Part 15: End playthrough one. End any and all patience with this crap.

Yup, it's the end. The standard "Point of No Return" warning is given, so this really is the end of this wretched game's first playthrough.

I'll be damned, it actually does have a control system. It's not like anybody knew that there would be, but then again, Cyberworld. It just is.

The controls for the asteroid is in fact a giant fuckoff steering wheel.

(Credit to Shaezerus)
See, this is actually part of an abandoned Metroid crossover, space pirates clearly sent this giant Space Boat to attack Earth, hence the pirate motif. PirateMan.Exe awaits!

I wish. There have been multiple guesses in the thread about who the final boss is, from Lumine to Future Dark MegaMan. But you can probably guess now. Who comes to mind when the topics of space and evil energy are brought up?

Meet the final boss of MMBN4: Duo.

This screenshot and the previous one are reversed, this is actually how Duo introduces himself. It just seemed more appropriate to give his name first. So, Duo is the Operating System for the Asteroid...or rather, anti-planet missile.

Considering that the thing is a massive planet-killer weapon, the logical question is obvious. Duo, what the hell are you even doing here?

The only command in Duo's program is to seek out, judge, and destroy evil. You might think that the massive amount of evil Duo's somehow detected is Nebula's fault, but no.
Fuckup Tally: 192
How in the fuck do you detect evil period? Let alone from billions or trillions of kilometers away, as Duo was already on a crash-course with the Earth when he was around Pluto a few weeks ago.

Evil is just something inherent in humanity, Nebula's activities have more or less just been incidental. Yes, that's right, the final fucking boss of the game has nothing to do with the rest of it save for the same general topic. What did you expect?

Whoever or whatever programmed Duo clearly didn't understand the idea of "Obliterating an entire fucking planet is kind of an evil thing to do". Yeah yeah, they're some super-advanced mysterious alien civilization, but geeze. Different ethics and reasoning is a weak way to justify this, not that Capcom ever thought of it.
Besides, Earth is kind of a valuable planet, as far as current understanding of the universe goes. A habitable planet with an abundance of life, an active magnetosphere, shitloads of liquid water, and gravitational protection from most debris in space thanks to Jupiter seems like it would be worth not slamming an anti-planet missile into it.

As is tradition, there's always a boss fight before the final boss. However, this is the last game to do so, 5 and 6 only have the final boss.

Fuckup Tally: 193
This picture isn't an indication itself, but Duo's dialogue is kind of bizarre, though I've omitted most of it. He'll have a very rigid, formal way of speaking, such as the "I must punish your planet according to my program" line, but then he suddenly starts getting playful and using slang, contractions, simplified speech, etc. He kind of swaps back and forth, it's like they couldn't decide what personality he had and wound up jumbling both options together.

Fuckup Tally: 194
MegaMan has a brief nonsensical blurb about 3 text boxes in size. I'd deem it one of those "They fucked up the mugshots again" moments, but the dialogue is clearly supposed to be MegaMan speaking! Incomprehensible Fuckups where I don't even understand what went wrong are some of my favorites, though.

So, I've been eagerly looking forward to this fight. I've even been varying the chips in my folder constantly to give my DarkSoul a good pool of varied options, and always opted to kill things with more varied chips rather than the buster or a chip I'd been overly reliant on.

I almost want a code I can use to make him harder. Faster, more HP, attacks more frequently, etc. He can be deadly when he suddenly whips out a LifeSword for example, but in most cases...bleh. Pathetically easy.

Still, go us. We've conquered the DarkSoul within!

Duo's logic is that the evil will just come back anyway, since we can only repress it and not destroy it.
Fuckup Tally: 195
So there was really no point at all in Duo 'testing' us that way, because by his literally alien reasoning, evil will always be a part of someone even if they defeat it in battle. Duo, I was looking forward to that fight, but what was the fucking point?!

MegaMan shares my exasperation. It's Mad Libs Dialogue again, blah blah good and evil blah.

As good a justification as any...Duo proceeds to change into Battle Mode, piece by piece. Literally, first his torso appears, followed by each arm, and then finally, his head gets spiky.

