Part 24: I think there might actually be more Fuckups in this game than there are chips.

It's funny how the only consistency in the game that they manage to have...
Fuckup Tally: 267

...Is when they're making mistakes a 2nd grader would spot.
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By this point, yup, I'm convinced they literally just used a find->replace all on the game script and called it good.
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Capcom Sound Effects rear their heads again.
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Mr. Match seems to be a magnet for these. Just one of those scenarios. More weight to that 'Fuckups occur most often in chains' idea.
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Honestly, I've run out of things to say to most of these. Capcom fucked up, that's about it.
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You know, maybe I shouldn't have held off on these until the end. Although, what better way to end things than with a massive chain of Fuckups?
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You know, breaking things up for a moment, here's what I said back in the Omega Challenges in MMBN3, during my enraged rant after Serenade Omega:
Epee Em posted:
What the hell is wrong with me, why am I here? I'm circumcising myself with a nail clipper already and all I have to look forward to after is fucking 4, what am I supposed to do with all the shit in that game!?! "Yeah, that's a retarded translation error. Hey, that's a virus that deals unavoidable damage 90% of the time, you can really see the lack of effort! And here's more shit we've done already 3 times because this is the most monotonous game in the world since fucking Desert Bus. Look at me, I'm a hilarious LPer, I can play a shitty game!"
You can't say I didn't know what I was getting into.

Ephraim may not have known what he was in for, on the other hand.
Fuckup Tally: 275

Sound effects! Why Roll is clanking is anyone's guess.
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BredMn.Exe is a Red Sun exclusive fight.
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Uhhh. I can't tell if this is a meltdown of broken English, or if Lan is referring to an event called "Challenge a Netopian". Well, in the latter case, it'd still be a plausible, if minor, Fuckup, I mean, Challenge a Netopian?
Fuckup Tally: 278

Not a Fuckup, but...I just wanted to point this out. Awww, Raoul. The ThunderMan scenario may suck, but Raoul gets to be one of the few characters that can be appreciated in MMBN4 for this line.

And to compensate for that, here's a two-for-one double Fuckup bonus!
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You can say what you want about the soul stuff, at least they weakly handwave it once or twice as Navi souls being the part of their code that forms their identity. This is explicit magic. Literally, a wizard did it.
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Oh, you cursed MegaMan to die a horrible death? Aw, you old joker.

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This is it. MegaMan's mugshot replacing Lan's is the final Fuckup of the game.
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However, we still missed the JunkMan scenario, and to compensate for this, I will be taking an average of all the Fuckups once again like I did after playthrough 1, and adding the result.
Once again, (Update) | (Total)
1: 17.5 | 17.5
2: 24.5 | 42
3: 4 | 46
4: 6 | 52
5: 10 | 62
6: 16 | 78
7: 14 | 92
8: 9 | 101
9: 7 | 108
10: 15 | 123
11: 29 | 152
12: 15 | 167
13: 11 | 178
14: 13 | 191
15: 12 | 203
16: 5 | 208
17: 14 | 222
18: 5 | 227
19: 5 | 232
20: 11 | 243
21: 11 | 254
22: 10 | 264
23: 2 | 266
24: 17 | 283

Average: 11.79, rounded up to 12.

Consulting Zebrin's list, the winner of the contest is Ineffiable, with a guess of 294, only one Fuckup off. Coming in close second was Super Jay Mann's guess of 298.

The "reward" is this abomination. No, you don't get transparency, I'm lazy and already shelling out money for the avatar. Let's all clap for Ineffiable, who now has to suffer this avatar like a brand of shame. At least Zebrin's account upgrade is a good reward.
That's it. No more Fuckups. I'm free.

NAH! Oh no I don't! Hog Butcher's back with a Romhack. And I actually recorded proper commentary, though due to how the emulator pauses when I fiddle with codes and the recording keeps going, a bit of desynch was inevitable in some parts, I'm sorry about that.
It may not be what you expect...
Game over. No more MMBN4.
The only thing I really didn't show off was DuoSP. He's Duo! With 4000 HP and stronger attacks! Woo fuckity hoo.

On the other hand, he's blinged out as fuck. Yup, this is what the last "challenge" of the game would be.
Fuck that, and fuck MMBN4.

Hello there, MMBN4 cartridge. You, the bringer of agony, suffering, trauma, and Fuckups.
Meet my small, yet effective bunch of tools.

Let's begin with the modern equivalent of staking a vampire. ShadeMan's been hit with 3 DarkSwords and a PileDriver in this game, since I never bothered with ShadeManSP, so let's add a large flathead screwdriver to the mix!
MMBN4 is only protected by the shell of solid Nintendium Alloy. Appropriately for this series, however, brute force and low tech solutions can be more effective than one might think.

My apologies for the low-quality photography, all I had was my phone camera and a set of annoyingly shaky hands. Still, hopefully you can tell that I've impaled the damned game through the heart and am currently suspending it from the wound in the air.

I attempted to use the hacksaw, but then realized that making use of the old, rusty vice was probably a better idea. I had to use the hammer to pound it into working order, but hey, basic simple machines were all that was needed. A lever, a hammer, a screw, and here we are, one helpless cartridge. With a helpful notch in it, no less!

I tortured you with codes, MMBN4, perhaps you thought that was enough. Oh, oh my no. I'll torture you with a hacksaw.
And I will laugh.
Okay, yeah, that was kind of embarrassing, I got a little overenthusiastic there.

At last. The cleansing is complete.