Part 51: And now, the healing can begin.

And so the antithesis of Nebula stupidity greets Regal.

In this update, we'll be getting a lot of information about Baryl. Not all of it, oh no, but just wait and watch.

Yeah, for one thing, he's really damned high up in the Netopian government. Given that Official Netbattler HQ is in Netopia, Baryl is second only to Princess Pride in political importance. And considering that Creamland has been stated to be a rather small country while Netopia is basically NATO, Baryl's in a sense even higher.
He's kind of important, simply put.

Who was it? You'll see.

There's that too. Given how the entire facility is powered by geothermal heat tapping the magma chamber of Mt. Fuji/Belenus, SoulServer exploding is setting off a chain reaction. The entire factory is going to be blown to bits in the ensuing eruption, and all traces of Nebula will be satisfyingly obliterated.

Stupid to the very end.

Yuuichiro's been untied, but rather than escape, he insists on staying behind for a while.

Feeling duty-bound, he decides that he's obligated to speak to Regal, being the son of Dr. Tadashi Hikari.

Regal obligingly moves to the front of the exploding SoulServer. He's kind of dead inside, knowing he's a complete fuckup failure, not making any effort to escape. It's true, of course.

I don't know where Yuuichiro is getting this, but sure, whatever.

"one generation from the next,"

I guess the logical leap is that if human souls can't handle SoulNet, humans need to work on strengthening them. There's exercise for the body, and mental exercise for the brain like Sudoku, but how does one train the soul? Something involving yoga?

This is quite possibly the most rational thing ever to come out of Regal's mouth.

"evil and tried to destroy the world!"
It's immediately followed by a fairly nonsensical objection. That doesn't even have anything to do with what Yuuichiro said.

Valid point, Wily always had it out for Cyberworld, not humanity in general.

Sure, he never minded if people were killed, even in mass numbers, if it suited his goals, but at least Wily had standards. Sheesh, remember the good old days of this series, when Wily was the villain? Incompetent underlings were gotten rid of, not revived over and over!

Trusting Wily worked well for Sean and Bass after all. And Inukai. And all the previous WWW operators.

No, no, none of this! Regal is clearly insolvent. Where do I even BEGIN!?

"the next generation!"

Yuuichiro's come out of this with the philosophy that each generation has the duty to transmit the hopes of the previous one to the next. See, it's really not that hard to be succinct about this, dammit.

Yuuichiro passes out, likely unable to handle the heat as well as anybody else due to his prior torture. Yeah, remember that?

Considering his view of humanity, Regal is quite shocked by this.


Dramatic effect....

Fuckup...Hate Regal...

....Longwinded cuntbag...

Regal is shut the hell up, thankfully. Okay, guess who it is.

Didn't guess Dr. Wily, did you? Surprise! Despite having his brainwaves eaten by Alpha, then left behind on an exploding island in the middle of the Devil's Seas or whatever those hurricane-condition waters were called, the guy's fine. And this is after being next to an exploding missile in MMBN1. And being at least in his 60s or 70s.
Conclusion: Wily is invincible.

SoulNet is restarted, but given how nobody afterwards notices this, it seems to be a much more localized, condensed version. That SoulServer even functions at all is a testament to Wily's design capabilities.
Also, Wily is unaffected by SoulNet. It's not unreasonable for him to always have MagnoMetal on him, or at least he started keeping it around after learning Regal was after SoulNet.

Regal, you do not come anywhere close to being the magnificent bastard Wily is.

Shut your mouth, boy, this is Wily's machine you're talking about.
And yes, this scene is Team Colonel exclusive, Team ProtoMan gets shafted on it.

Wily designed a machine that can not only link the souls of humanity together and resist partial submersion in boiling lava, but can overload itself even while in the process of exploding.
I've got to tip my metaphorical hat to the guy, really.

Regal screams in pain during this whole time, much to my enjoyment. This presumably hurts like a bitch, and considering Wily is using SoulNet as a scalpel to slice out Regal's memories, it very well should.

And I'm sure the rest of the world will accept him just fine. No, that's not sarcasm, we all know they will because the average intelligence of a typical MMBN character hovers between "sea cucumber" and "gnat". The exceptions are what run the world, really.

Scream, Regaltard, suffer!

Like I said, Wily has standards. Presumably, Wily was a neglectful parent, always focused on his research, which Regal likely admired. Once he decided to get revenge on the world, he left Regal behind entirely. And Wily apparently has some guilt over the whole thing.

And now for the most important screenshot from the whole game. I look forward to the thread's reaction to this.

Fade to black.

This is it, really. No more Nebula. No more DarkPower, DarkChips, DarkLoids, DarkSouls, DarkGalaxies, DarkMegas, DarkColonels, DarkProtMs, or any other stupid shit.

In more ways than you realize, Yuuichiro. How meta.

W...w-wait, what?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! FUCK!

I want to rant. I want belt out every profanity I know and indulge in cathartic fury. But it's just not coming. It's like a circuit breaker in my head tripped. "WHOA THERE, BRAIN, TOO MUCH HATE." I am overloaded with disgust.

Sigh. I don't care anymore, can I move onto the postgame yet? I'm so tired of these fucking cutscenes that never end.

Sigh. Well, it wasn't you guys' fault. An admirable job overall, everybody, particularly for NPCs from this series.

Me too, Pride, me too...

We don't actually. Say goodbye to the genocidal mercs, everybody, no crimes against civilization here, move along!

Interesting, Raoul and Dingo are from the same tribe.

Man time?

Man time.

Farewell, Team Colonel. You rare bastions of not-suck among all the other NPCs in the series.

And so, the level of testosterone in the surrounding mile dropped like a brick.

I'm not telling.

Wow, Regal and these three in the same room, I can already feel my blood pressure rising.

Yuuichiro notes that he loves seeing smiles on kids' faces. Yes, those are his exact words. What's hilarious about this scene is that in the GBA versions of the game, they didn't give Regal a new mugshot, so he's glaring angrily like he always has been over the course of the game.
Fuck this, roll the credits already!

Takano's really outdone it on this game. The music is just fantastic through and through. I really hope that someday we get arranged music releases like the Zero and ZX arranges. Every final boss theme and final area theme alone would be worth shelling money out for. I've said it before, I'll say it again, Capcom has some of my favorite soundtracks in the industry.

I am amazed M. Nanba kept their job after MMBN4, holy shit.

Hey, it's S. Kurosawa! Remember him? I listed the producers of the games in the first update of MMBN4, Kurosawa was co-producer with M. Eguchi for those games.

Just a hair under a day, wow. Over the course of the credits, by the way, you can tap the touch screen and Gow will run to wherever you poked.
Only 83 standard chips? Well, whatever, we all know that a full library cheat is going to be used anyway, to save the time that would just be spent grinding offscreen.

As usual, there's a scene after the credits. Unlike the others, this one really has no bearing on anything, not even the plot or postgame.

Gow's safe, that's really all this exists to show. Gow's bark apparently has a disruptive effect on Navis, as everyone jumps whenever Gow barks.

This looks less strange when there's the actual division of the DS screens between them.

Fine. We're going to cover the admittedly fun postgame next, which is a hell of a lot longer than 4's, and then move on to MMBN6. The wounds and horrible memories of MMBN4 have finally healed.
I'd like to give a big thanks to Guthixblarg, incidentally. I mentioned technical difficulties related to save files before, and he, a non-goon, helpfully provided a link to an updated version of the emulator via YouTube. So thank him for the next several updates of the postgame not involving me grouchily skipping around with MS Paint atrocities and cobbling together whatever I could feature.
Although dammit, I wanted to get to 6 already!