Part 57: Nemesis.

Now that we've beaten ChaosLord, let's Jack-Out. You have to do this a lot for the end of the postgame.

Once you return, this soulball appears in NebulaArea5 after you've beaten ChaosLord for the first time.
The glitched appearance of my HP is due to me turning Walk Through Walls and No Encounters cheats on. You just watch, do you have any idea how fucking annoying it is to slog through all six areas of the postgame over and over again?

This is, by the way, DTDS exclusive.

The ancients somehow predicted that there would be a Number Trader with something astronomically powerful associated with this code.

It's the ChaosLord X GigaChip! Remember that heavily censored GigaChip I got from the Number Trader way the hell back at the beginning of the game? Yeah, the game gives you THIS whenever you want. Imagine if I'd been using this up until now. There would not be a game here, just a weeping pile of broken code.

Anyway, returning to NebulaArea6, the door, the soulballs for the DS Navis, and everything else has reset. The form ChaosLord takes depends on your average time for the DS fights. I don't know the exact numbers, but:
Really Fast: MegaManDS Omega
Fast: Bass (surprise)
Not Fast Enough: NebulaGray V3

It's actually kind of annoying to hit the middle butterzone, more often than not you'll either get too fast or too slow. Imagine doing this without savestates, may I add, you have to Jack-Out and haul your ass back through NebulaArea every single time you want to try to get a better result. Have fucking fun.

If I recall correctly, this is another

So, ChaosLord is drawing on the hate and darkness from one very specific person:

This may or may not be a throwback to the line in MMBN4 MegaMan throws out when meeting the light part of his soul in Black Earth 2.

For those who haven't already figured it out, ChaosLord is taking the form of the darkness and hate in MegaMan's own soul. Or in other words, this is MegaManDS: Round 2.

Incidentally, it's also my favorite fight in the whole series. To that end, I recorded multiple fights for one video.
Unlike in MMBN4, THIS MegaManDS isn't retarded. And unlike the DarkMega fight, MegaMan DS Omega is much more nasty with the chips he uses, and the game gives him a DarkSword by default.

On my original copy of MMBN5, I had my save file parked right before this fight so I could fight it over and over whenever I wanted. Seriously, it's incredibly fun to fight an AI copy of yourself.

Much like with Duo at the end of MMBN4, MegaManDS returns back inside MegaMan now that ChaosLord isn't drawing it out anymore to take the form of.

Given how many times this has been repeated in some way, you could almost think of this as the warped moral of MMBN4 (other than "don't make shitty games") and MMBN5.

I said this last time, but why engage in self-reflection, mediatation, intense analysis of the self, etc. when you can just beat your inner evil into submission?

And this is actually fitting and, take it from a guy who spent a week committed in a psychiatric ward, pretty damned true.

Okay, round 3 with ChaosLord. Notice my HP's gone up, I tinkered with my NaviCust for more HP in anticipation of this.

There's only one being who gets described this way consistently!

It's Bass. For REAL this time, and when you aren't playing DTDS, this is where you first fight him. It raises an interesting question about ChaosLord, for that matter. Is this Bass, or a copy of Bass? It retains Bass' personality. My guess is that ChaosLord doesn't just take the form of things, it literally becomes things that feel hate and have darkness, basically summoning them.

Fucking pointless linebreak....

As usual, no videos for "middle" fights of particular bosses since you've already seen me fighting Bass.

If absolute power corrupts absolutely, what would this do? And trust me, Bass succeeds horrifyingly well at this.

This tends to go for any Bass fight, mostly due to his damned tendency to blast the entire field with bullets. Seriously, Bass.Exe would not be out of place in a shmup game.

And so we will.

BassSP can be found as a random encounter in NebulaArea6 after defeating ChaosLord Bass. He goes down too.

I had to download a 100% save for this, as Bass' final form for the game requires beating both Team Colonel and Team ProtoMan files. Then I souped up my NaviCust and enhanced my folder to a M-Y-S tricode format.
Prepare for the ultimate enemy of the MMBN series.

Meet BassXX. This is the ONLY boss in the entire series that I gave up on when originally playing the games. Let's go over what makes him so freakishly hard:
1: 4000 HP. Dealing this much with 30 chips is hard. Each chip has to be worth at least 150 points of damage.
2: His attacks do a shitload of damage, Darkness Overload does at least 700! Not to mention Shooting Buster goes even faster now.
3: THEY BROUGHT HIS AURA BACK. In the form of a 150-point regenerating barrier, identical to the BlackBarrier GigaChip from MMBN4: RS. Thankfully, NorthWind gets rid of it permanently, but this also means that you more or less need to have it as your regular chip, which means no FastGauge right off the bat. Longer turns is a very dangerous enforced battle condition.
Seriously, BassXX really merits the term superboss. I'd classify him as an SNK Boss, if I was active at TVTropes.
The fight with him has two videos, one with normal audio, which due to a mistake on my part is low, and one with music dubbed over.
The second song (due to uneven times between audio and video) is a kickass arrangement of Omega's Cannon Ball theme from MMZ3, so I recommend that one.
Normal Audio
With Music