Part 101: The Final Errands: Part 1.

You got that right. All over the game world, not just in the real world, PunkNavis are everywhere. NPCs have been reacting to them in amusing ways ever since.

Blackface RarePuffy2! This is just stuff on the way to the StuffedToyZone.

Now that we've beaten the game, two new options have been added to the patch content. ExtraFolder offers various ExtraFolders in case you want one. I just got them all on the off chance that any of them had chips I didn't already own, thus filling out my library a bit further. SoundTest is self-explanatory, although you can only listen to tracks that you've already heard. By this point in the game though, I'm only missing the track for the postgame area.

Also, since we've fought Falzar, we can now fight Gregar. I'm cutting out the dialogue before the fight, because it has epilogue spoilers.
Either way, back when I fought early Bass and used CornParty, I was requested to use that amusing P.A. to kill one of the final bosses. Falzar wasn't an option because of the lack of panels. Gregar, however, is fair game.

And because Gregar has two hitboxes, his head and his body, CornParty essentially does double damage. After a bit of testing, it seems that CornParty does about 800 damage to Gregar. So I built a folder consisting of silly chips and just went to town.
Also, okay, props to MegaRock and Prof. 9 on this one. They made Gregar a mugshot even though this is the only place it actually gets used, and even then it could have been skipped entirely. Effort!

Onto the JobBBS, something I've been putting off for this whole game to do all at the end. I have 35 jobs ahead of me. Originally, there were only 25, but Capcom of America compensated for the removed Boktai content by adding the 10 e-Reader card jobs. How nice of them! They also added a bonus boss that only becomes available after completing all of the jobs.
That said, I'm only going to do the one-star jobs in this update and break the rest of the JobBBS down appropriately. This is going to be loooooong.

The first job is just virus deletion. Jack into the blackboard and destroy a bunch of Mettaur2 viruses. Yeah, the early jobs are going to be a bit dull because they're the ones open from near the beginning of the game.
The reward for this Job, 10 bugfrags, is helpful at least.

After each job, you get a request point that is used to raise your rank. Only when your rank is appropriately high can you accept the 2, 3, or 4 star jobs.

The second job, going in order from bottom to top on the sign up board, is just a find-the-item job.

The old woman, amusingly, clarifies that her husband is alive and well, she just wants the PocketWatch back because it was a gift. This becomes a running theme in MMBN6's JobBBS, the NPCs and tasks you have to do usually wind up having entertainment stuffed alongside.

The old lady notes that she probably dropped it while weeding some trees. So just check all the trees around Central Town and you'll find it easily. We get a RegUp2 in exchange.

The next job is probably the gooniest of the lot.

This teacher collects action figures. He's too busy with work, so he can't pre-order the figure he wants to at the moment.

Unfortunately, the place to reserve the action figure is the StuffedToyZone. This is like putting a Toys R' Us in the middle of the 8th circle. Sir, do you know just how dangerous the place you're sending Lan is?

A few difficult virus encounters later while looking for the NPC...

There she is, and there's the reserve ticket we need.

Our reward is an item that coughs up a NumberTrader code when checked in the inventory screen. It just grants a free Unlocker, but considering what sort of goodies are usually inside Purple Mystery Data, it's worthwhile.

As long as I'm here, that reminds me. I promised I wouldn't abuse the NumberTrader until the postgame, and here we are. First pick is a juicy Lance *.

Keep in mind how I could have gotten these chips at any time since the store opened.

For an example of power creep hitting this game, look no further than AntiElem *. The old AntiFire/Aqua/Elec/Wood chips have all been combined into one chip. Not only that, it deals more damage than any of its constituents ever did. And it comes in * code.

The last chip I get (that's going into the folder anyway, I got several more chips offscreen for library completion) is especially notable. KillerMan * is one of the "automatically included in every competitive folder" chips. Yes, MMBN6 had a competitive scene for a while after it came out.
The reason KillerMan * is so good is because it pierces invisibility and removes Anti- effects like AntiDamage or AntiElem. It also paralyzes, and paralysis was a key feature of most competitive folders. Not to mention that due to the * code, it fits into any folder you want. It's a great chip.

I'm also snagging an Uninstall R from the chip order system as long as I'm here. It isn't going into the folder yet, but it'll become part of a P.A. that will be included. The irony in including this specific P.A. into my final folder plans is not lost on me.

Getting back on track, the next request is to loan an NPC money. I think this is a tradition for JobBBS requests, because one of these has showed up in all 3 games the JobBBS has.

You can choose how much money you give to the guy in decimal increments. 100z, 1000z, or 10000z. The guy makes it clear he'll pay you back tenfold when business picks back up, so there's no reason not to give him the maximum amount.

Jack out and back in, and we make a tidy profit!

The next job is a chip request. This is why I prefer doing jobs all in one go at the end of the game, because I'm pretty sure that when you can first accept this job, you can't actually get a DollThunder1 A anywhere because you don't have access to SkyArea. The reward is a simple RegUp1.