You can just feel the enthusiasm, can't you? Here we are at the final boss of the damned game, and it feels like just another stupid cutscene with garbage writing in the endless parade of crap. And it is, because this is still only a third of the way through the "expected" amount of play in the game. It's a mediocre disappointment, as you'd probably expect by now. This may be the 'final boss', but it's just a glorified normal boss battle, even with the credits roll. There's absolutely no sense of accomplishment.
Vs. Duo
Duo's weak spot, as you probably guessed by looking at the screenshot, is the weird exhaust port thing on his stomach. Unlike all previous final bosses, he moves around, the weakpoint moving up and down the central column of his side of the field. Due to his size, there aren't any panels under Duo's weakpoint, so any chip that relies on them will do nothing. This can be very annoying, for example, the AirHoc3 chip I've kept around the whole game is useless.
On the offensive side, Duo has various attacks centered around punching MegaMan, as well as a mix of projectiles he'll periodically release. All very bland and basic. The more notable attack is the Beam of Fuck You, which pierces invisibility, and can hit multiple times because it also ignores mercy invincibility. The Beam of Fuck You will also create energy rings around itself for you to dodge, always in a set pattern.
This is fairly easy to dodge for now, but each subsequent playthrough of the game will add two more rings to the attack, and have fun remembering the order it goes in!
But by the far the most notable thing about Duo is the attack he uses 2:36. Anger Impact.

AKA "DUO FACE BEEEEEAAAAAAM!" Seriously, this attack cracks me up, it's probably one of the most unintentionally hilarious things in the series. Look at that face! It's just so perfect for this LP, it fits so well with the infinite hate!

GunSol abuse? It's actually better to use the chips individually for that fight rather than the PileDriver P.A. due to the lack of panels in the back for the second mirror to appear on, cutting the damage from 800 to 400. And because Lan is outdoors, the GunSol chips deal increased damage, PileDriver isn't boosted in sunlight.

We beat Duo, but the anti-planet missile/asteroid isn't exactly going to change course just because of that.

This is partly what I meant by Duo's inconsistent personality, see what I mean? He vanishes and creates a bridge to the steering wheel, essentially for shits and giggles.

Yeeeeeeup. I already ranted about how idiotic this is, why repeat myself?

This wasn't thought through very well, was it? That's putting it politely. How LaserMan was supposed to control the asteroid is anyone's guess, it's clearly Duo-sized only.
Space Captain Duo's anti-planet steering wheel....yup. Par for the course to the point where I can barely muster commentary on it. MMBN4, ladies and gentlemen!

Meanwhile, NAXA tells the world about the impending apocalyptic impact.

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Fuckup Tally: 197
And it's an hour away from impact now, the damned thing should be visible in the sky during daylight hours even! I've called this a Fuckup before, but the fact that NAXA even HAD to tell people (insanely stupid in and of itself) about it for them to know at all, when it's basically right in front of the entire world...FUCK!

The game even points out that mass panic has broken out due to the announcement. Generic NPCs worldwide are breaking down.

Mayl, it's the fucking apocalypse. I hate you. I hate this.

And this is an entirely justified response. It's not like they were told about the enormous asteroid an hour away from fulfilling its purpose as an anti-planet missile.

Surprisingly, Sal makes an appearance. I assume that this is version specific, and Red Sun's ending features different NPCs.

NetBattling has failed. Capcom Science has failed. You know what that means.
Time for the Power of Friendship! Cue heroic title theme music.

Dex loudly begins cheering for MegaMan.

Somehow, everyone on Earth has decided to cheer for MegaMan at the exact same time. At long last, praise and adoration from the world! Expect nobody to ever remember this come next game.

Damned right there isn't.

YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN PRISON. Chillski! You lardassed bastard! What are you doing out of NetFrica?
Fuckup Tally: 198
Consistency! The end result of all the world's useless NPCs cheering their heads off for MegaMan?

Way to fucking go, guys. I think I was doing better without you.

Dr. Regal, the ludicrously cliche stereotypical villain, proceeds to risk his life to save the world.

No, I'm not fucking joking. While still proclaiming how he'll make the world evil. Deus Ex Machina at its finest.
Fuckup Tally: 199
I consider this kind of writing the standard at this point. I'm calling the Fuckup because Dr. Regal isn't convulsing in electrical agony, considering that massive amounts of electricity kind of has a tendency to induce muscle spasms.

