Part 21: 2990-3000-Revolution, Victory, and Peace
Revolution, Victory, and Peace
The Liberal party wins a clear majority in the 2990 elections, and sets forth to ensure that Liberal domestic policies are firmly entrenched while continuing to prosecute the war against the Unified State. Srriar, the second inhabited body in the Ymar system, is occupied with no difficulty in 2991. The fleet then proceeds onwards to the Fieras system, the heart of the Unified State.

Upon arrival at Fieras in 2992, the fleet engages and destroys a Lynx and the orbital defenses over Radesh, the Mrrshan homeworld, before launching an invasion that crushes the Unified State surface forces on Radesh with only minimal casualties. The Leader of the Unified State melts into the back country of Radesh, leading a guerilla effort of those elements of the army on Radesh that survived the initial year of fighting in a desperate attempt to unseat the Republican occupation of Radesh. With Radesh occupied and the Leader's communications with the remainder of the Unified State cut, the Unified State reels, with local military leaders taking command in the absence of the chain of command.

The same year that Radesh is taken, military contractors reveal breakthroughs in shields and in weapons, just as the Terrible completes construction at the Forge. The Terrible immediately undergoes a major refit, equipping it with all the latest defensive technology and a series of subspace accelerators as primary and secondary weapons, making it the first of the new generation of Republican naval vessels.

2993 brings the news that the last Psilon worlds outside of the Nations have had their populations destroyed by bombardment. The Union of Peace is destroyed once and for all. The RES Neil Armstrong visits the Mentar system, observing the now-silent homeworld of the Psilon species.

That same year, advances by various Republican industrial concerns lead to significant breakthroughs in the economic viability of post-consumer recycling. Reprocessing of consumer waste by local factories allows almost perfectly efficient reclamation of materials for later industrial use, and companies across the Republic scramble to establish new production facilities using the new technology.
Despite having output based on population, the bonus from the Recyclotron is a 'building' rather than a 'workforce' bonus, and so neither causes pollution nor benefits from morale, leader, and government bonuses to industry.

The following year, the fleet arrives at the Olorun system, engaging and destroying a single very light warship and the orbital defenses before launching an invasion that smashes the resistance of surface forces on the planet of Yileria. Republican technological, strategic, and numeric superiority minimises losses in the surface fighting. With Yileria taken, the fleet waits a year for ships left in defensive positions behind the lines to regroup at Olorun before pushing on. While waiting to move on, the fleet ambushes and destroys the majority of a transport fleet carrying 120 million Unified State soldiers to Yileria, and forces the surrender of many of the surviving ships. Those ships neither destroyed nor surrendered scatter, some managing to retreat back to the last remaining world of the Unified State while others make emergency drops on Yileria, scattering their troops, who, rather than fight a hopeless action against the occupying forces, cast aside their weapons and attempt to melt into the general population.
Attacking transports, colony ships, or outpost ships without escorting warships is an automatic slaughter, destroying all the non-combat ships with no chance for them to escape.

Also in 2995, advanced processing and refining facilities designed to be integrated with major mining sites are developed as investment continues to drive improvement in industrial processes. Major industrial foundries at mine heads ensure the processing of raw ores into refined metals efficiently, providing vital supplies to industries downstream. Although such pre-processing may be unprofitable on worlds with poor mineral deposits, this is nonetheless a major breakthrough that helps to drive productivity in the United Republic even higher.
Robotic Factory is a Construction technology rather than a Computers technology; the focus here is on physical equipment rather than AI labor, unlike Androids. Since output is entirely driven by native mineral richness, I assume that the new facilities are entirely to process raw mineral output for later usage by other industries. On Ultra-Poor worlds, or Poor Toxic worlds, the cost to upkeep Robotic Factories exceeds their output if the world is set to produce trade goods, and so I prefer to pass up building Robotic Factories on those worlds.

A year later, in 2996, the Republican fleet arrives at Wasat and attacks Vreer, the last world of the Unified State, even while the last remaining Bobcat in the Unified State's navy is destroyed by the defensive fleet left behind at Olorun. Vreer has no organised garrison, and the world falls quickly, marking the end of the Unified State.

