Part 100: gameface The last of the version differences.

Entering the Door of No Return, we see the 2 copybots.

There are a lot of Megaman X references in this game.

Really, all they did was switch places.

While Colonel and Iris attempt to stop Falzar,

We're tasked with Gregar.

Time for this version's final boss.

Falling Rocks: Between all of his attacks, Gregar will stomp the ground 2 or 3 times, causing rocks to fall, targeting your panel.

Gregar Breath: Identical to Gospel Breath from MMBN2, and also like HeatBeast's chip charge attack, he attacks the center panel in front of him, and the 2 columns in front of that one.

Chain Lightning: This attacks the front column and can attack any of the 3 rows.

Claw Slash: Gregar's claws attack the first 2 columns, then his head charges at the row you are on. If any part of this attack connects, it destroys the active chip in the stack you have loaded.

Beast Tackle: His desperation attack, he tackles the row you're in, then a lot of rocks begin to fall randomly in your field, with one always targeting you.

Sorry for the lack of theatrics, but it's a bit trickier to pull off in pictures then in video.

The patch is only for Falzar, of course, but there's still a postgame.