahh!? Flay!?

Wha!? Where did you come from!?

Havent you heard the phrase, No pain, no gain? In other words
By surrounding you in scales, he wanted to free you of your trauma!

Oh? Is that so?

Uh, I dont think that far ahead

When you overcome your fears, you become even stronger than you are
Ill keep my eye on you. Farewell!

There he goes

Im sorry. I was wrong! Please, make me the gauntlets of fish scales!

Um, okay, I will

By the way
You told my Kappa story to Flay?

Well, uh, he has ways to make people talk

I cannot admire how you told someone my weakness. And to Flay of all people.


You owe me. And Ill make sure to get something out of you soon.

please be gentle.
System Message: Item: Scale Gauntlets can now be made.