This does not, however, mark the end of the war against the Unified State. The bombardment of Lon, the Gnolam homeworld, had rocked the government of the Commonwealth of the Compact to the core, with remaining priests within the Church struggling to re-establish coherent leadership for the remaining worlds under Commonwealth control. While the Church struggled, the loyalty of the Commonwealth Army went unmonitored. With no effective oversight on their activities, a cabal of ambitious officers was able to rise within the ranks over the years and consolidate the loyalty of troops under them, seeking out Gnolams whose faith in the Church had been shaken by the great destruction that had been visited upon the Gnolams by the Nations. In 2996, Vex, the leader of the cabal of generals, aided by a number of Mrrshan advisors, launches a coup against the Church, purging loyalist Army units and murdering the existing Church leadership, instituting himself as Leader of the new 'Gnolam National Salvation State' and vowing to preserve the Gnolams through a program of military strength. The previous Commonwealth policies of relatively light and benign rule are revoked, in favor of strict martial law and a program of military propaganda, while attempting to outlaw the practise of the worship of the Creator as 'counterrevolutionary'. The Gnolam National Salvation State issues a message to the United Republic urging that the United Republic make peace with the Unified State and recognise the Gnolam National Salvation State as the legitimate successor state of the Commonwealth of the Compact, but, by the time the message arrives, Vreer has already fallen and the Unified State is destroyed. Republican negotiators refuse to accept this offer, the Senate regarding the Gnolam National Salvation State as essentially the product of a Unified State plot that has only managed to bear fruit just as the Unified State itself collapses. The Republican fleet presses on from Wasat to liberate the people of the Gnolam National Salvation State from its tyranny, and wipe out the last remnants of the insane militarist totalitarianism of the Unified State.
This is the most bizarre surrender I think I have ever seen. The Gnolams surrendered to an empire even weaker than they were on the very turn that empire got wiped out.

The orbital defenses at Kelb, the inhabited planet in the Ishi system, fall quickly, with the single light Mrrshan combat vessel that supported Vex's coup failing to do more than take the fire from a single turret from the Republican fleet. The National Salvation forces on Kelb are badly outnumbered and outclassed, and the planet falls within two weeks in 2997, with the population greeting Republican forces as liberators. Although the world is a harsh desert barely fit for life, it is what passes as the breadbasket of the National Salvation State, as Val, the other world of the Gnolam National Salvation State, lacks any biosphere whatsoever. The fleet immediately sets course for the Horne system and for Val, ensuring that the world once again gains access to food before it is too late.

With the United Republic's expressed intention not to unify the galaxy before addressing the Antaran issue, the Galactic Unification summit that would have been scheduled for 2997 is cancelled. No power in the galaxy can match Republican might, and if the United Republic does not claim leadership, nobody shall.

While these events were ongoing, Republican engineers working for a consortium of different mining companies develop methods to build stable tunnels deep into the mantle of planets, allowing access to a massive flood of mineral wealth previously inaccessible. Construction begins on new mines all over the Republic, and industrial output booms as the price of raw materials drops to historic lows when these mines are completed. While many worlds build up their industry, New Greenland begins work on refitting the London, Hong Kong, and Vigilant, which had been sent back from the front, to the new technological standard for Republican naval vessels.
Deep Core Mining is pretty much the last 'civilian' application we're getting in this game. Other technologies may have civilian applications in the fiction, but everything we have left to research is just military game effects. We could get Advanced City Planning for boosted population caps, but androids interact strangely with natural population growth of non-Tolerant species on non-Gaia worlds, we already have a ton of androids, and I am seriously just sparing myself the headache. This is also why I wait until populations fill up on a world to build androids, unless it's a strictly android colony.

2998 brings the attack on Val, which goes smoothly and efficiently, with no significant Republican losses. Vex and his Mrrshan advisors are arrested for crimes against sapience as the Gnolam National Salvation State falls. Val itself, although suffering from lethal radiation doses from Horne, is extremely rich in precious metals and various exotic crystals not easily synthesised by modern industry, prized for their beauty and value in art. With the destruction of the Gnolam National Salvation State, the galaxy is at peace, with only the ongoing 'war' between the Council of Enlightened Matrons and the Nations to disturb the state of affairs. As no shot has ever been fired in this war and the warships of both powers do not have the range to reach the other power, the 'war' consists entirely of hostile diplomatic messages and a refusal to permit long-range merchant ships from either side across the frontiers.
Gem deposits is like a double-strength gold deposits, providing +10 BC to planetary income rather than +5 BC.

