Part 26: Epilogue-Selected Worlds of the United Republic, ca. 3041
Epilogue-Selected Worlds of the United Republic, ca. 3041
Earth, the cradle of Humanity, remains the political and commercial heart of the United Republic. The Republican government remains based out of the old city of Philadelphia, and many of the major corporations of the United Republic maintain their headquarters on Earth. Philadelphia, London, Los Angeles, Pyongyang, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Antwerpen, Salt Lake City, Sydney, Bamako, Santiago, Reykjavik, Johannesburg, and Petrograd are all major commercial cities hosting major multiplanetary corporate headquarters. Quakertown, north of Philadelphia, has assumed unexpected importance as the physical site of ATLAS and the formal headquarters of the ATLASBUILT Family; much of the local economy of Quakertown is now dominated by the support infrastructure for the massive AI facility. Approximately 14 billion Humans and 1.5 million industrial AIs reside on Earth, with the heavy industry of Earth now dedicated to durable consumer goods or industrial equipment, helping to support the planetary infrastructure. ATLAS personally is estimated to be responsible for approximately 10% of the scientific and innovative output of the planet, which itself shows one of the highest rates of innovation per capita in the galaxy. The interdimensional portal allowing access to the Antaran pocket dimension constructed by the United Republic remains in high orbit over the planet.
The upkeep costs for Earth total to 43 BC, or 50 BC if we count the operation cost of the freighters to import 14 food to the planet; Earth's heavy industry generates 69 BC in revenues, more than covering this, while the general population generates 60 BC in capital. The planet also generates 305 research points, 30 of which come from ATLAS, and 5 command points from the Star Fortress and communications technology. Net output: -14 food, 79 BC, 305 RP, 5 CP.

Mars, the first world colonised by Humanity after it moved beyond its homeworld, has progressed a great deal since its settlement. Like Earth, it enjoys extreme and sophisticated development, with very high productivity and incomes. Also like Earth, its heavy industry has been turned to providing consumer and investment outputs that help support local infrastructure and provide abundant consumer goods both for Martian locals and people beyond Mars. 12 billion Humans and 1 million industrial AIs call Mars home, as does ARES ATLASBUILT. Like Earth, Mars is highly productive per capita in innovation and science.
Mars costs 41 BC to upkeep, or 47 BC with freighter operating costs. It generates 53 BC of revenue in trade goods, and 43 BC in capital from the general population. 228 RP are generated, 30 of them from ARES, and the Star Fortress provides 5 CP. Net output: -12 food, 49 BC, 228 RP, 5 CP.

Nieuw Vlaanderen is the third-oldest Human world and the single most populated world in the United Republic, with 22 billion Humans, 2.5 million industrial AIs, and APHRODITE ATLASBUILT living on its surface. It also hosts the largest minority community of Sakkra in the United Republic. It is the home of the headquarters of many agribusiness, import/export, and medical firms, notably including NordPharm, which has diversified interests in medical and agricultural fields, and maintains its current headquarters in Nieuw Antwerpen, the planetary capital. Although the world was once the sole major agricultural supplier to the United Republic, it now competes in a market against Zetel and Klackon agricultural yields. It is estimated that approximately one-third of the interplanetary agricultural exports in the United Republic originate from Nieuw Vlaanderen. Nieuw Vlaanderen's heavy industrial output, like that of Earth and Mars, it turned towards providing industrial and consumer goods that support its existing infrastructure and provide more income and luxuries to its people and people across the United Republic.
Nieuw Vlaanderen costs 44 BC to upkeep its infrastructure, generating 86 BC from building trade goods and 97 BC from the general population. It produces 179 food, 22 of which is eaten on-planet, the remainder exported. 189 RP are generated, 30 of which, as usual, originate from APHRODITE, and the Star Fortress provides 5 CP. Net output: 157 food, 139 BC, 189 RP, 5 CP.

New Greenland, like Earth, is a major center of innovation, although its economy in other sectors is slightly weaker than that of Earth. Nonetheless, it hosts the headquarters of various major scientific firms, including Republican Psilon Innovations, famous for having been founded by Kirsus herself. Gravitational generators help provide comfortable areas of low gravity for Psilon-dominant portions of the world, and local English and Icelandic vernaculars have adopted many loan words from Universal Psilon. 12 billion Humans, 2 billion Psilons, 1.5 million industrial AIs, and FREYA ATLASBUILT live on New Greenland. Its heavy industry, as is common in the core of Republican territory, produces both industrial equipment and consumer products, helping to ensure a high standard of living across the United Republic.
New Greenland costs 44 BC to upkeep its structures, or 51 BC counting operating costs for freighters to import its food, while it produces 63 BC in revenue from trade goods and 58 BC in revenues from the general population. It generates 290 RP, 30 of which come from FREYA, and its Star Fortress provides 5 CP. Net output: -14 food, 70 BC, 290 RP, 5 CP.

