Part 66: The cock rises.

So we have a Juggalo chick inviting us to a CompuDancing Jamboree. This can only end well.

Hmm, CentralArea3. This update is the 'big event' of MMBN6, the plot of the game finally takes off, we get the main gimmick, and all sorts of other themes and
This also means this update is going to be diabolically long. A split is very likely.

Yuika's mugshot creeps me out for some reason. She isn't even wearing much makeup, just the heart on her cheek. At least she isn't wearing it on her shoulder.

Tab can't make it because Capcom decided not to bother giving him a Navi since it would only be relevant once or twice in the whole game. Mick can, and we can expect to see him there at the Jamboree.
More importantly, the chip shop finally opens!

Darnit, I've gotten to like the name Nksor more than Iris, it's not like Beardman where I can call her that for the entirety of the game. Either way, Iris disapproves of this, and as the token mysterious girl, shall be watching from the sidelines and utilizing many MANY ellipses to drive her torrent of emotion home in the player's heart.

Not only is AsterLand finally open for business, but we see the return of the Job BBS! Last appearing in MMBN3, this fountain of sidequests will, in usual fashion, be left for after the main game and cleared all in one go.
People in the thread have complained about certain jobs being unwinnable until certain points in the game later than when you can accept them. Since I always do sidequests like this even when not LPing a game, this was never a problem for me, so I can't really comment.
And the NPC program is presumably inside a CopyBot or something. How he's flying in place like in MMBN4 is anyone's guess, maybe some wires dangling him from the ceiling?

Unlike the original JobBBS boards, you can only take on certain jobs at any given time. The usual "more jobs become available as the game progresses" method of preventing the player from having access to the late-game jobs and either getting frustratingly stuck or getting their hands on something way earlier than they should have is in place.
In addition to that, though, you need to be a certain rank to accept the later jobs. You raise your rank by doing the early jobs, so basically, you more or less have to do them in order.

Nope, not using you. Not until I've beaten the main game. I'm giving MMBN6 dignity, it deserves it.

Because we got SpoutAquaCross, there's a pair of new features in the Stuffed Toy Zone. LinkNavi and NetBattle!
NetBattle will allow me to battle the version-specific LinkNavis from Gregar version. LinkNavi will allow me to play as them. This is excellent from an LP standpoint, since I can produce videos for fighting everything in both versions this way.

I will explain no context behind this fight, since Broken Loose otherwise won't have much to say when his next update rolls around. The LP curse managed to strike him, so his computer, last time I heard, was literally in pieces.

HeatMan just looks so happy, doesn't he? Unfortunately for him, I'm already a killing machine at this point in the game, so he goes down about as fast as AquaMan did. And no, no screenshots explaining his attacks, again, I don't want to intrude on Broken Loose.
This is the best excuse to be lazy ever!

As long as I'm up and about, I buy a BigBomb V chip, the first of many V-coded chips in the game to go into my folder. Broken Loose seemed to be going for an A unicode folder in his update.

Once Lan heads to bed, we get a short cutscene of a NetPoliceman and his subordinate having a conversation. By "Navi incident", he means the random attacks on civilian Navis.

"There've been a lot of attacks in the area where the two Cybeasts are sealed up. Think there's a reason?"
"Nah. You know those criminal types, always just causing trouble for the sake of it!"
"I'm glad you're on the squad, IrrationallyOptimisticMan.Exe!" (IrOptMan?)

It is. Like I said, this is the update in terms of everything going wrong and getting started. It's also the update that's going to put my vow not to swear over the course of this game to the test. Thankfully, I've thought of a way around that already.

MegaMan corrects Lan that it's supposed to be "Jamboree", but does anyone really care? Do I? No. Do you? I hope not. Climate Change, nuclear proliferation, conflicts in the Middle East, pubic lice, all the various things to think and worry about, and you choose this?

What's hilarious is that this actually interrupts the Jack-In animation. Lan traces out MegaMan's insignia, jumps into the air...and gets yelled at by his mother.

"But moooooom, I was going to a party!" Oh god, it's like high school. Or, what high school would have been like for other people.

Geeze, talk about a lack of patience, they already left! Well, only one person fits the "cute" descriptor.

And why did you walk all the way back here? Iris is as Iris does, I guess, she's the token enigmatic character and whatnot. Also, I like how Lan automatically assumes that Iris is only getting in touch with him because something's wrong. He's just used to people coming to him as if he were some sort of universal Mr. Fixit.

Well, there's a funny thing about that, Iris doesn't have a Navi either. Not that that comes up in this cutscene, but she just doesn't.

If Iris can't join, well, there's not much point, is there? She's already keeping us from being there on time, so Lan's going to be late as usual. Oh well, who could be mad at her?

Iris isn't precognitive, but when the Token Mysterious Character gets an intuition, you can bet it's going to be spot on.

Mick calls up to remind Lan that he is, in fact, late. And that there's something interesting going on!

I was almost tempted to record myself screaming like a little girl.

Let's see...
Soulless, irregular star-shaped eyes.
Is a clown.
Has a smiley face right above his junk.
Yeah, villain much? CircusMan is easily the most disturbing enemy in the entire series. What's really weird is that the MMBN games just refused to include an actual ClownMan.Exe. There was ColorMan in MMBN1, and now CircusMan in MMBN6, but no ClownMan.
I'm not going to complain.

