Part 87: Hatehatehatehatehate.

GroundCross gives an automatic Attack+10 to breaking chips that don't dim the screen. Considering that my folder makes use of AirHoc, this cross will be another staple for my use. Also, GroundCross' charge shot is just awesome. You dive under the panels for a second, then pop up in front of an enemy and deliver a DrillArm to the face. Very powerful.

You can also charge breaking chips to cause rubble to rain from the sky when the chip is used.

Lastly, you get free SuperArmor, which to remind people prevents damage from causing knockback effects that will interrupt your attacks.

And because I was requested to, here's how shortcuts work in this game. You know the "Homepage" areas we've been visiting occasionally? Like the Green Area HP, Aquarium HP, etc.? You can set up shortcuts directly to them by talking to programs in those areas.

New crosses mean new content in the Stuffed Toy Z-JESUS CHRIST!

The TestVirus V3 has 1500 HP on its own, and starts on a HolyPanel. Knockback effects or panel cracking is in order, but at this point in the game, dealing 1500 damage is a tall order.
The Xylos is the first priority for the fight, because the Xylos will constantly heal the other viruses back to full HP every few seconds. Actually hitting it is a bit tough because the other viruses constantly get in the way.
The DoomMech and HoneyBomber are the main threats. We've been over why DarkMechs are so dangerous, and the HoneyBomber will fill 2/3 of the field up with BEEEEEES NOT THE BEES OH GOD THEY'RE IN MY EYES if you hit it.
I switch to TomahawkCross because TomahawkCross prevents status ailments like paralysis from the DoomMech's spark balls.

Rats. I just don't have enough offensive power to kill the TestVirus V3 fast enough at this point to get the special S-rank reward. That said, an M-Cannon * is highly appreciated. 180 points of damage straight ahead, in * code? I'll take that any day.
New crosses also mean it's time to square off against the Gregar LinkNavis.

....Yes, that's seriously what his name is. Interestingly enough, His name is Dark Kirisaki, making his first name Dark in both English and Japanese. Why is that interesting? Because Dark was Dusk's original name back in MMBN2. And he's also a hired killer.

Yes, you get a Cross from an assassin in Gregar version.

His Navi is KillerMan.Exe. Yes, really. "KiraMan" in original Japanese. Just as planned? As you can imagine, this didn't go over so well when the game was ported to English, so they changed his name to EraseMan. It sounds dumb. But anyway, the patch changes it back to KillerMan, so that all works out anyway.
He's cursor-type, making him weak to wind. Cue TenguCross.

Al Ferry is the Gregar equivalent to Mr. Press. He's a train conductor, making him automatically awesome.

And being a train conductor, you can guess right away who his Navi is.

Sigh. The only other things I can do to delay this stupid trip would be to break my planned schedule and do things like Job BBS requests or Virus Battler minigames. Off to ACDC Town...

I can feel the bile rising in my throat already. Seriously, I utterly despise these three! You know what made MMBN5 good besides Team Colonel? You didn't have to deal with these idiots all the time! No, I'm serious here.
Keeping these three out of the picture provides room for new things to do as opposed to the tired old "LAN DO MENIAL BORING GARBAGE FOR US ALL THE TIME" routine. New experiences and varied content are what keep video games interesting. Mayl, Dex, and Yai are nothing but a blight on the series.


Yes, I'm so happy to see you I can feel tears in my eyes welling up. Tears of rage and hatred.

Thankfully, most of the stupid reunion is taken care of during a fade to black.

Except occasionally helpful, not as useless, and vastly less makes-that-vein-in-my-neck-throb.

This is your cue to talk to all the NPCs.

Oh come on, even the one redeeming factor about this town is gone!

Let me outta here!

The only thing worth noting is the rather cute reunion you can have with the doghouse program. You can jack into the doghouse in every game, and MMBN6 is no exception.

This is what Yai has to say afterwards about us coming here. And why yes, it's exactly right!

Oh boy, the only people worse than these three: their Navis.

LET ME IGNORE HER, PLEASE. But thou must...

Guess what the very first thing you're going to be doing is.

Yup. Feel that hate. HATE.

Ostensibly, this is because the developers want to get you accustomed to ACDC area. But did they really have to frame it as yet another stupid errand for Roll?

The saving grace of this area is that the viruses are much tougher than what ACDC area normally has. The reason? MegaMan hasn't been around to keep the population in check. No, I'm serious, that's the explanation for why the viruses are so much stronger in this game.

But someone locked the door and hid the key.

We get it, Capcom, Dex and Mick are a lot alike, we don't need a demonstration...

What's funny is that a nearby program says that GutsMan hid something in the "Chess pieces". Yeah, the translators have always been adamant that Dex plays Chess, not Shogi. At least it isn't a 4kids "rice balls don't exist" situation.

Of all the nerve, MegaMan even volunteers to deliver the package himself since he's going to Roll anyway.


Oh? Well, I guess that makes things sting less.

After that, we head over to Yai's section of ACDC area to socialize/suffer. Hi Glide.

I suppose beating up GutsMan would be cathartic.

On to GutsMan.


Blackbeard and Co. followed us from Central Town.

It's an obvious trap, but nothing else we can do about it.

Off we go to Undernet2...

Perking my spirits up a little is this guy, who asks MegaMan to sign something because he's a fan.

Does this ever work?

No. DiveMan even points this out. If we want them back, we'll have to battle DiveMan and BlastMan.

It's 2-on-1, but really, BlastMan barely counts because he's just so pathetically easy.

Throw as many as you want at me, really. I'm past the point of caring.



MegaMan's a bit worn out, and Roll even responds that he should be worrying more about himself.

Oh no.

Oh yes.

CircusMan was the backup support, remember?

Wait. Wasn't this what CircusMan did back during...oh EW!

You know, someone asked me in the thread why I hate the ACDC town crew so much and not Iris, and by extension the rest of the Cyber City characters. Here's your answer. This is the kind of junk that only happens when GutsMan, Roll, and Glide get involved.

This is just...disturbing.

Lan can barely believe this is happening.


They were never needed, let alone wanted, in the first place!