Part 89: On the Origin of CyberSpecies.

Time to get busy.

This is the last time in the game that we're forced to use a LinkNavi, so I chose GroundMan. Because he's an awesome drill tank.

Returning to series form, no, it isn't just a barrier. It's a cyberbarrier! And apparently a pretty strong one.

It's a very literal firewall, apparently.

MegaMan forced his way through it, but was damaged quite heavily in the process. Still, we need to get down after him.

Oh great, I'm sure that will go well.

He's currently having an emergency no talky. Darned SecurityBots!

Fortunately, we happen to know a certain expert at messing with SecurityBots. Mick is being useful!

Providing a distraction for us is more than Dex ever did.

Good job at messing around with important systems, Mick!

And it brought friends...although by this point, I'm guessing that Mick has absolutely no fear of SecurityBots.

Mick knows how it feels to be left alone...Remember the BlastMan scenario?

Anyway, here's what 'important meeting' the Mayor was up to. Naturally, it has to do with MegaMan escaping.

Just an aside, but it took me until this point in the game to realize that Ito rhymes with Cheeto, it isn't pronounced "eye-toe".

Well, that's convenient, at least. The barrier would have been removed so Blackbeard and Co. could go after MegaMan anyway!

Cain is, of course, curious about how MegaMan escaped. Look, the whole plan seemed to be "Stick berserk MegaMan in a CopyBot, then turn him loose on a rampage". You have three guesses as to what's wrong with that plan.

Iris Ex Machina was a contributor, though.

Mayor Cain seems to have an idea about who Iris is. Suffice to say, he's momentarily alarmed about her.

Brushing off his surprise, Cain demands MegaMan be recaptured.

Right as Lan walks in. Nice timing.

Prepare for a massive amount of exposition.

Although I have to admit, Cain's frank admission of guilt is highly amusing. "Yup, I'm evil. Surprise. Can't believe you didn't figure it out sooner, really!"

"I'm surrounded by gullible fools anyway."

Cain is polite enough to provide a detailed description of his goal and everything behind it.

Ito would love this, I'm sure. Man, it's a good thing that villain exposition can always be trusted!

I like to imagine Lan sitting down while Cain goes on and tells his story. All while Blackbeard just kind of stands there looking surly as usual.

And I'm sure baldurk is going to be thrilled that I'm uploading so many images that are about 2/3 black empty space.

Okay, I'll tell the story in more detail. About the time the current, post-Alpha Cyberworld was new, a ton of bugs gathered together.

The bugs had become sentient, much like Alpha had on its own. Cyberworld apparently just lends itself to things becoming sentient on their own. All that information and data and who knows what else, I guess.

This sounds familiar...

Cain even brings up Gospel by name. Basically, the Bug Fusion that Gospel carried out occurred naturally on its own by freak chance.

People mention frequently that Gregar looks like a Gospel ripoff. Well, your intuition was onto something right there, because apparently, bugs that get fused together naturally take the form of giant wolves. It's a brilliant tie-in.

Humans attempted to delete Gregar, but were completely unsuccessful. The original Cybeast was just too powerful. It would simply obliterate everything they threw at it, from the most powerful Navis to the most complex programs.

Some people resigned to the fact that they'd never be rid of Gregar. However, just as humanity was losing hope for dealing with Gregar...

A scientist unrelated to Dr. Tadashi Hikari, Dr. Wily, BeardMan, or any other previous scientists came to light.

The scientist worked on a program that would finally be powerful enough to counter Gregar.

He was the only hope anybody had.

After a long period of Gregar running rampant unchecked, the program was completed.

The scientist lost control of his creation, just as it began to fight Gregar.

The program ignored all commands from its creator, and began to rampage and destroy everything around it just like Gregar.

As you can probably guess, that program was code-named Falzar. The Cybeast we've had inside of MegaMan for the majority of the game was made by humans. A Synthetic Cybeast, if you will, in contrast to Gregar being the All-Natural Cybeast.

Falzar and Gregar fought each other and continued to destroy everything, Falzar making the problem even worse.

Lest we forget, the MMBN series is a bunch of JRPGs.

So Biblical symbolism is just kind of obligatory.

Meanwhile, Falzar couldn't forget its main purpose: Destroy Gregar. And so, the fighting continued on and on. One day, a particularly fierce battle erupted between the two, and they were both weakened from the tremendous effort they both put into destroying each other.

This was humanity's chance. Both Cybeasts were vulnerable, or at least relatively so. If they were going to act, it had to be then.

They sank the area Falzar and Gregar fought in, creating the CentralArea3 hole, and sealed it up behind them.

At least until Wily came around in MMBN1, but that was years later. So for a few decades, the Cyberworld was at complete peace.

And Mayor Cain is the grandson of Dr. Cain, the creator of Falzar. A nice throwback to the X series, I think, I guess anything that anyone named Cain produces is bound to go nuts.

Mayor Cain's goal is to control both Cybeasts, both for his own power to rule the world, and to show everyone how brilliant his grandfather was.

Anyway, back to the present. And the present threat of Blackbeard and Mayor Cain both going after Lan!

Lan tries to run, only for Shady to block off his escape!

Lan deserves a lot more than this, let me tell you.

Shady finally speaks again for the first time since Green Town.

Being just a bodyguard, Shady isn't on the "need to know" list.

Time for the dramatic reveal...

You see, Shady is actually a spy for the NetPolice and Official Netbattlers.

Mayor Cain finally gets what he deserves. He's been hopelessly outmaneuvered on all sides.

Public humiliation is going to ensue, oh yes.

Chaud removes his disguise at last. I imagine it was uncomfortably warm in there.

More fodder for the JudgeTree!

Afterwards, Lan asks the obvious question.

Chaud provides the obvious answer. He wasn't the only one following Lan around, you see.

Although, he goes on to sum up what we know already about the Mayor, the CultNavis, and WWW entanglement.

Anyway, to the Underground! At last!