Not only was a horrifying fat clown bad enough, he starts dancing. Oh god, if this series had come out on a different platform and had 3D graphics, You can just imagine the revolting amount of fat this guy would have just jiggling and wobbling like some sort of Jell-O clown sculpture.

This is the first indication that's something going wrong. If, you know, you overlook the whole "obese evil clown dancing in front of a crowd" thing.

Yes, this dance is so evil, it's actively dangerous to those in range of it.

Mick's Navi is the only one who can resist the effects long enough to even get out a few words of alarm.

CircusMan, having made all the other Navis faint, sucks up the energy balls he's drained out of them. They aren't dead, just, well, drained.

So now we have an evil life-sucking fat clown who's ready to awaken the Cybeasts. It gets worse.

We've got a flying evil life-sucking fat clown ready to awaken the Cybeasts. Feeding time for the Cybeasts, as CircusMan regurgitates the energy balls down into the pit.

Let MMBN6's plot finally get kicked into motion!

Due to this update containing so much action, I recorded the more important cutscenes centered around the Cybeasts.

Much like with Alpha, the entire Cyberworld dims. This time, instead of their activity being tied to the very functioning of the Cyberworld, Falzar and Gregar are just so powerful their evil blots out and oppresses the Cyberworld.
Yes, evil energy as a semi-tangible thing makes a return. Hey, it appeared in MegaMan 8 after all. The Cybeasts are just overflowing with the stuff, let me tell you.

Also, all the devastation you're going to see in this update? The Cybeasts are "groggy" in a sense, these are what one would consider their "spirits". They haven't really stabilized yet and returned to their full power, but just watch what they do anyway.

CircusMan's goal isn't just releasing the destructive duo, it's capturing them like PokeMon.

"The program", eh? Ring any bells? Considering how it took an entire area and corresponding server to keep these things locked up, CircusMan must have an absurd amount of memory space to store them.
Also, why nobody was able to delete them before this point is never explained. Presumably, it's because disturbing them too much while they were in stasis in the Underground would have a nasty chance of getting them off and rampaging again.
The LifeVirus was comprised of 4 programs that otherwise had a beneficial effect on society, it was just Wily combining them that made them a serious problem. Likewise, Alpha had Dr. Tadashi Hikari's data hidden inside of it, not to mention that it played a role in supporting all network functions while dormant.

As if a flying evil fat clown that can suck the life out of a Navi by dancing wasn't enough, CircusMan is capable of opening his stomach Queklain style and absorbing things into it. What's worse is that it looks like he's flashing the Cybeasts.
You know what, just reiterate that old motto from MMBN4: CircusMan always gets worse. Seriously, what CloudMan was to sheer dickery, CircusMan is to sheer wrongness.

Also, despite having a certain program, trying to absorb the Cybeasts results in CircusMan himself almost getting absorbed.

Gregar gets sucked in first in Falzar version, whereas, obviously, the reverse happens in Gregar.

All that's left is the giant turkey that serves as the game's namesake.

The NetPolice finally arrive in force to interrupt CircusMan, however.

They also take care of the NPC Navis who were victimized to awaken the Cybeasts in the first place. So they've managed to justify being around, and they've actually done something that has an effect on things. Isn't that impressive for NPCs in this series?

Storing Gregar inside of his body is limiting what CircusMan can do. Probably due to focusing his attention on keeping Gregar from ripping out of his body Chestburster style.

So, give a hand to the NetPolice NPCs, for actually preventing this from going a whole lot worse. MMBN5 had helpful named NPCs and Navis, now we've got helpful generic Navis in 6! It's so alien.

By the way, Falzar ain't going to just sit there. The video of this sequence I posted before has a better depiction of what goes on here.

CircusMan jacks out in fear, followed by Falzar blowing the NetPolice NPC Navis into oblivion.

Gotta keep our priorities straight here. Considering how the legend said that the two Cybeasts were basically unstoppable, Falzar being out and running rampant while Gregar is in the possession of a thus-unnamed criminal group, this is a bad situation. To put it mildly.

Iris doesn't think that Lan and MegaMan should get involved. To be fair, unlike the usual culprits, Iris has no idea that Lan and MegaMan have saved the world multiple times by now.

Girl, go be mysterious offscreen somewhere and let the protagonists work some magic.

The darkness has already spread from CentralArea3 to CentralArea1. As you get closer and closer to CentralArea3, you can hear Falzar's shrieks in the background periodically. It's a nice touch.

While the Cyberworld is in this darkened state, the viruses and terrain have been altered. Hi there, poison panels.
Armadill: These armadillo viruses will move up and down a single column, trying to line up with MegaMan. If they succeed, they'll curl up into a protected shell and roll forwards. They can only be damaged by breaking attacks while in their shells, and this can get annoying if they manage to get in front of other viruses and protect them.

Once you get to CentralAre3, the screen is shaking constantly. NetQuakes, as the game put it.

Falzar. A giant chicken. Since it isn't given any female traits, one can assume that both Cybeasts are masculine. Making Falzar...


Another video here. Time to take on the Cybeast! They're monstrously powerful, so you can expect a tough battle out of this one.

Or, Falzar can not take any of that crap and just blast MegaMan during the "Battle Routine Set! Execute!" routine. MMBN6 is fond of breaking trends for both shock and gag value.

Okay, so Lan and MegaMan might have overestimated themselves on this one.

Well if battling doesn't work, what will? My usual solution of "make a complete mockery of the boss" in this game is useless here!