Part 81: gameface Son of a Bitch?
How about an update then?Before moving on, let's cover what HeatMan can do as a LinkNavi.

His charge shot is what you see there. He puts up fire towers in the shape of a T block from Tetris turned sideways.
His chip is HeatPress. Basically the chip form of Fire Powie seen last update, he jumps 3 squares, cracks the target panel and lights the 4 adjacent panels on fire.


Nope, not until postgame. (Tab seems a bit vain, making the number trader look like him.)

Falzar, giant purple chicken. Gregar, huge blue dog.

In this version, CircusMan absorbs the giant chicken first. Gregar is first in the other game, obviously.

Gregar is not happy losing his rival to a dumb clown.

Time to batt-

Oh, right.
After the ExaMem plot:

Time for Evil Spirit Fun Round 1! Except not really, because the setup is exactly the same in both games. So Epee's guide still works. (Thanks Epee!)

Megaman installs Gregar, whatever that entails...


Good idea. Let's go get this water then.

Right, Megaman being on the floor unconscious is kind of a problem.

Thankfully we have someone we can send in his place.

Sending a Fire Navi into a water area, what a wonderful plan. (Not that there are any other plans)

Evil Spirit Fun Round 2 is also the same, so Epee's guide works again.
I decided to do an experiment, because I wanted to answer this:
Epee Em posted:
And another sniping. This one, however, will leave me open to a counter, and with my HP dipping this low, it's starting to be a definite concern. I don't remember whether or not you can be deleted by the spirits, or if the puzzle resets, or you just get reduced to 1 HP and can't be damaged further.

And the result?

Puzzle resets and you get your HP back.

I said that already, HeatMan.

That's good!

That's not. Go away, clown.

So, let's find out if this even works.

I'll assume that means "no."

Well, it isn't doing a lot of healing right now.

Everything goes white...

This doesn't look good.

HeatMan is really calm through all of this, and gives MegaMan a right hook to get him back.

However, GregarMan still manages to hurt him quite a bit.
Fast forward the plot a little:

Cybeast power is now ours!

To the tutorial:

A different shiny button for a different beast.

Time to press the big golden button!


Different mugshot, same red irises.

Basics of Gregar's BeastOut:
Super Armor at all times.
Non-elemental non-timestopping chips get +30, just like Falzar.
GregarBuster is similar to FalzarBuster, except it trades range (only shoots in the row Megaman is in) for speed (It's extremely fast, probably as fast as SuperVulcan)
Auto-target on non-timestopping chips, just like Falzar.
Can charge non-elemental chips for a claw attack, just like Falzar.

Scary powerful maybe. Both the BeastOuts are incredible.