Part 109: The Grand Finale: Part 3.

Mr. Mach, of course, isn't going to be left out of the ending!

Mick is being his usual "I-it's not like I really like you..." self.

The Cyber Academy students rush up to their beloved enthusiasm king teacher.

Case in point about Mick. "Worthless old man! Waaaaah, I'm so happy to see you!"

Ms. Mari is crying as well. Graduation of her first class!

Cue offscreen crowding.

Time to tie up the loose ends, yeah.

The end-of-school bell rings one final time.

Mr. Mach and Ms. Mari give the students a last farewell in their own ways.

And this is also the last screenshot Mr. Mach will appear in. Say goodbye!

We'll get to that later.

For now, something more important than whatever Dex wants to talk about needs to be attended to.

Goody goody gumdrops, we've got a present!

Who's it from, more importantly?

Well, that's pretty clear.

Even Lan can figure that one out!




And that's the last line Ms. Mari gets.

A bit later, Lan's friends, Dex, Mayl, and Yai gather at his house.

Mick is, of course, interested in a NetBattle.


Just sort it out, nobody cares how!

Chaud arrives, condescending as ever.

Lan, has Chaud ever done that? Remember Okuden?

He's filling the role of Mr. Exposition, of course. Wrapping up the plot.

First and most importantly, how's Wily doing?

And before anyone asks, no, it's an honest change of heart for Dr. Wily, he's not faking it.

Sounds about right!

Side commentary from the girls, as unnecessary as ever.

Well, on to what the characters will be doing following the series!

Unfortunately, Dex and Mayl will be following Lan around still.

Yai is going to a different school, so those who dislike her (i.e., almost everyone) can be satisfied knowing that she'll stop being as much of a pest.

Lan isn't completely free, but it's a start.

Tab chimes in that he's going to the same place.

Knowing Chaud, probably a very high-end school for only the most gifted, hardworking students.

Erk. Not exactly.

"Thank god."

Everyone is, rightfully, impressed as all heck.

Lan's only concern is that he won't be able to see Chaud often enough.

He'll be working in the international department.

Hoo boy. Let the aspirations flow like wine at a Roman orgy!

Lan wants to be a Master of Science. It's so fitting.

This is the polite way of saying "Not in a million years."

Dex wants to be admired and have authority within his community, something he's never really had.

Mr. Higsby's going to be mad...

Yai continues to be Daddy's Little Princess to the very end.

And Mick reveals his complete admiration for Mr. Mach openly.

Oh, god blink animation, why did you have to give Mayl a bedroom face?!

At least it didn't happen on this screenshot.

Or worse yet, this one.

Future Master of Science in the making, yup.

Mayl calls Lan a dummy specifically before turning away.

Dex interrupts, thankfully, by asking about the box Baryl left us.

Oh boy, a surprise!


A CopyBot! Although, not to ruin the moment, but Mick and Tab have never gotten any indication that Lan and MegaMan are brothers. This can't make any sense to them. Let's just assume they both got an explanation offscreen, there's been plenty of timeskips in the story.

Not just any CopyBot, it's Iris' CopyBot.

CyberHeaven would be a heck of a place.

It isn't an ending sequence without going on the Net!

Power of friendship is as prevalent as ever.

And so, the happy ending is defiled. Wait no, Lan likes them, and this is the end of the series, so I never have to rescue them or anything stupid again! I guess it all works out.


Lan's friends with the heads of two chip shops. That can only be a good thing!

Even Chaud, after the entire series, admits he's a friend of Lan's.

As per tradition...

Roll the credits!

The credits has images of the future as well, hence the title of the track. Plata is still following Mick around!

But now Fanny the seal has taken a similar liking to Tab! Run away!

T. Hamanaga, you are fucked up!

All the LinkNavis gather around MegaMan. Just look at all the competent friends we have now!

Saying farewell to Chaud...

Goodbye, Chaud. Goodbye, ProtoMan.

As usual, Yoshiki Aoi provided an amazing soundtrack.

Somewhere out there, Colonel and Iris are happy.

I'm still amazed M. Nanba kept their job after MMBN4. Ms. Mari and Baryl walk by.

Ms. Mari turns around to look at Baryl as he goes. Perhaps a hint of romantic interest?

50 hours of fun. Not counting BugFrag grinding.

Cue massive timeskip, to the distant future...

Yes, Wily created a system that supports the entire Cyberworld while in prison. There's nothing the man can't do.

The Colonel system obliterated NetCrime immediately.

In the end, Wily ended up supporting the same Net Society he wanted to destroy. A happy ending for the troubled scientist.

And I bet Dr. Wily became famous overnight as a brilliant man who ended NetCrime. He deserves it.

Guess who?

Oh Lan, always oversleepi-

That's Lan's son, actually. His name, appropriately enough for this LP, is Patch.

Lan's wife speaking.

It's too bad we never got official art of what they all look like, not even mugshots.

Mayl's wish has come true. She's able to harass Lan every day now.

Without faces, it's a bit tough to tell who's saying what unless I provide the full context.

Ah, a reunion!

Father and Son leave together, though they don't get sprites.

Cue the final, saddest song in the series.
Want a way to make Epee Em's eyes start watering up from nostalgia? Play this song. The MMBN series pretty much defined my childhood. I played them more than any other game.

Everyone's dreams came true.

Lan's cleaned up his act and actually become a competent scientist. Masters of Science jokes be darned.

The future looks bright!


The final Jack-In.