Okay, now here's when things get interesting. Our next client is an overprotective father. He's worried about the date his daughter is going on.

The solution? Hire some random guy to peep.

I got these screenshots in the wrong order due to skipping over the conversation and having to talk to the client again, but the gist of it is that not only are we spying on the date...

We're going to hit on the girl's Navi and try to make her ditch the guy to see how he reacts. Parenting!

Amusingly enough, by the time we arrive, a PunkNavi has showed up and is doing our job for us.

MegaMan mistakes the PunkNavi for someone the client also hired, so he plays along.

After a bit of fear, the guy eventually stands up to the PunkNavi and tells him to scram. So, I guess that's mission accomplished.

MegaMan then realizes that the PunkNavi isn't acting. Deletion ensues, because the prick decides to sic viruses on us. Following the battle, MegaMan explains the situation.

The client is satisfied, although a bit sad to see his daughter all grown up. Another RegUp1 for us. These would be very useful if I could just get my hands on FastGauge * already!

The next job is to confront this girl's brother. He's been researching viruses lately nonstop, and she's worried he's going to create a new type that will be exceptionally tough to deal with.

The guy's Navi doesn't help matters by sending viruses after MegaMan when we try to stop him from working.

Lan explains himself afterwards.

Turns out this was a misunderstanding between siblings, the guy's actually working to find ways to get rid of viruses, not create stronger ones.

We get a BigBomb P out of the whole thing, so eh!

On the other side of the loan coin, this guy wants us to track down a client who refuses to pay back any of his debts and just spends all the money he can.

He sics viruses on us, and beating them up scares him into cooperating.

Oh, well how could this possibly go wrong?

Virus smackdown, round 2!

He offers to get the money ready, for real this time!

MegaMan is not amused. I think the blink animation missed a great opportunity here.

That was just a joke, thankfully. He hands over the CashData item, rather than a sum of Zenny.

Our reward is a meager 5000z.

Our next client is a victim of fraud.

As you can see, the diet supplements the kid bought by saving up his allowance didn't exactly work.

The diet supplement's salesman accuses us of defamation, because we have no proof that the pills did nothing. I could go on a tangent here about the nutraceutical industry having much, much lower standards than the pharmaceutical industry, but I'll spare you. On the other hand, if you have a biochemistry professor around, feel free to bring the topic up for a good laugh, you'll be able to watch them froth at the mouth.

If this PunkNavi wants to get lawyers involved, he'll get his wish alright.

You may think that we need to meet with that group of Navis from the JudgeTree scenario, but no, just head to the courthouse.
The lawyer we meet is a perfect example of a Large Ham. Seriously, I've been wondering if they'd slip in a Pheonix Wright joke considering this is a Capcom game with a court area. I think this guy is it.

Case in freaking point.

The unnamed Lawyer NPC is outraged that someone would pull fraud on a child trying to lose weight!

Time to behold the power of legal harrassment!

They all have a brief line, followed by two textboxes of "Nag! Nag!"

Nag! Nag!

Nag! Nag!

Mission accomplished!

Mind you, if this guy wasn't actually guilty of fraud, we'd have malicious litigation on our hands. A potential Stella Award isn't anywhere near as amusing as watching some jerk get what he deserves.

After receiving out 5000z reward, Lan points out to the chubby NPC that munching on fries all the time isn't exactly going to help him/her/them lose weight.

The next client is an animal trainer at the aquarium who can't swim.

Lan asks the obvious question of how she got the job. Lampshade sufficiently hung, this is the only answer we get. Like I said before, the JobBBS sidequests are a lot more relaxed than the main game. NPCs are a lot sillier and Lan has a tendency to call people out on weirdness that normally gets taken for granted.

Somewhere in Cyber Academy, there's an expert swimmer known only as "Dolphin". So off we go to look for them!

Also, because I've waited until the end of the game to handle all of these jobs, those CopyBot NPCs are all over the place, making the situation even more absurd.

Dolphin notes how blubber assists fish in swimming, and that he came to this conclusion after many years of research.

Now things get kind of disgusting.

Oh god, you don't have to go into that kind of detail.

The client agrees to put on a few grams (her wording, not mine) if it means keeping her job.

Our reward is a compression code.

I think it's deliciously meta how the internet can help you in these games by providing NumberTrader codes and whatnot, though.

Now for the last of the one-star jobs! The previous job bumped my rank up to B, so I can take them now. This job is...special.

This musician's in a slump, and he wants us to help him fill in the blanks of the song he's trying to write.

Now, what you're supposed to do is pick the correct option out of several choices multiple times over the course of the horrible song.

Vastly more amusing, however, is picking the wrong option deliberately.

The musician's reaction is to attempt cyber-suicide. MegaMan has to delete the viruses to prevent it.

The musician then starts the song over from the beginning, so at the very least, if you do screw up, the only penalty is a brief virus encounter.

To be honest, it's quite terrible. It's basically "Freedom...Love....lalalala..." over and over.

Still, that's part one of four complete for JobBBS requests!