Part 70: Craziness
So, the reason Broken Loose hasn't been updating is because his house caved in. I'd call that understandable.As for this update, I'm going to be a bit out of it because I almost went back to the Funny Farm, took a bottle of pills, and began throwing up repeatedly. I think I've stopped being funny crazy and started being pitiful crazy.
This update can only go uphill from there!

CircusMan is in CentralArea3. Scratch that.

And now for two little extra bits about BeastOut power.
For one, you can use it in combination with Crosses. The same strengths and weaknesses apply, and you can't use BeastCross and then use the Cross regularly. 3 turns is all you get for that battle. And once we get more crosses, I can tell you right now that the BeastOut counter cannot be raised by entering other crosses.
Each cross gets its own unique chip-charge attack. I'll try to show as many as possible, although I saved the fight with CircusMan to demonstrate the basic BeastOut.

As if that wasn't enough, if you try to use BeastOut again after the 3 turn limit has expired, You enter BeastOver. AKA they brought back DarkInvis. MegaMan goes berserk and teleports around the field attacking randomly, and is completely invincible during this single turn.
They actually balanced this this time, in that MegaMan becomes exhausted by BeastOver. His HP rapidly drops to 1, and he can't use crosses for the rest of the battle.

Don't worry, officer, we're going to put an end to the disgusting antics of CircusMan once and for all.

Much like any serial killer ever, CircusMan is almost charming in person. Just gaze into his soulless, star-shaped eyes and smile. Smile for him.

Well, there's an interesting answer to that one. I suppose it's a bit of a plot hole, actually, that CircusMan doesn't know that MegaMan has the Cybeast. He knows that MegaMan needed the HealWater because he confronted SpoutAquaMan before, and that MegaMan was out of comission.
What's more likely is that CircusMan was told/figured out that MegaMan absorbed Falzar but simply refused to believe it.

Along with 11 secret natural herbs and spices.

CircusMan is skeptical that we'd be able to do that. He's specifically built to contain a Cybeast, MegaMan isn't. But, if we're serious, CircusMan decides to bring out the beast in us!

CircusMan complicates the battle by hopping around constantly, leaving him only vulnerable while attacking. Later versions of him are probably some of the most strenous fights with non-postgame enemies, because his attacks come from all directions, are very fast, happen multiple times, and meanwhile he's bouncing around and can only be hurt while part of your field is being eaten up by his attacks.
Suddenly, a tiger!: CircusMan literally whips out a tiger from a flaming hoop that will fly down your row. It gets faster as he levels up, and he'll use this attack multiple times in a row.

Round of Applause: Whenever CircusMan lands, hands clap at MegaMan from the top and bottom of each column. Later versions will have use this attack multiple times, and it gets tough to avoid because CircusMan eventually starts bouncing again and throwing more tigers at you while trying to dodge this.
And now for the most infamous attack in the entire game:

"I'll show you my 'Big Top', MegaMan!": CircusMan rapes you. Your center panel flashes. If MegaMan happens to be standing there at the exact moment it does, a cage closes down over MegaMan, the curtains close, and CircusMan does the unspeakable to MegaMan for a quite hefty amount of multi-hit damage. Higher versions of CircusMan will make this attack confuse you.

I think the Japanese kid who designed this abomination is the Japanese equivalent to NetFrica's Paulie: A complete utter sociopath. I mean look at that, CircusMan's head is still attached to the thing. THE CURTAIN IS HIS PANTS NORMALLY. And he's still smiling. This is the most warped and deranged thing I've ever seen in the entire series.
Anyway, this is what happens to you if you let CircusMan have his way with you.

This is what happens if you don't.

Before CircusMan exploded, he hinted that his organization was still capable of plenty due to having Gregar. Of course, the contrast of CircusMan raping MegaMan and exploding was too hilarious, so I omitted that screenshot.

Yuika is apologetic, understandably.

Mysterious Unrevealed Guy, who already knows Lan and MegaMan very well, notes how many problems they're becoming despite having just moved to Central City. What can I say, Lan's an achiever.

A few days later, we get a minor thing to occupy us throughout the game. Similar to the N1, this is going to recur a few times over the course of the game.

They need a tour guide, and what better than a Navi in a CopyBot?

The gimmick being role-reversal of the standard Operator/Navi team.

Lan is an idiot.

So is Mick.

Remember this.

It could really be quite a debate to determine which of the two is actually more stupid than the other.

Lan and Mick take of running, only to be interrupted by an old man who was a carrot for a nose and hair rivaling most biblical characters.

Mick, who once tried to scare people by turning the Security Bots over to BlastMan, doesn't take kindly to authority.

MaStER FeNG-tIaN Alright I'm stopping that. Master Feng-Tian is clearly not somebody to be sassed with. You do not mess with someone who calls themselves Master and is clearly influenced by spiritualist beliefs. This guy can probably throw a punch like a hurricane or something.

He's also a new teacher! I have to imagine that it must be interesting to have him arriving every day dressed like that, probably flying in through the window perched on a cloud.
Welcome to this thread's "Awesome Guys with Beards" club, Master Feng-Tian. BeardMan, Baryl, Mansby, and now this. This series just has a thing for amazing men having amazing facial hair.

Lan being Lan, he's only interested in how Master Feng-Tian moved so quickly and appeared behind them.

This is like a bright red sign that we'll be getting a cross from this guy soon. Not this update, but soon. He's going on a trip for now.

