Part 25: Bonus: Spelling Mitsake shows off the missed JunkMan content.

Up next is JunkMan.

I would disagree.

He's right.

Lan makes fun of MegaMan, and they decide it was probably nothing.

I'm assuming this is the NAXA woman from the handfull of plot related cutscenes.

Whoever she is, she recognizes Lan after squinting at him for a bit.

As a tournament official, she feels obligated to fix it for some reason. But she doesn't have time, seeing as a tournament is happening right now.

Lan, as a tournament competetor, feels obligated to fix this problem for some reason. Seeing as he's about to compete in the final round of an international tournament, he has plenty of time for this.

At least he's doing a little bit of thinking.

This game has
weird text spacing.
(Lan's blowing him away)

I don't think we ever ended up in Yumland during the LP. So, I'll show it off a bit.

Here, Lan get's off the... vehicle.

I'm really not sure what's going on here.

You don't say.

This is Buddha. Buddha's a bro.
And's that's about everything in Yumland.

These are more of those fake statues that are really computers. These games love them.

And they're full of treasure!

It leads to Yumland's net area. But we can't get through yet.

I assume this guy sells the P-Code, but I'm a little short on cash at the moment.

One trip across the world and one walk across the internet world later:

Fuck you, Heal Navi.

Haha. He's going to be here for a while.

He gives us the key to door beside him and doesn't really specify what the problem is.

I'm still unsure of what operating is exactly.

They keep moving.

This is one of the few instances of visual action in a cutscene. Megaman runs down the path and junk keeps falling at him. It's a nice change from blacking out.

Too bad there was nothing here.

I'm not sure why MegaMan expected it to stop.


Oh good, he's fine.

Lan asks if he's okay and then fires this one off. Nothing was implying anything was up with MegaMan.

Of course I'm MegaMan. Oh, by the way...

Lan doesn't want to push MegaMan too hard, so he goes ahead with it.

Or so he want's you to believe! Lan, being the cunning person he is, has a master plan.

This is kind of neat, in that you actually have to press L and talk to MegaMan a couple times.

After a few times, Lan starts quizzing MegaMan.

Is that out of 100? Smart kid...

MegaMan guess's Lan's favorite food correctly. This is getting serious, so Lan pulls the ace out of his sleeve and asks MegaMan who the strongest Navi they fought is.

This guy should've payed attention to who MegaMan's been fighting in all these tournaments.

What a surprise!

What are ID chips? (Don't worry, it won't come up again.)

Lan decides to be very firm and direct with JunkMan.

And it works!

Unfortunately, playing as JunkMan is just being MegaMan with your controls reversed.

This is verbatim:
L: "JunkMan! Get this trash data out of the way!"
J: "Outta here!"
L: "Out of the way!"
J: "Nothing for it..."

After several forced virus battles under every junk pile, we find MegaMan's... "ID chip" I guess.

JunkMan: the only homeless navi.

That's surprisingly harsh coming from this game.

MegaMan feels sorry for JunkMan. He's got a feeling this vision he had in the trash will help JunkMan. Somehow.
Oh well, let's go see Buddha

Turns out Buddha's a computer for no good reason.

And this program is performing whatever tasks the Buddha-bot does.

Whatever that is. Oh well, time for the match!

JunkMan whines about Navis with operators and how he's going to kill them all.

Problem solved.

Or not. JunkMan has a bit of a whining fit. And then:

Sounds good!
Yeah, I'm not as good as Epee Em. I couldn't get him to show off his crusher move in this one, but it's in Epee Em's refights video.

We all know MegaMan wouldn't. He's got too much

Oh well, JunkMan's going to die anyways.

But first he pulls a quick U-turn on his stance on kindness.

Then he blows up,

Wouldn't it have been cool to be in JunkSoul the whole time JunkMan was possesing MegaMan? Oh well...
Also, it turns out his spirit is alive somewhere. MegaMan just knows.

Hopefully not.