Part 85: gameface Cooking still only has one step: cutting.

Go away, clown.
Later, back at school, the Expo explanation, Lan and Mick have an Idiot-off, and then Lan runs for the door when he is stopped by someone.

Do you need that much cutlery on you? That can't be safe, having knives in your hair.

Are you going to give Lan 3,000 words again?

A chef, huh?

Oh, you know Buddha! People tell me he's a bro.

Say hi to Master Feng-Tian for me.
After doing all of the Green Town court stuff, Lan gets mail!

Time to get the next Cross!

Of course.

That's pretty ominous.

Is this going to be the revenge of Flava Flave or something?

Oh, so it's Cooking Mama then.

Wait, what? It's virtual food, you shouldn't need to gather anything. Damn it, it is the revenge of MMBN4.

Our Navi for this task is SlashMan.

Here's the catch: It'll be just fine sitting there, but as soon as you touch it, you need to harvest it fast, as it will go bad in literally 5 seconds. I'm not joking.

The first of our Soylent Ingredients is cybercabbage. We need 80 grams.

The way you harvest this stuff is you do a little QTE, hitting all the arrows in order before time expires. Each arrow gives 5G. If you finish before time runs out, you get a bonus 10G. If you run out of plants in the area and haven't reached your target number, the area resets and you start at 0 again.

2 perfect runs and it's onto the next part of this.

This time, it's 120G of Cybercarrots.

First though, let's deal with this tree.
(The BMD was an HP+100 program. I messed up the shot.)

Now the A and B buttons get involved, and you only get 4 seconds.

You do get a bit more leeway if you need it, though. On to Area 2, to hopefully the last part of this.

Now for part 3!

Now L and R join the action, and you only get 3 seconds.

This is what happens if you run out of time. You get yelled at and you don't get the bonus.

Anyway, after finishing this part, we get instructed to jack out, because...

It's time to battle SlashMan!
(Here's Epee's video of the fight)

TopMan, is that you?: SlashMan starts spinning really fast and attacks in a U shape, turning when he gets to your column.

Snikt: SlashMan teleports in front of you and hits the column you're in. It can be hard to dodge if he decides to target the back column with this.

Ninja Knives: Slashman summons some kunai and throws them at you.
So after all that:

Yeah, this is what all the ingredient stuff was for. Some kind of soup.

Lan gives Megaman this soup, who thinks it's delicious (somehow. I have no idea how he can even taste it)

On a closing note, SlashCross! It gives Sword chips +50, Swords can be charged to make a Sonic Boom in the chip's range, and his charge shot is a WideSword type slash that does 60+(busterx20).

Its weakness, as you might expect, is Breaking attacks.