How I wish I could.

30 minutes away from atmospheric entry! Let's see, 1 hour away from atmospheric entry before, then 1 hour away from impact, now 30 minutes away from atmospheric entry. I smell an impending Fuckup!

Duo's vibration sensors detect the entire atmosphere shaking. What could it be?

The cheering of everyone's voices all over the world, of course!
Fuckup Tally: 200
Jesus Christ.

The world's cheers activate Full Synchro, which...isn't really all that special considering it's a basic gameplay mechanic and has showed up hundreds of times by now in random battles.

MegaMan gets the steering wheel spinning around and around, causing the asteroid to spin in circles comically as gravity continues to drag it towards the complete annihilation of the world. I can dream, can't I?

Having seen the united power of humanity take the form of a retarded, completely impossible atmosphere-shaking cheer, Duo is impressed enough to decide that the planet is worth sparing for now.

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I can only assume that Duo takes proper control of the missile and steers it away from the planet, whatever insane solar system-crossing warp drive that it uses to travel so impossibly fast overpowering Earth's gravity with ease.
Anyway, he teleports MegaMan out of the Cyberworld back to Lan's PET. Sure, whatever. That's the end of that.

Take a wild guess. Also, Chaud shows up in a helicopter and carries Lan over to the platform.

Please do. Also, the sad, sad music theme plays, the same one from that Shuko video. Yes, we're expected to feel sorry/sad.

Yes, he did. For...some reason. What was he even originally planning to use the damn Asteroid for, anyway? If he didn't want it to crash into the planet, hence his intervention, what the hell else was he going to do with it, set it in orbit for the sake of it?

That's nothing new. Specifically though, Dr. Regal means that even if he felt sorry for what he's done, he'd just get thrown in prison anyway. Then again, we saw how that went with Chillski. I'm just loving how every single little bit of the game is wrong even when applied to its own standards.

And Dr. Regal isn't feeling apologetic anyway.

Regal begins a rant about how good inevitably results in evil as well. That incident of breaking into Park Area after beating up the guard Navi is specifically mentioned. Hey, I said it was a stupid meeting place, that was your syndicate's doing, Regal.
Continuing the pathetic argument, considering how many criminals Chaud has sliced to bits with ProtoMan, his exact words are "Some of them might have been innocent".
The one valid point he makes is that if Yuuichiro hadn't developed Navis, NetCrime wouldn't be so bad. No argument there, we've already seen how insanely stupid the Cyberworld is, given how everything is pointlessly connected to it and goes haywire regularly. Even exclusive systems without any connection to the overall internet seem to just spontaneously generate viruses, after all.

Now for the best part. Regal brings up Dr. Wily as an example of society breeding evil.

AKA: Regal's dad. Meet Regal Wily, everybody.

I guess monocles are hereditary. Given the Capcom Science we've seen so far, I would not be fucking surprised. Have to wonder who the mother is.
Fuckup Tally: 202
Credit to Koops for pointing this one out, Regal's mugshot and sprite each have the monocle on opposite eyes. Hey, a graphical Fuckup, those are pretty rare. The only other one that comes to mind is Tensuke's top-hating brother having TopMan's icon on the back of his vest.

He returns 3 minutes into the next game, of course.



Eh, okay, LaserMan's design is cool.



Wait, what? Holy shit, this explains so fucking much.

Fuckup Tally: 203

A day of my life I'll never get back. When I'm old and on my deathbed, I'm sure I'll be patting myself on the back for this one. "I want one more day with my loved ones...why did I waste so much of my life?"

Give me the fucking trophy and be done with it.

This will never be mentioned ever.

Fuckup Tally as of Playthrough One:
By Update: (Fuckups in that update) | (Total)
1: 17.5 | 17.5
2: 24.5 | 42
3: 4 | 46
4: 6 | 52
5: 10 | 62
6: 16 | 78
7: 14 | 92
8: 9 | 101
9: 7 | 108
10: 15 | 123
11: 29 | 152
12: 15 | 167
13: 11 | 178
14: 13 | 191
15: 12 | 203