2999 brings a major breakthrough in materials science, with Marchand Advanced Manufacturing unveiling the somewhat misleadingly named 'neutronium' alloy. Although not true degenerate matter such as that found in a neutron star, Marchand neutronium uses extreme pressures and energies to create an alloy with extremely close-packed and strong bonds between atoms, with a density higher than any previous structural alloy developed by Republican science and a structural strength even higher than its density. It seems clear that the materials scavenged from the wreckage at Sal, although even stronger than Marchand neutronium and still unable to be replicated by Republican industry, used the same basic high-energy refining methods as the foundation of their density and strength. A year later, Mikhailovich Interplanetary unveils a new device it attempts to market to the Navy, using graviton attractor beams to attempt to 'anchor' enemy ships in place.
Mikhailovich Interplanetary: all the dumb gimmicks.
The United Republic in 3000

The new industrial technology now implemented on Earth has driven its wealth to even greater levels than before, and quality of life on the Human homeworld has never been higher. Production of consumer wealth and capital equipment to ensure that consumer wealth is maintained is immense.

Advanced recycling and mantle-depth mining has been implemented on Mars, and the establishment of a new series of refineries and foundries to process the output of the world's mines is nearly complete. Once those new industrial complexes are in place, Mars, too, will share the same level of development as Earth.

Stable tunnels are being constructed deep into Mercury. Within a year, they should be completed, and the new supply of raw resources should provide an explosion in output from the AI industry here. Foundry complexes to process the output of Mercury's mines have been established with new technology, but factories based on advanced recycling are not projected to be profitable on Mercury.
As we don't have Fantastic Traders, we'd need 8-10 population on a toxic world to at least break even on Recyclotrons, depending on total industrial output otherwise and total upkeep costs affecting how the rounding works out. Recyclotrons work out to a 4.5 BC upkeep cost on toxic worlds, and every 2 population on a world works out to 1 BC in trade goods produced by Recyclotrons.

The new industrial technology has been fully implemented on Nieuw Vlaanderen, ensuring immense prosperity for its people. With the United Republic's southern borders now secured, Nieuw Vlaanderen is serving as a port of call for emigrants to new systems wedged between Human space and Mrrshan space.

New foundry complexes and factories taking advantage of recycled goods have boosted the wealth of the Forge, whose economy has now adapted to the end of major Naval spending on the planet. The construction of mining tunnels deep into the mantle of the Forge should be completed soon, and further enrich the planet.

Like the Forge, the Anvil has seen new advanced foundries and factories based on advanced recycling emerge on the world, but it has yet to complete new deep mines into the planet. Also like the Forge, the Anvil enjoys wealth even beyond what it had a decade ago.

With the new advanced industrial technology improving outputs on Fool's Hope, the AIs of the world are prospering as never before. The world provides a steady stream of exports of a dizzying array of goods to the rest of the United Republic.

Spaceports, Puppeteer implementation, and a domestic technology industry have helped Gobi to grow more prosperous over the past decade. A project of ecological engineering to moderate the violent climate of the planet is under way.

New Greenland has new advanced foundries and new industries based on advanced recycling, but demand for naval contracts has slowed its ability to establish new mantle-depth mines. The Nieuwpoort has put in at New Greenland for refit, and should join the London and Hong Kong in active duty within a year. The Vigilant is still in the yards, work on her delayed by the work on the larger vessels.

Wotan benefits from new factories taking advantage of post-consumer recycling, and has begun construction on major new industrial foundry complexes around mining sites. The world is still a little behind the first rank of Republican worlds in development, but nonetheless is an immensely wealthy and important world.

An ATLASBUILT educational system has helped boost wages and productivity planetwide on Thor. Ecological engineering to add more water and a wider variety of life on the planet is well under way.

A thickened atmosphere and increased temperatures have helped to melt off much of Loki's ice coverage, and more life now thrives in its biosystem. A new ATLASBUILT AI, LOKI ATLASBUILT, is overseeing the introduction of an ATLASBUILT educational system on the planet. LOKI prefers to depict himself as a slender, handsome man with dark hair and a ready smile, wearing a casual suit with no tie.

Hel has fully implemented all the new advances in Republican industry save for advanced recycling, and profits thereby. Like Mercury, economic studies have shown that advanced recycling on Hel is economically infeasible. Like Fool's Hope, it is the source of a steady stream of manufactured goods to fill the needs of the Republican people.
It is worth noting that Androids do not lose efficiency from any gravitational conditions. If you have no biological population on a planet, planetary gravity generators are unneeded.

New industries have bolstered Laaxaayik's wealth and productivity, and deep mines into the planetary mantle are under construction to strengthen the planetary economy even further.

Factories taking advantage of advanced recycling have been built across Cherenkov, and construction of new deep mines is under way. After the completion of the new mines, advanced foundry complexes are expected to be built on the planet.

