Part 78: gameface A Match made in heaven.

After a few more minor cosmetic changes (and PlungerMet!

Epee Em, near the end of the Plata-Knight update posted:
Epee had this person as a visitor. However, this event goes a little differently in Gregar.
Mr. Mach calls over the new teacher:

Mr. Mach is impressed by the name, possibly due to it being so close to his own.

Lan, you fought him 3 times, the last time being 2 games ago. Anyway, Lan recognizes him and asks him why he is a teacher, because of his history of being evil.

Match knows Lan pretty well after all the fights they had, however.

Mach is surprised they know each other, and Match says they are practically brothers.

The two are most certainly not brothers. Lan thinks he's up to no good again.

Match assures Lan that he's really not going to be evil this time. This time he's working on a college research project.

Considering the school was on fire not too long ago, he could get data from that, I guess. He also could set it on fire again.

The fire chips I have and Blastman don't count?

Lan, of course, isn't buying it.
So Match invites him into his lab for his class, and Mach has to go see his wife.

Lan certainly is persistent.

Match says one last time that he really is not evil this time, invites Lan to his class again and then goes to his lab.

In the unlikely chance that he really isn't evil, Lan decides to go see this class, so he goes to get his stuff from 6-1.

Oh, hi Iris.