Chezak has seen a massive leap in standards of living for the native Zetel since the arrival of Humanity. Despite this, growth in Zetel populations has been swamped by the immigration of Humans to the world, with current populations standing at approximately 3 billion Zetel and 17 billion Humans. HUILGI ATLASBUILT also calls the world home. Although growing portions of the Zetel population have become fully assimilated into modern technological society, many Zetel still live in a hybrid society somewhat similar to their earlier backward conditions, but with the benefit of new trade routes and modern tools, new agricultural technologies that boost the output of their farms, and various consumer items from the larger Republican society. Zetel agricultural exports form a relatively minor portion of the consumption across Republican space, but still compete effectively against the larger quantities produced by Nieuw Vlaanderen and some of the Klackon worlds. Human populations on the planet have access to many of the benefits of modernity, but true AI industry has yet to become widespread over the planet, and it does not enjoy the same explosion of consumer goods produced on some of the more central worlds.
Chezak costs 44 BC to upkeep its structures, and generates 69 BC from the general population. 34 food is grown, 20 of which is consumed locally, and the rest exported. Industrial output is currently focused on increasing local population up to the population cap, rather than providing revenues. 246 RP are generated locally, 30 of those from HUILGI. Net ouptut: 14 food, 25 BC, 246 RP, 5 CP.

Hive, the Klackon homeworld, hosts approximately 18 billion Klackon, 2 million industrial AIs, and ENKI ATLASBUILT. The planet is heavily-developed and a major agricultural hub for the United Republic, producing approximately a quarter of the interplanetary agricultural exports of the United Republic. Although Klackon are tireless industrial workers, the adoption of AI industrial labor has outcompeted the Klackon labor force there, shifting them to other sectors of the economy. There is a small but active research and technology sector on Hive, with ENKI producing approximately three-eighths of its total output. Local heavy industrial outputs provide wealth for the vast markets of the United Republic, and comfort and luxury for the local Klackon, who have adapted thoroughly to the Republican culture.
Hive costs 44 BC to maintain, and produces 68 BC in trade goods, along with 74 BC from the general population. It produces 137 food, 18 of which is consumed locally. 78 RP are generated here, 30 of which come from ENKI. Net output: 119 food, 98 BC, 78 RP, 5 CP.

Radesh, the Mrrshan homeworld, has undergone a great economic boom since it came under Republican administration. Its opening to investment by Republican firms and the energies of the native Mrrshan, now freed from oppression, have combined to transform the planet radically. It now enjoys a level of development to match many Human worlds, and has experienced a rebirth of interest in ancient Mrrshan literature, myth, and culture. 14 billion Mrrshan call Radesh home, as does YESARR ATLASBUILT, whose avatar takes the form of a stately Mrrshan woman dressed in crimson. YESARR was, in the myths of one ancestral Mrrshan culture, a goddess of unyielding pride and honor. A Naval base is in construction around the planet, nearing completion.
Radesh costs 35 BC to maintain, or 42 BC, counting freighter operation costs. It produces 58 BC from the general population, with the industrial output of the world currently constructing the new naval base. 143 RP are produced, 30 of which come from YESARR. Net output: -14 food, 16 BC, 143 RP.

Kelb, the most populous Gnolam world under Republican administration, is still a relatively minor world in the big picture of the United Republic. Nonetheless, it has enjoyed sufficient development to greatly improve the lives of its 7 billion Gnolams. Kelb is also now home to JUSTICE ATLASBUILT, who appears as a Gnolam in priestly dress, named after one of the purported virtues of the Creator. Kelb, as the center of the Republican Church of the Compact, wields a cultural influence greater than might be imagined, as Gnolam missionaries have begun to experience success in spreading their religion amongst other species of the United Republic. Although still easily a minority religion, it is the fastest-growing faith in Republican space. The population is growing rapidly, helping the Gnolam species to recover from the great losses it has taken.
Kelb costs 28 BC to upkeep, or 31, counting freighter operational costs. 28 BC are generated by the general population. 78 RP are generated, 30 of which come from JUSTICE. Net output: -7 food, -3 BC, 78 RP.

Elosyn, the Elerian homeworld and, as of yet, the sole Elerian world, is still developing, although it is immeasurably more prosperous than it was under the Council of Enlightened Matrons. Social and economic mobility has greatly increased, the economy has been restructured, and the planet enjoys greatly-modernised industry, technology, and the luxuries of Republican trade. Efforts are underway to cut inefficiencies from waste disposal, and the Elerian people may soon be able to spread to a second world. Popular support for the United Republic is high on Elosyn, whose populace has gone from grinding stasis and poverty to a condition far more like modernity within a single generation.
Elosyn costs 13 BC to maintain, or, with freighter operational costs, a total of 20 BC. 52 BC is generated by the general population. 82 RP are generated, with no ATLASBUILT contributions as of yet. Net output: -13 food, 32 BC, 82 RP.

Orion is undergoing a boom of development. AI labor helps to exploit the rich local mineral resources and build up infrastructure, the planetary environment still shows the benefits of the ancient Orion ecological engineering which made it more lush and fertile than even normal Earthlike worlds, and the ruins of the Orion civilisation provide a spectacular wealth of material for study and research. Rapid industrial buildup has exceeded the capabilities of the local economy to easily support, and the world is experiencing a rush of immigration to take advantage of opportunities on the planet and relieve pressure on the local economy. Although it is not yet in the position of Republican core worlds, Orion is widely seen as a world of opportunity, with plenty here for all comers. Total population currently stands at approximately four billion Humans and 2.5 million industrial AIs.
Orion costs 18 BC to maintain its buildings, and 20 BC once freighter costs are taken into account. It only produces 17 BC from the general population, however. 101 RP are generated from a small research population. Net output: -4 food, -3 BC, 101 RP.