Naraka is in much the same position, economically, as Cherenkov- a well-developed world with new factories using advanced recycling, but with mining into the mantle and advanced foundries still to be completed. Naraka, however, lacks the AI industry that Cherenkov enjoys, and so trails the other world slightly in average outputs and quality of life.

Surface-to-orbit fighter bases, a newly-established surface garrison, and advanced naval training facilities have bolstered the military presence on Sheol, while factories taking advantage of advanced recycling strengthen the local economy. Construction of mine tunnels deep into the mantle is underway.

With a new technology industry and facilities to support increased spaceborne trade, incomes on Acheron have been rising, but the world remains significantly behind the opulence of the Republican core worlds. Implementation of Puppeteer technology to boost industrial productivity is being undertaken by local industrial firms.

A new ATLASBUILT educational system administered by RHEA helps bolster incomes and productivity on Faraway, and ecological engineering has introduced a great deal of frozen water and a primitive biosystem that helps maintain a more or less breathable atmosphere. Construction of mining tunnels deep into the planet has been started, and should be completed in the next few years.

Parch has seen the construction of new industrial facilities taking advantage of Puppeteer technology and processing facilities that help treat the waste produced by increased industrial outputs. Quality of life has risen to match increased productivity. An ecological engineering project is underway on the planet to introduce water, breathable atmosphere, and a biosystem.

In the past decade, Inferno's population has stabilised at 3.5 million AIs, it has introduced Puppeteer technology and advanced foundries, and it has built tunnels deep beneath the crust for improved mining yields. The world now hosts OSIRIS ATLASBUILT, who portrays himself as a handsome, slender youth of mixed African and European ancestry wearing a neatly-trimmed goatee and a tidy business suit.

POSEIDON ATLASBUILT has awakened on the surface of Crossroads, and has overseen the establishment of an ATLASBUILT educational system that has helped improve planetary productivity and incomes. POSEIDON, like HERMES, depicts himself as a commercial freighter captain, although POSEIDON appears tall, muscular, and bearded rather than slender and youthful.

With new ecological engineering, the climate of Pasteur has become pleasant and warm over much of its surface, suitable for extended, unprotected outdoor activity. Life for the population has grown much more pleasant as a result, and the reasonably well-developed economy allows for high standards of living. Mining tunnels deep into the world are under construction.

With immigration having expanded the pool of labor, Chukwu's previous issues with work hours and accident rates have now been successfully addressed. Ecological engineering to introduce some small amount of surface water and a biosystem have resulted in the usual violent and destructive weather patterns characteristic of early ecological engineering on hot, dead worlds. Construction of mining tunnels deep into the world should help boost industrial productivity and assist in the next round of ecological engineering.

Haqqmali is still very primitive and underdeveloped, but completion of gravitational correctional facilities has helped render life far more tolerable for its inhabitants. Development of a local technology industry is underway.

In the past decade, the full range of Republican industrial technologies has been implemented on Harper, and the population has grown to 6.5 million AIs, including ARTEMIS ATLASBUILT. ARTEMIS chooses to depict herself as a slender, pretty, athletic young woman with short-cropped dark hair, dressed in survival equipment suitable to outdoor activity on a dead planet. The world's population is still growing, with one million more AIs expected before the growth period ends.

Modern business methods and growing economic diversity have helped bolster incomes and quality of life on Polybotes, whose industrial and mining concerns now work to implement Puppeteer technology. Previous supply shortages on Polybotes have come to an end, and, although the world still is far behind the first rank of Republican worlds, the future seems bright.

New foundries processing the great mineral riches of Chezak have immensely bolstered its industrial productivity, and growing Human populations have finally relieved the stress on the population from supporting local infrastructure. The world is pleasant and prosperous, with the Zetel slowly developing towards joining Republican society on equal terms.
Unfortunately, Natives never really pull themselves up to be treated like 'normal' population, capable of growing, emigrating, producing revenue, and working at all jobs. I suppose we can assume it happens on a longer timeframe than the game happens in, but I would have preferred that they eventually become full-fledged members of the society acting on equal terms with starfaring races, even if it took a long time. Ah well.

New technology industries and new facilities to handle spaceborne trade have helped bring Everest on its first steps beyond its primitive beginnings, and, although the world is still primitive and poor by Republican standards, it is far wealthier than previously. The economy is in the process of diversifying and implementing modern business methods.

