Part 108: The Grand Finale: Part 2.

All Wily can do is laugh at his own defeat. He's just really used to laughing maniacally.

After the LifeVirus, Gospel, Bass, Alpha, Duo, NebulaGrey, and the Cybeasts, the MMBN series has run out of final boss-worthy entities. Wily has no chances left.

Lan wins. Wily has accepted that.

He's not kidding. We're not talking nuclear levels here, but more than enough to level the entire area.

After all that's happened in the games, Lan forgives Dr. Wily. It's one of the few character traits that sets him apart from the average JRPG protagonist. No quests for revenge from Lan.

I find this scene sweetly hilarious. Regal never gets mentioned at all. Wily does not give a damn about his idiot son. That, or Capcom got rid of him entirely when they realized what a horrible character he was.

Lan argues that Wily does have a reason to live: To make amends for his crimes.

What a silly idea. Wily laughs at such lofty things.

Nah, he's just laughing out of habit. Maybe it's a nervous tic or something.

MMBN Wily differs from original series Wily in a few ways, as you've seen by this point. Helping Mr. Mach's daughter, for example. As well as having a backstory that gives him motivation for wanting to have revenge on the Net Society.

Yeah, unlike Navis, humans can't just delete their EmotProg if they feel like it.

Asking Lan not to be stupid is like asking the world to stop spinning, Wily.

Considering what's happened in the series, Wily would have to do something really impressive to compensate for all of it. He does.

Considering CopyBot technology, actually, it wouldn't be surprising if there was renewed interest in Wily's robotics expertise. And besides, considering that he made Colonel and Iris, Wily is a highly skilled programmer anyway.

When NetBattling isn't the answer, Lan asking Dr. Hikari is.

Just try not to make anything like SoulNet again, okay?

Much like how kindness is part of Lan's character, laughing is part of Wily's.

It's as close as Wily is going to come to thanking Lan.

The screen begins shaking at this point. Oh right, the energy that was powering the two giant CopyBots has to go somewhere...

Wily's an old man. I mean, he uses a walking stick stylized with a skull. Getting out of here in time might not even be possible for him.

Baryl's return to consciousness interrupts the other two.

He's still weak, just about only able to wheeze out Colonel's name.

Yeah, like I said. In the end, Colonel and Iris, not MegaMan, were the heroes.

Lan proceeds to relay Colonel's last message.

It's hard to have a touching monologue about your fallen partner when you're bleeding out and barely conscious.

Notice how Wily's made no effort to move from his spot. He's resigned to death.

*Sound effect!*

Lan got tripped down the stairs by Baryl. His way of saying "Get out of here already!" On a more serious note, Wily and Baryl don't have either of those things. Well, Wily has family, but everybody hates Regal.

Is this really the best place to be running into? Well, literally every character here is yelling at Lan to get a move on, so let's hoof it already!

A solemn farewell...

The shaking intensifies!

The screen fades to white as the explosion rips through the area as they all run away. Baryl and Dr. Wily don't even bother trying to leave.

Several days later...

So yeah, it was pretty much a blockbuster bomb going off.

You may have been expecting a tragic death, or Wily's body never being found. Hell no, this is a happy ending, darnit! He's Dr. Wily, an explosion going off around him is nothing.

Baryl is, of course, pulling a vanishing act for dramatic purposes.

Can't leave any loose ends! Everything's getting tidied up for the ending!

Mr. Mach came out of all this fairly alright.

It's not entirely a happy ending, I admit...

Well, we've seen Cyberhell in the form of Black Earth/Nebula Area, as well as the Graveyard. Maybe somewhere in the Cyberworld, there's a place like Secret Area where good Navis who get deleted go?

Lan's moving on to Junior High School now. We can't dwell on Colonel and Iris forever, let's continue on with the ending.

Swiss Cake Roll Hair is reading out congratulatory letters the class has gotten.

I've truncated the letter, just saying, but that's the gist of it. Aww, Mr. Higsby! Everything is better when you're around! Hopefully he won't find out that one of Lan's new friends is a business competitor of his!

Time for a readoff of old names!

Masa was SharkMan's operator in MMBN1. He also cameoed in MMBN3's N1 tournament against Chaud in the quarterfinals.

Miyu was SkullMan's operator in MMBN1, likewise. It's like a laundry list of nostalgia!


Like she said at the beginning of the game, Lan's class is her first graduating class.

The explosion wrecked part of the school, remember? Tab even helpfully points this out with a line something like "Well, we're around because of the explosion, but I'm still glad we could be here!"

Ms. Mari is apparently quite a looker. Mr. Higsby wants to marry her, after all.

Mick is being typical Mick.