Part 35: An Ending of Sorts
Video- Chapter 9 Intro
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Male Voice: Oh, its you
If you came to interfere, please leave.
Female Voice: Just give up and come back to the facility
or even the academy.
Male Voice: Go back? Why? So they can all laugh at me?
Do you want to show them how their prodigy has wasted away to nothing?
Female Voice: Im worried.
Male Voice: Dont be. Im doing this for myself
This is all I have left
Today was Graduation Day for the current Seniors.
We were just starting to adjust to what life without Flay would be like.

Oh, good morning.

You dont seem all that happy today.

I was just thinking of how Flay has graduated.

I guess it is kinda sad, now that hes gone.

He was so energetic. But, now its our turn to take over as Seniors!

Taking his place isnt gonna be easy

Good morning, everyone! Please take your seats.
As of today, you are all Seniors.
Study harder, and keep up with your increasing responsibilities.
Now, that should cover the typical greeting.
Attend career counseling this term and think about your future.

Career counseling
Have you thought about it yet?

No, not at all
A career
What should I do?
We should have been what happened next coming.

I hope you all get along with him.



The names Flay Gunnar. Nice to meet you all!

I mean he never does any work.

Hmph, what a narrow-minded school. All I did was skip every one of my tests.

No wonder you failed.

But, why didnt you just tell us before?

Heh heh heh. Then we wouldnt have had this wonderful reunion.

Thats not funny. You have brought disgrace upon this workshop!

I was hoping to get some peace and quiet this term.

I dont see anything wrong with this. Itll just be more fun.

At any rate, Ill be taking care of you for one more year. Be thankful!

Seriously! You always cause us so much trouble.

Yeah, but
Arent we all secretly happy?

Nuh uh. No way. Never!
Roxis has been working a lot more closely with everyone recently.

Yeah, here.

Ahh! It boiled over.

Calm down. Just add some water and itll be fine.

Im done using this equipment. Did you want to use it?

Yeah, thanks.


You look bored.

I assume you are, too?

Youre right
I was anticipating to bully him around a little more.

Agreed. Hes come around.


Whoa! Pamela!?

Thats dangerous! Dont scare us while were in the middle of synthesis.

Oh my, Im sorry. As an apology, Ill help.

Pamelas help
Thats even scarier

Im in no need right now.

I think Ill be fine on my own for now

Oh, well thats too bad.
Its definitely a lot better than when he wasnt talking to anyone.

Leave it to me! Im so good at that.

That Roxis, giving someone else concern

No, wait


Thats it!!
Anyway I came in a bit later and just Muppy was in. I think he was asleep or something.

Muppy? Whats wrong?

Muppy, hey

Ah, Vayne!? When did you get here!?

Just right now

You mean
You saw my sleeping face?

Oh, you were sleeping

To allow close contact in my sleep
my mercenary skills have become dull


When I was young
More importantly, theres a bigger problem now
Our kind, we must, um
*loud vacuum * whoever sees our sleeping face.

What? I couldnt hear.

I-its not cause I like you or anything, okay!?
Thosere the rules. I dont have a choice!

W-what was that all about
Oh, and sometimes we need reminding as to why we shouldnt let Jess make medicine.

Youre looking kinda pale
Are you alright?

Probably overworked. Let me rest a day and Ill be back to normal

Oh perfect! Im making a medicine that energizes you in various ways.

Ill give you some when its done!

No, not your medicine
And what do you mean by various ways

Well if Im gonna do it, might as well make it a strong one.
Oh, Ill just use the left over ingredients here.

I suggest you run

Y-yeah, I should. My life is in danger here

Oh, youre going? Then want me to deliver it to you later?

Uh, no. I dont want to cause you trouble

Then Ill just complete this here.
It might be a little raw in the middle but its probably alright!

Its too late


Here you go, Roxis.

Wh-what do you think I should do?

Ill be sure to gather your ashes for you

You cold-hearted brute
Fine then!

How is it?
At first things seemed fine.


Really? Im so glad!

Thats not it. Im not tired anymore, nor am I sleepy at all.

No way
Jess medicine worked?

Whats that supposed to mean?

Wow, this is really effective. Thank you.

Hehehe, no problem.

Well, time to finish up the research I started yesterday. Off I go.

Unusual things happen sometimes, I guess.

Hey! Vayne!

Yeah, well, Roxis hasnt slept since then. Were all a bit worried for him.


Ah, hahaha

Its been a whole week
And I cant fall asleep

Looks like it worked a little too well. Uhm, oopsie doops.

Dont oopsie doops me! Thats why your medicines are

Ahh! If you get excited, youll get a blood nose again!


Oh I know! Should I make medicine that makes you lose energy next?

I will never
Drink your medicine again.
Wed been wondering something about Anna for a while.