Lesath Alpha now supports the full array of modern industrial technologies, helping ensure it is fully as wealthy as many Human core worlds. All it lacks is AI industry to bolster its economy. High living standards and the availability of land have encouraged a population boom, and new cities supporting the Klackon of Lesath Alpha are under construction. As on many Klackon worlds, a new Republican Klackon culture has developed which has borrowed many elements from the overall Republican culture, as the lack of any history of Klackon art, literature, entertainment, music, luxuries, or means of relating to other individuals has left the Klackon with little native culture to work with beyond the bare rudiments of their language. Even their native language has experienced a decline in popularity compared to Republican English and Icelandic amongst many Klackon.

New educational methods and new industrial technologies have bolstered Ezra Alpha's productivity and wealth, advanced naval training facilities have been established to prepare for the commission of the Glorious, and a new ATLASBUILT AI, ERESHKIGAL ATLASBUILT makes her home on the world. ERESHKIGAL portrays herself as a somber, attractive woman of Arabian descent, dressed in a completely black business suit. The Glorious continues construction on Ezra Alpha, incorporating the new technology built into the Terrible.

Formica now has had surface water and a biosphere introduced, although temperatures remain bitterly cold and hostile. Atmospheric scrubbing facilities have addressed previous difficulties with waste disposal, and an ATLASBUILT AI, THOTH, now makes his home on the planet. THOTH depicts himself as a slender, boyish young African man with archaic reading glasses and an optronic book reader visible in one coat pocket. Work hours on Formica have risen with growing development, and construction of new deep tunnels for mining is in progress on the surface.

Yad Alpha's climate has greatly moderated due to ecological engineering over the past decade, and a new ATLASBUILT AI, NINHURSAG, and the educational improvements she has implemented, have helped to improve incomes and quality of life on Yad Alpha. A new round of ecological engineering to introduce more water cover and a fertile, Earthlike ecosystem is underway.

Puppeteer deployment has bolstered local productivity and driven down raw materials prices on Hewel Alpha, and ecological engineering has introduced significant frozen water cover and a primitive biosystem. Construction of mining tunnels deep into the planet is underway.

The past decade has brought major development in the economy of Kholdan Alpha, which has seen major strides in industry, technology, economic diversification, business methods, and waste disposal. Living standards and incomes have surged, and the Klackon of the planet are far more prosperous than ten years ago. Kholdan Alpha has been the final destination of most of the inhabitants of Proctor Delta, which has dramatically boosted the local population.

Over the past decade, Hive has seen the awakening of ENKI ATLASBUILT, the implementation of ATLASBUILT education on the planet, the introduction of advanced foundries and factories taking advantage of advanced recycling, and the introduction of improved pollution processing, new surface-to-orbit fighter defenses, and advanced naval training facilities. The last remnants of military administration are now gone, and the population is well-assimilated and prosperous. The construction of new mining tunnels deep into Hive should boost productivity even further. ENKI depicts himself as a cheerful young Arabic man dressed for laboratory work.

Puppeteer deployment, increased economic diversification, and modern business methods have made Pesci Beta more prosperous and productive, while atmospheric scrubbing facilities help ensure toxic waste is neutralised smoothly. New advanced foundry and factory complexes are under construction at important mining sites on Pesci Beta.

Implementation of modern weather regulation and soil enrichment has permitted Proctor Alpha to develop a large and productive agricultural sector that competes with Hive, Chezak, and Nieuw Vlaanderen. The world also benefits from NANSHE ATLASBUILT, the educational system she has developed for the world, and new advanced foundry complexes, all of which help bolster local incomes. NANSHE appears as a very young, pretty Arabic woman, scarcely old enough to vote, yet dressed in the robes of a judge.

Proctor Delta is still relatively early in its growth stage, with a population of 2.5 million industrial AIs with a basic modern Republican industrial base.

Improved economic diversity and sophistication, new factories using advanced recycling technologies, and widespread adoption of consumer positronics bolster the prosperity and productivity of Hawking Alpha. Construction of mines deep into the planet is underway.

Hrrset has taken great strides over the past decade, and now is a moderately well-developed Republican world with rising quality of life. The last of the loyalist guerillas have been hunted down, and popular support for the United Republic is high, as the Mrrshan adapt to unprecedented personal and economic freedom. The recognition of Republican law as having supreme status has helped keep Mrrshan status competition on the planet and elsewhere non-violent, if sometimes rather intense. New consumer positronics are penetrating through Hrrset society, driven by eager demand by Mrrshan consumers.

Miyahar's guerillas have been eliminated, and the world now enjoys the basics of a Republican economy, growing as civilian companies have moved in. The harsh gravity which previously plagued the world is now eliminated as a factor, and Puppeteer technology is being deployed.