Go ahead and guess what Navi he controls, it's completely obvious anyway. Anyway, Master Feng-Tian is going on a trip for the time being, so we can't get a cross from him yet. Which makes me sad, because my Unlocking Requirements.txt for this patch says that the next new thing in the Stuffed Toy Comp comes after the second cross.

Much earlier than Higsby normally would, AsterLand opens up the Chip Ordering service, which I'll remind you lets us order chips we already own in potentially new codes. Very useful for getting duplicates and rounding out folders.

Anyway, on to the prelims to see who in CYber City gets to be the Operator Navi! It's a foregone conclusion, all we need to do is prove that to everyone else.

The first event is a scavenger hunt. We need to find a pair of Navis identical to this pair, and our only hint is "cyberseal". You might think CentralArea3, but the pink Navi always gives you a hint for these, and she points you towards Seaside Area.

It's the aquarium home page! Note the seals in the background.

This is tougher. A "Fish that cannot swim" could be a Piranha viruse, but those are all over the place in Seaside Area....Or is there a fish statue we've seen someplace?

This makes the (somewhat morbid) answer much more obvious!

It's Seaside Town's fish stick stand!

The third and last guidepoint hint is here. We're going to need to narrow that down.

Honestly, I can't imagine how viewers will be able to solve this, unless they've been paying extremely close attention. It's a lot more obvious when playing the game, because you'll be poking around everywhere and looking for goodies/things to jack into.

But we're looking for what looks at the crayfish, not the crayfish themselves...Well, what's Cyber Academy known for?

The security cameras!

We get an HP Memory and an extra folder we can customize for the time being, that's all for the preliminaries. I'll be using that extra folder to store the secret chips given out in the Stuffed Toy Zone.

Before we can even check what's inside the thing, however, we've got an email from our old friend the Aqurium Director! Considering how much he's been recurring, I'm surprised they didn't give him a unique sprite and mugshot, or at least a name.

They have COURTS in MMBN? Well, they do now. And we need to testify as a witness against Blackbeard!

Oh goodie, a new area! I'm particlarly excited about this area, because it means...well, I won't spoil the surprise!
Hint: What gets EPM excited really easily?

Before we take the LevBus though...We can find something special in class 2-1's blackboard computer!
I'd like to thank forum goon Simply Simon, who as of this writing is working on a Mega Man 3 LP thread, for alerting me. I did not know this was available so early in the game!

Long story short, the Virus Breeder from MMBN3 returns in the form of the BattleCard!

Now that I have this item, special "Rare" virus varities will appear. RareGunner, RareChampy, RareMettaur, etc. You can find them usually in any place you can find normal varieties of that virus. When you defeat the Rare viruses, you'll add that virus to your BattlerCard.
You can then have PokeMon battles against certain Mr. Progs spread out the game, by pitting your viruses against theirs. We'll cover this more later, but I'll always point out when I find a Rare virus for references' sake.

Arriving in Green Town, you'll notice it's very green. And that there's this shady, anonymous special NPC we'll be seeing more of in the future.

This is Green Town's big thing, being heavily Lawful Good. The reason it's so natural is explained later, but I'll say it now. It's because simulated societies that were very law-abiding wound up being similar to natural structures, presumably like ant colonies.
This, naturally, is where the courthouse is.

As we enter the actual court, we got stopped by Shady.


Are you a robot?

Lan is almost in disbelief over how surreal this situation is.

Yeah, that makes you so much more trustworthy.

Do you have a large unmarked van with candy inside? Did you see what we did to CircusMan?

Bye, Shady.

Well, it certainly looks austere and imposing. What a majestic place.

Even Lan's dryly aware of what's going on. This right here is an argument against any society based on ID tags and whatnot to get anywhere important.
Come to think of it, for that Operator Navi preliminary, wouldn't only students have been able to get into the school due to the Security Bots?

Once again, someone else arrives to save us from the psychotic robots of law enforcement.

Rrrrgh. Only because you're usually so much more helpful, Mr. Director.

Anyway, we need to go register online at GreenArea2's NetCafe to get an ID so we can enter.

BombCorn: Wood-element Corn-shaped viruses! These hop up and down a single row on their end of the field. Once they reach the leftmost panel, they'll spit two popcorn bombs at MegaMan's field. If something prevents them from hopping into that panel, they'll move back and forth uselessly like MMBN4 ProtM. On the other hand, if something KEEPS them in that panel, they'll fire popcorn nonstop.
HoneyBomber: NO! NO! NOT THE BEES! NOT THE BEES! AAAAAAAAUUUUUGHH! These viruses are stationary and do not attack. They only counter, but much like actual swarms of bees, they're really nasty. They'll shoot out 3 clouds of bees that chase MegaMan by being able to turn twice, not just once like the standard "Ratton"-style chasing attack.

We pass a bunch of lawyers-in-training who we'll be seeing again very soon.

Green Area is kind of creepy and gives off a very authoritarian vibe. It's designed to be like a tree, but the NPCs all speak in pure reverence for the law.

And the door to GreenArea2 actually requires a knowledge of a specific law. What's the punishment for hitting Mr. Prog on the head? Well, it isn't like Google or Wikipedia exist in the MMBN world, ironically, so they can't just look this information up.

That's...specific. Seriously? The law says that?

Well I'll be darned.

Hey, perfect timing! RareArmadill! Rare viruses are usually colored gold or silver to make them visually distinctive, and are usually the toughest of their type. Think of them as SP viruses.

God, forget it, this update isn't even worth continuing without that.