Part 54: Code Mayhem.

Oh how right you are. Game, prepare to be penetrated by my codes of damnation.

What's weird is that you need 140 standard chips to get into this area, why this little guy is redundantly checking if we do is a mystery.

NebulaArea4 is a bit like NebulaArea2, except that it has a bunch of locked doors all over the place that won't open until you fulfill a specific requirement. In this one's case, I need to find all 5 of the Navis hiding in the cyberworld with fairly tough but not really horrible battles.

God dammit. More on these doors later. I have something a little more...

Fun in mind. I've compiled various clips of my code fuckery in a video, here's things going into detail.
Hog Butcher's old codes were a framework, tinkering with them led to very odd and hilarious things. Starting off, here's MegaBassDS. As you can see, the game is kind of pissed off about this and isn't loading the mugshot because it doesn't exist. Firing the buster too often causes the game to freeze.

GyroSoul isn't in Team Colonel version, but that doesn't stop the sprite data and palette info from being available. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Accessing data that doesn't exist in order to piece those two together creates what I have named GyroMangled.
GyroMangled's charge shot behaves very weirdly. It actually functions as a ChaosUnison charge shot even though it uses the normal charge up animation, so releasing the charge at the wrong time unleashes MegaManDS. Doing it right, however, causes two rows of the field to start exploding over and over until the game crashes. Due to this and the 'meltdown' factor of MegaManDS, let's call this the Nuclear Buster.

"Buddha's Brofist" involves codes that change what chip the Colonel Arm turns into. So I changed it to JusticeOne. GigaChips and P.A.s are, sadly, impossible to do this with. Also, I gave myself infinite turns of Soul Unison for no real reason.

Lan decides to embrace the DarkShower.

And the event scripting is kind of...confused.

I can distort the fabric of reality and walk through anything, begone stupid doors! Yeah, this is all you get for beating the 5 Navis, it sucks.

Hey, I needed that! I HAVE 3 GigaChips, but the game refuses to acknowledge that. Remember that spoilered GigaChip from the Number Trader? The game counts it as a Secret chip.

Aren't these supposed to move me? Wow, the terrain itself is screwing up.

Screw that. I mean, I could just use the complete save to get them for free, walking through the doors is just funnier and less time-consuming.

Pretty much junk, save for a GigaChip I missed because I forgot to pack an Unlocker. Coming up next time, the final Liberation Mission. God, I'm sick of those by now.