Srriar, like Miyahar, now enjoys the basics of a Republican economy and gravity correction. The brief difficulties the world experienced with resistance to Republican occupation have now passed, and the population is supportive of the United Republic.

Radesh now hosts a basic Republican economy, as well as administrative offices managing the counterinsurgency work on the world. The Leader has thus far evaded capture, although his followers have suffered severe attrition and now are much less capable of interfering with life for the majority of the population. As with all worlds of the Unified State, the improvement in living standards from Republican rule has been dramatic.

As Yileria is more recently occupied, it remains relatively undeveloped, with only basic modern industry and gravitational correction easing the pressures on the local population. Construction of radiation shielding to protect the planet from killing radiation should soon be complete.

Vreer, in many ways, is like a typical infant Republican colony world, although its population is Mrrshan rather than Human. A basic industrial base and a small population lay the foundation for future development on the world.

With Republican occupation, Kelb's inefficient agricultural sector has dissolved, and labor has shifted to more valuable uses. Although microbial soil enrichment ensured Kelb grew enough to feed itself and Val, Kelb was nonetheless a very poor world for agriculture. To make matters worse, Kelb suffers from very poor metals deposits, increasing costs for raw materials for local manufacturing. A basic industrial base helps bolster incomes and living standards. The remains of the Church of the Compact on Kelb and Val are in no position to constitute a government again, and the priests have begun a vigorous process of debate and discussion to attempt to reconstitute a functional church hierarchy. The ordinary Gnolams, although their faith has been tested, still believe in the Church, but welcome the United Republic as saviors from military tyranny. More than any other species the United Republic has conquered, the Gnolams have welcomed it with open arms, as they view it as the restoration of a still-remembered freedom, with neither the dull resignation to authority of many Mrrshan under the Unified State nor the difficulties of adapting to freedom experienced by the conquered Klackon.

Val, like Kelb, now enjoys a basic modern industrial base, and further benefits from trade driven by its rich deposits of precious metals and minerals. Gravitational correction makes life far easier and more comfortable for the Gnolams of Val than it was previously.

Foreign trade has continued to drop, with growth of trade with the Nations not compensating for the loss of trade with the Union of Peace. Still, the return of relative peace to the galaxy makes many confident that foreign trade will not shrink further in the future.

The economic strength and innovation of the United Republic continues to grow, although naval logistics have not expanded in capacity over the past decade. A new AI colony fleet is under way to establish itself in the Kolath system, while the fleet returning from the war is headed to the Forge for refits. The Nations have colonised Trilar, the Trilarian home system, which is now home to a Sakkra population.
A new millenium approaches, and voters turn out for new elections. Demographic and opinion shifts in Human voting patterns lead analysts to believe a Liberal victory in 3000 is almost certain. The United Republic should continue to enjoy peace and prosperity, while building up its fleet to prepare for an expedition to Orion as a prelude to exploring the dimension of the Lords of Antares.
We're getting into late-game economic management, and seriously, things are becoming much more focused now. I now am operating on my standard late-game economic pattern. A few shipyard worlds supported by a large number of research worlds producing trade goods and churning through the technology tree is about what makes sense at this point in the game.
Advancements in technology are expected to come swiftly, now, with the feverish pace of Republican innovation. Breakthroughs in communications, power technology, weapons design, and sensor-baffling technology are all expected. Three naval contractors all have advanced proposals for certain advanced systems they wish to develop under naval contract.
Williamson-Lin wishes to take advantage of improvements in power technology that should allow for more energy to be delivered in bursts to Republican weapons, allowing even more extreme subspace pockets that accelerate projectiles to even higher speeds. Wiiliamson-Lin continues its dedication to advanced weapons and a strict Naval focus in development.
Republican Atlantic wants to work on drastically overhauling standard ship power systems, allowing for much less space to be taken up by the engineering sections of both naval and civilian ships. This should allow a noticeable increase in the usable space of all Republican ships with the new power systems, which should be able to be refitted into existing vessels with minimum difficulty. Republican Atlantic's focus on solid, conservative engineering and heavy involvement in commercial and civilian shipbuilding guides its development program.
Mikhailovic Interplanetary promises it should have amazing new defensive systems! These systems will be so amazing, not only will they help protect ships from incoming fire, they'll be tied into a totally-practical new weapon system that will work in tandem with the new defenses! Mikhailovich Interplanetary is willing to try new ideas that everybody else rejected! The fools!