Part 105: Settling an old score.

Why no, I did not get sick and tired of grinding for BugFrags, put my foot down, and cheat! Such implications are offensive to my integrity!
Jokes aside, seriously, this game easily is the worst in the series for BugFrags. It's completely random when you get them, usually from about 1 in 8 mystery data prizes will have a few of them. This wouldn't be so bad if the game didn't require you to have so freaking many of them.
BugDeathThunder (100), PoisSeed (48), NeoVariSword (80), BubbleWrap (24), all of these chips are required by the game.
And that isn't counting the Collect program, which costs something like 62 additional BugFrags to purchase. It'd make grinding for chips a lot less tedious, but no, it costs a prohibitive amount of BugFrags.

Seriously, BugFrags and this game do not mix. Like the Virus Battler, it was something that just makes the game worse to the point where I have no qualms about abusing the system.

We can finally access the latter half of the Graveyard.

Colonel, JudgeMan, and ElementMan have their graves here as well. That PunkNavi just recites a compression code.

At the very end of the Graveyard is this. MegaMan notes that there's nothing written on it.

Guess who?

That's MegaMan's grave. Having never been deleted, however, it's empty and unused. Although, it would have been interesting if they'd tied his absorption by Alpha into this and had us fight an AI copy of ourselves ala MMBN5.

BassSP, meet NumberOpen. Humorously enough, you don't actually have to encounter the normal Bass fight to trigger this one. The game just sort of acts as though you have anyway. You can then go and fight original Bass afterwards if you like.

Bass identifies the Cybeast inside of MegaMan, and vows to obtain that power for himself.

We snag our 4th GigaChip, only one more!

Almost. As of this writing, I still need to come here with all the LinkNavis and beat up BassSP with them for a title screen icon.

Not shown: grinding the SP Navis to S-rank all of them.

Including the LinkNavis, the Gregar LinkNavis, and ProtoMan, for that matter. Why?

Behold, the GD Navis! All the LinkNavis from both games plus ProtoMan get super-upgraded romhack-difficulty forms. They also get unique battlefield conditions that make them more dangerous, such as the ice panels against AquaManGD.
SlashManGD (Uploaded the wrong video, oops...I'll leave it up for now.)

Once that's over with, I return to the Underground area to take on the next big fight. FBeastSP emerges from MegaMan!

Well, not quite.

Right, that GetAbility thing...

Hee hee hee.

This comes out of nowhere, Bass has never had any interest in that before. Apparently, his new power's either driven him a bit crazy or he's just figuring he's got nothing better to do.

Bass reminds me of Silver from Pokemon Gen 2. All this "You're so weak, wallow in your weakness! Despite having defeated me several times!" crap.

After steamrolling the easy FBeastSP, we proceed with no breaks to fight BassBX. Due to the earlier fight with Bass being bugged and having Breath Of Falzar, you've basically already seen this fight.

Bass finally provides some pyrotechnics. Honestly, BassBX is right up with BassXX in terms of difficulty, he's probably the second-hardest boss in the series. If he gets Shooting Buster off...kiss MegaMan goodbye. So you wind up having to stunlock him and keep him from using the attack, because you'll run out of Invis chips sooner or later.

And yeah, Lan and MegaMan are aware of how tenacious Bass is. He's still out there somewhere, gaining even more power. BassBX becomes a random encounter in Underground 2 from now on, to illustrate the point.
Defeating FBeastSP allows me to fight GBeastSP in the StuffedToyZone.

And beat him again we shall.

The patch adds another Bass fight to the game. BassGX. I've been looking forward to this from the beginning of the patch. You need to have Standard, Mega, and Giga completion as well as having defeated BassBX.
So, everybody, meet BassGX.

But that wasn't enough for me. After some tinkering, I decided to finally settle the score with Bass once and for all.
BassBS has been revived through my own efforts, and it's time for a grudge match.