I am a grade under you, so of course.

I know but I mean, I heard Freshmen are normally 16 years old.

Oh, thats due to family circumstances.
I was actually told to wait 4 years before coming here, but

Family stuff? Is this an interesting story?

Not really. I just have to take over the family business when I turn 16.
Thats why they allowed me special enrollment by skipping grade levels.

At 16 years old? Thats so early.

Its normal in the eastern country. My family blood comes from that region.
At 16, boys will take over the family business, and girls will get married

I guess that situation is what puts your act together at your age.

Is it? Im not quite aware of it myself but

Thats so hard. 16 years old is like right after you graduate then, right?

Yes. But Im lucky to have the chance to study for at least three years.

Youre such a sturdy little girl
All of a sudden you look so cute!

Excuse me! Dont wrap around me like that!

So while youre in school, you should have as much fun as you can.

If its to have fun, Ill be glad to help in any way possible.

Yes, thank you very much.
But we cant just be having fun all the time

Stop being so uptight! Huuuuuuuuuuuuggg!

P-please, stop hugging me!
And I also discovered the scariest things about Pamela have nothing to do with her being a ghost.

Of course. Its important to me.
My mom brought it for me before I came here.

I see
Did you like teddy bears then?

Yes, of course. Because theyre so delicious!


Especially the right hand, soaked in honey! Sweetness guaranteed

So you like teddy bears because of
their taste?

Not just the taste.
I like how they look so cute but theyre actually really violent.

I dont think a real bear is that cute, though

They pretend like all they eat is honey, but theyre actually carnivores.
The way they kill their prey and soak their fur in blood is so

I-its okay, you can stop now
Professor Feinnes Alchemy 300: Okay, Now We Need To Talk
First things first, we get two new dungeons just for getting here: Gods Scar and the Clock Tower. Gods Scar is pretty straightforward and has some useful new components hanging around, including the Shiny Moustache. The Clock Tower is a bit different, though. You need to go back and forth from one side to the other of the Depths to hit switches, which will allow you to advance on the other side. There are further two switches, one on each side at the furthest point, that allow you access to the middle area and the Principals Office. Youll need to go there for a side quest later, so you might as well do it now.
In one of these areas, we get a Dunkelhite flower from a chest. This can be used in one of two ways at this point: We can make Blood Clay or we can make an Aurora Curtain armor, which will in turn allow us to create a Maiden armor. You can go either way with this, but I prefer the Aurora Curtain because it lets me make a great piece of armor a bit earlier than normal and access some deep Grow Book stuff on characters I use more.
We also got the Shield of Ajax recipe last time, and when we make it as long as weve made the Symbol of Uroborus as well we get access to everyones attack and defense support specials. So lets talk about those.
Vayne- On offense Vayne will do a small combo, assuming you didnt trigger a Variable Strike. On defense, Vayne will automatically block a physical attack completely.
Jess- On offense Jess hits the entire enemy group with several hits each. On defense, Jess takes the hit but then heals the entire party afterwards.
Nikki- On offense Nikki hits the target and knocks it back in the turn order. On defense Nikki will heal herself after taking the hit.
Pamela- On offense Pamela will damage the enemy and restore her own SP. On defense, Pamela completely negates the incoming attack.
Flay- On offense Flay hits the enemy and then reduces their Defense. On defense, he automatically counterattacks against them.
Roxis- On offense Roxis does a big hit and attempts to Seal the enemy. On defense, he buffs himself after taking the hit.
Anna- Annas are very simple. On offense or defense she gets to act next.
Muppy- On offense Muppy does several small hits and attempts to Sleep the enemy. On defense, he pulls everyone into his ship, preventing them from taking group damage.
These really make some of the characters much more useful, and youll want to think through what you want available in your party.
We made some interesting new items from the weird materials in the areas that were restricted to Seniors.
We had some interesting ideas, too.

Yeah, I think so.

Are you gonna wear it?

Of course not. Its for girls

Really? Thats too bad
Oh I know. Theres this other alchemists outfit that I know of.

What does it look like?

A cute white girly outfit. Im sure itll look perfect on you.

I said I wont wear it
System Message: Item: Saints Garb can now be made.
Though Roxis has to get his digs in.

Yeah, a shield

Thats useless to me.

Yeah, youre not really good at taking hits, since youre not that tough.

I dont need you to tell me that.


The idea of needing to take the hit full on is ineffective to begin with.

I guess
But its a shield. So

But theres no need to be stupid and get hit. In other words
If the shield could decrease the force of the attack, it may be useful.

I see. And by making it that way, you would be able to use it, too.

Im not designing it just for myself, you know.
System Message: Item: Mirror of Gargol can now be made.
I just hope the courses dont get any tougher this term